The generalized Langevin equation with a power law memory kernel is derived via the gas/solid-surface model with fractional heat bath. Using Lapalce transformation, the dynamic evolution and long-time asymptotic behaviors of the gas particles occurring either in free or harmonic potentials are then investigated. In particular, the validity of three kinds of ergodic criteria is analyzed in detail, ...
Equivalently implementing a generalized memristor by using common components and then making a nonlinear circuit with a reliable property, are conducive to experimentally exhibit the nonlinear phenomena of the memristive chaotic circuit and show practical applications in generating chaotic signals. Firstly, based on a memristive diode bridge circuit, a new first-order actively generalized memristo...
A significant phenomenon in nature is that of collective synchronization, in which a large population of coupled oscillators spontaneously synchronizes at a common frequency. Nonlinearly coupled systems with local interactions are of special importance, in particular, the Kuramoto model in its nearest-neighbor version. In this paper the dynamics of a ring of Kuramoto phase oscillators with unidire...
The mechanical behavior of nanoporous monocrystal aluminum subjected to uniaxial compressive loading at a rate of 2109 s- 1 along [110] crystallographic orientation is studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Subjected to such a loading, nanovoids act as the effective sources of dislocation nucleation and emission, four of the twelve {111}110 slip systems may be activated. With the same strai...
Quantum Fourier transform (QFT) is a quantum analogue of the classical discrete Fourier transform. It is a fundamental quantum gate in quantum algorithms which has an exponential advantage over the classical computation and has been excessively studied. Normally, an n-qubit quantum Fourier transform could be resolved into the tensor product of n single-qubit operations, and each operation could be...
Using the fractional calculus theory, we investigate the directional transport phenomenon in a fractional logarithm coupled system under the action of a non-periodic external force. When a Brownian particle moves in the media with memory such as viscoelastic media, the system should be modeled as a nonlinear fractional logarithm coupled one. Using the method of fractional difference, we can solve ...
This paper mainly deals with the indoor wireless propagation channel under line of sight (LOS) and non-line of sight (NLOS) propagation conditions, introducing the reference model and studing the design and simulation of modeling and the relevant statistical properties. This paper will present a comprehensive and improved indoor reference channel model based on a geometric scattering model. The re...
Inverse problems in dynamics are the basic problems in astronautics, rocket dynamics, and motion planning theory, etc. Mei symmetry is a kind of new symmetry where the dynamical function in differential equations of motion still satisfies the equation's primary form under infinitesimal transformations of the group. Mei symmetry and its inverse problem of dynamics for a general holonomic system in ...
Studies on the dynamical stereochemistry of the titled reaction are carried out by the quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) method based on a new accurate 4A potential energy surface constructed by Abrahamsson and coworkers (Abrahamsson E Andersson S, Nyman G, Markovic N 2008 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10 4400) at a collision energy of 0.06 eV. The distribution p(r) of the angle between k-j' and the angl...
In this paper, we investigate theoretically the Stark deceleration and cooling of subsonic NH3 molecular beams based on our second-generation electrostatic Stark decelerator with 180 stages. Firstly, we calculate the Stark shifts of NH3 molecules in the |J=1, K=1 ightangle states and show the stable area of longitudinal phase space for different synchronous phase angles. Secondly, we study the slo...
The actual rough sea surface is described by Pierson-Moscowitz (PM) spectrum and Monte Carlo method; the composite electromagnetic scattering from the double rectangular crosssection conductor columns above the rough sea surface is investigated using the hybrid methodthe Method of Moment with the Kirchhoff approximation. Angular distribution curves of composite scattering coefficient are obtained;...
A single screen terahertz frequency selective surface (FS) using the improved split ring resonators (SRRs) is designed in this paper. The resonance unit of an improved SRR consists of an open seam metal patch, while the physical size of the open seam metal patch will directly affect the stepped impedance characteristics. In the paper, LC equivalent circuit model for the improved SRR unit structure...
Since many industrial materials have micro or submicro structures on the surface or subsurface, utrahigh-resolution is required in the inspection of these materials. Ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography uses broadband light sources to achieve axial image resolutions on the scale of a few microns. We have been investigating an ultrahigh-resolution spectral-domain optical coherence tomo...
Photonic spin Hall effect (PSHE) of light, similar to the spin Hall effect of an electronic system, is the interaction between photon spin-orbit of spin splitting phenomenon in refractive index gradient field. PSHE provides a new way to manipulate photons and accurately measure relevant physical effects. This paper studies the photon spin splitting in the magneto-optic Kerr effect, and establishes...
A diode pumped passively Q-switched 1123 nm laser is reported in this paper; and a mixed crystal Nd:LuYAG is selected as the gain medium. A large number of excellent properties from Nd:YAG are obtained, and the mixed crystal Nd:LuYAG has been used widely in all-solid-state lasers. Besides, compared with Nd:YAG, the Nd:LuYAG has some other wonderful advantages. For example, both the absorption band...
Plasma-filled slow-wave devices provide a new way to develop high efficiency and high power vacuum-electron microwave sources, but their theoretical analysis and simulation is difficult. This paper introduces the wheel spoke antenna to excite signals for analyzing the dispersion characteristics of resonant cavity with plasma-filled metallic photonic crystal slow-wave structure (SWS). Influences of...
Accurate measurement of rainfall with high spatial and temporal resolution have important significance in meteorology, hydrology, agriculture, environment, flood warning and weather forecasting, etc. Based on the rain-induced power-law attenuation, an inversion method of the path rainfall intensity is proposed by using a microwave link. Starting from the atmospheric gas absorption attenuation mode...
Acoustic propagation in shallow water is greatly influenced by the properties of the sea bottom. The dispersion characteristics of modes are relatively sensitive to the bottom parameters and have been used to invert the bottom parameters. Since the inversion error using a single wideband sound source increases with increasing range, a far distance inversion method based on the modal dispersion cur...
In order to solve the problem of robustness of beamforming algorithm with microphone array channel mismatch, an adaptive dynamic-weighted constrained least square algorithm-based microphone array robustness frequency invariant beamforming algorithm is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, by analyzing the microphone array model, with or without channel mismatch, the disadvantages of the constrained...
The energy dissipation of a disc spinning on a horizontal plane is studied, as the angle α of the coin made with the horizontal plane decreases, while the angular velocity Ω of the point of contact increases. Effect of the ratio x between the thickness and diameter of an Euler disc and the α on the energy dissipation is studied. We find, by using numerical simulation, that when x is small enough, ...
The unique optical and physical properties of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) has brought about a series of novel phenomena such as SPP-enhanced transmission, local resonance, etc., and SPP has become a research hotspot around the world. In this paper, the dispersion characteristics and modes of rectangular metal grating based on spoof surface plasmons (SSP) are studied theoretically and numerica...
Induced by the harmonically related two-color pulse, the fourth harmonic wave in the vacuum ultraviolet range has been observed in gases. The process of the fourth harmonic generation is studied. In the case of non-ionized gas, the intensity dependence on the pump pulse reveals that the fourth harmonic generation is a third-order parametric process of 2ω+ω+ω→4ω. In the case of ionized gas, the int...
Recently, Chan and his collaborators reported that a crossing point of bands can be achieved at the Brillouin zone center in two-dimensional (2D) dielectric photonic crystals (PhCs) by accidental degeneracy of modes. At the crossing point, the accidental threefold degeneracy of modes generates a Dirac cone and an additional flat band (longitudinal mode) intersecting the Dirac cone. This is differe...
In this paper, an all fiber acousto-optic tunable filter based on superimposed fiber Bragg gratings (SFBG-AOTF) is demonstrated and studied. Compared to the normal fiber Bragg gratings based all fiber acousto-optic tunable filter, SFBG-AOTF can modulate the two optical resonant wavelengths of the gratings synchronously. The spectrum of SFBG-AOTF at various acoustic frequencies and under acoustical...
The noise emitted by an underwater vehicle consists of several strong tones superimposed on a broad-band radiated noise component. Among them, the stable low-frequency tone noise induced by the reciprocating movements of the auxiliary machines in the underwater vehicle, carries characteristic information of the vehicle and is necessary for long-distance detection. Therefore, identification of the ...
Based on the principle of virtual works, a multiphase smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model is further developed from the foundation of Hu X Y et al. (2006) and Grenier N et al. (2009). In the present model, the surface tension force implementation suitable for the multiphase flows with a large density ratio is applied, and this allows a good continuity at the multiphase interface. Artificia...
The electro-osmotic flow of a non-Newtonian fluid in a slit micro-channel under the Navier's slip boundary condition is investigated. The Eyring constitutive relationship model is adopted to describe the non-Newtonian characteristics of the flow driven by the applied electric field force and pressure. In consideration of the micro-scale effects, electric field, non-Newtonian behavior and slip boun...
The variable parameters like electron destiny (ne), electron collision frequency, covered-area and thickness have been regarded as the key factors for the electromagnetic scattering characteristics of the covering target. Therefore, an air inductively coupled plasma (ICP) generator of all-quartz chamber of 20 cm × 20 cm × 7 cm without magnetic confinement and grounded metal surface of substantial ...
By analyzing the breakdown threshold obtained from effective magnitude or RMS (root mean square) of microwave field, it is pointed out that the assumption of threshold is not suitable for microwave air breakdown. Variations of effective electron temperature and breakdown threshold in microwave fields, which are studied theoretically and numerically by fluid-based plasma equations coupled with the ...
Femtosecond filament-induced breakdown spectroscopy (FIBS) is employed to qualitatively analyze the heavy metal elements (Ca, Fe and Cr) in poplar leaves, at the same age, from four representative locations in Changchun City, i.e. Changchun First Automobile Factory, Railway Station, Jingyue National Forest Park, and Changchun University of Science and Technology (CUST) in the same season. The stem...
In this paper, combined with the latest development in relevant diagnostic and modeling techniques, the intense-pulsed ion beam (IPIB) energy deposition model in solid targets is established. The power density distribution induced by IPIB is simulated by Monte Carlo method on the basis of energy balance. By taking the power density as the source term, the thermal field distribution and evolution o...
In the thermal infrared (TIR) waveband, solving the target emissivity spectrum and temperature leads to an ill-posed problem in which the number of unknown parameters is larger than that of available measurements. Generally, the approaches developed for solving this kind of problems are called, by a joint name, the TES (temperature and emissivity separation) algorithm. As is shown in the name, the...
Simulation on the properties of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of different sized hexagonal Ag nanoarrays embedded in the amorphous oxidized silicon nitride(a-SiNx:O) matrix has been carried out by using COMSOL Multiphysics and FDTD Solution simulation software. Through the calculation of the scattering and absorption cross section of Ag array with different radius, we find that the po...
Exchange coupling is one of the most important fundamental interactions in ferromagnetic systems. Understanding of the parameters in this interaction may help describe numerous properties of metal magnetic materials. However, in the localized electron theory or itinerant electron theory there are also certain difficulties when utilizing this approximation method to study magnetic ordering problems...
Piezoelectrets, also known as ferroelectrets, are space-charge electrets based polymer foams with strong piezoelectric effect. The piezoelectric effect in piezoelectrets originates from the regularly arranged dipolar space charges in the polymer matrix, achieved by properly charging the specific foam structure. The large figure of merit (FOM, d33·g33) in piezoelectrets implies that such kinds of m...
That the energy of triplet exciton in Rubrene is about half of its singlet leads to energy resonance. This resonance not only allows two triplets to annihilate into a singlet, but also makes a singlet probably fission into two triplets in different molecules. On the other hand, the π-π conjugation of two Rubrene molecules could be formed during molecules stacking, and this spatial relationship wil...
In this paper, Er3+/Eu3+ co-doped BiOCl phosphors are synthesized by the conventional solid state method at 500℃, which are characterized by XRD, SEM, absorption spectra, excitation spectra and emission spectra. XRD analysis indicates that the samples exhibit pure tetragonal phase BiOCl. In SEM pictures, the samples exhibit smooth plate-like particles. The absorption spectra indicate that Er3+/Eu3...
Semiconductor materials exhibiting large optical nonlinearities and ultrafast nonlinear response have received extensive attention because of their potential applications in optical limiting, all-optical devices, optical telecommunication, and so on. As a direct-gap II-VI bulk semiconductor, ZnSe crystal has been exploited as the nonlinear optical devices in the regimes of nanoseconds and picoseco...
The crystal field (CF)- and external magnetic field- split ground state of Dy3+ in Dy3Al5O12 (DyAG) has been calculated based on the quantum theory in this paper. The eight CF-split levels are obtained, which are all twofold degenerates and are removed by the external magnetic field. On the basis of the results, the magnetic moments and the magnetic entropy changes of DyAG are calculated in the te...
Laser-triggered magnetization dynamics for diluted magnetic semiconductor (Ga, Mn)As has drawn great attention in recent years, aiming at studying the ultrafast manipulation of collective spin excitations towards spintronic information processing. In this work, different fitting methods for time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr (TR-MOKE) study of the laser-triggered magnetization dynamics in a dilute...
The expression of the total polarization intensity of BaTiO3 nanoparticles based on Euler-Lagrange equation for ferroelectric particles and the form of the series solution of Bessel function are obtained, the influences of coefficient on the total polarization intensity are analyzed. According to the expression for the total polarization intensity, the ferroelectricity of BaTiO3 nanoparticles with...
The photoluminescence properties of InGaAsP films with a bandgap energy of 1.05 eV for quadruple-junction solar cells grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are investigated. We make the excitation intensity and temperature dependence of continuous-wave photoluminescence (cw-PL) measurements. The PL peak position is 1.1 eV at 10 K, and almost independent of the excitation power, but the integrated ...
Due to the lack of GaN substrates, hetero-epitaxial growth of GaN thin films is usually carried out on a foreign substrate. There are three kinds of substrate for GaN: sapphire, silicon carbide, and silicon; the sapphire substrate is the chief one, currently. Due to the availability of large scale and low cost of Si substrates, in recent years, extensive research has been devoted to the developmen...
Polarization state of electromagnetic waves plays a significant role in the fields of signal transmission and sensitive measurements. High-efficiently manipulating and controlling polarization state by two-dimensional flat metamaterials over a wider bandwidth has been turned into hot issues in recent years. A polarization conversion metasurface based on the split elliptical ring resonator is desig...
Magnetic coupling properties of Gd-doped ZnO nanowires are studied theoretically by using first-principles calculations. Several positions of Zn atoms that may be substituted by Gd atoms in ZnO nanowires are discussed. Numerical results show that the magnetic coupling is ferromagnetic when the two Gd atoms doped in ZnO nanowires are near each other. Injection of suitable amount of electrons can en...
Infrared (IR) photodetectors have been widely used in the fields of both civil and military applications such as environmental monitoring, medical diagnostics, satellite remote sensing and missile guidance, etc. In conventional large scale focal plane array (FPA) IR imaging, the thermal mismatch between IR photodetectors and silicon readout circuits will inevitably lead to the degradation of the d...
A major issue in organic photovoltaics (OPVs) is the poor mobility and recombination of the photogenerated charge carriers. The active layer has to be kept thin to facilitate charge transport and minimize recombination losses. However, optical losses due to inefficient light absorption in the thin active layers can be considerable in OPVs. Therefore, light trapping schemes are critically important...
A nanometer scale mechanism for micro crack propagation under uniaxial tension in single crystals is investigated using phase field crystal (PFC) simulation. The uniaxial tensile loading is strain controlled. And three initial typical stresses of pre-existing center crack in (111) crystal plane of face centered cubic structure are chosen to study the effects of initial stress state on micro-crack ...
Since metal interconnect overlayers are central components of micro/nano scaled static random access memory (SRAM), the effects of their presence on proton-induced single-event susceptibility are noteworthy. Geant4 is used to calculate the kinds and probabilities of secondary particles existing in bulk silicon, which are produced from nuclear reactions between protons of different energies (30, 10...
With the development of large-scale hydro-generators, large hydro-generator cooling technology is increasingly demanded. Different cooling method will not only affect the structure of hydro-generators, also it will affect the energy consumption and reliability of the generators. The commonly large-scale hydro-generator cooling method includes: air cooling, water cooling, and evaporative cooling me...
The research of abrupt climate change is an important field in the climate change. The rapid and accurate detection of the abrupt climate change has important practical significance and major economic-social costs, which will help us understand climate change and forecast the future evolutionary trend of the climate system. The detection results of most traditional abrupt climate change depend on ...
ZnO micro/nanowires were synthesized by chemical vapor deposition method. The morphology and structure of the products have been characterized by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence (PL) and micro-Raman scattering spectrometer, etc. Results show that the surface of the highly uniform ZnO wire is smooth and the as-synthesized ZnO wires show high crys...
We use the group theory and molecular orbital theory to systematically study the origin of magnetic moment of cation-vacancy in un-doped magnetic semiconductors, and illustrate the mechanism of exchange-coupling between magnetic moments by Heisenberg model. It is found that the magnetic moment is related to the number of unpaired electrons, and the distribution of defects energy level is correlate...
Effects of thermal stress induced by multiple through silicon vias (TSVs) on mobility and keep out zone (KOZ) are mainly discussed in this paper. It is found that the angle and pitch between TSVs have a great effect on the carrier mobility and KOZ. In this paper, the device channel direction is set along [100]. And two types of KOZ are presented, namely the variations of electron mobility are 5% a...
Superhydrophobicity of biological surfaces with micro/nanoscale hierarchical roughness has recently been given great attention and widely reported in many experimental studies due to the unique wettability. For example, the dual-scale structure of the lotus leaf not only shows high contact angle and low contact angle hysteresis but also presents good stability and mechanical properties. Though lot...
ZnSb-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 films have been deposited by magnetron co-sputtering using separated ZnSb and Ge2Sb2Te5 alloy targets. The concentrations of ZnSb dopant in the ZnSb-added Ge2Sb2Te5 films, measured by using energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), are identified to be 5.4, 9.9, 18.7 and 24.3 at. %, respectively. X-ray diffraction (XRD), in situ sheet resistance measurements, X-ray photoelectron s...