In order to solve the problem of robustness of beamforming algorithm with microphone array channel mismatch, an adaptive dynamic-weighted constrained least square algorithm-based microphone array robustness frequency invariant beamforming algorithm is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, by analyzing the microphone array model, with or without channel mismatch, the disadvantages of the constrained least square frequency invariant beamforming algorithm with channel mismatch are studied. After the probability density functions of the microphones are defined as the robustness factors and added to the constraint least square frequency invariant beamforming algorithm, the robustness is improved to a certain extent, but it is still poor. In order to further improve the robustness of the algorithm, dynamic-weighted coefficients for controlling frequency invariance in the cost function are used to regulate the sidelobe spectrum energy. The fluctuation error is defined as the ratio of the maximum to minimum value of array response formed by the same angle of arrival at different frequencies, within the frequency range of frequency invariant, to compare the proposed algorithm with the constrained least square robustness frequency invariant and minmax robustness broadband beamforming algorithm. Experimental results of the algorithms show that the fluctuation errors of the proposed algorithm are the smallest and its robustness is the best; it can effectively overcome the poor robustness of the beamforming algorithm caused by microphone array channel mismatch, and can be applied to any arbitrary array structure.
- robustness beamforming /
- frequency invariant beamforming /
- constrained least square /
- microphone array
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[1] Benesty J, Chen J, Huang Y 2008 Microphone array signal processing (Berlin: Springer) p164-166
[2] Harry L, Trees V 2002 Optimum Array Processing, part IV of Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc) p76-78
[3] Liu W, Weiss S 2010 Wideband Beamforming: Concepts and Techniques (Chichester: Wiley) p55-58
[4] Koretz A, Rafaely B 2009 IEEE Trans. Sign. Process. 57 2417
[5] Zhang X, Ser W, Zhang Z 2010 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 67 8306
[6] Zhao Y, Liu W, Langley R 2011 IET Signal Process. 5 281
[7] Zhao Y, Liu W, Langley R 2009 The 17th European Signal Processing Conference Glasgow, Scotland, 2009 p844
[8] Lakshmanan S, Balasubramaniam P 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 040204
[9] Wang Y, Wu W F, Fan Z, Liang G L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 184302 (in Chinese) [王燕, 吴文峰, 范展, 梁国龙 2013 62 184302]
[10] Wang H, Chen H, Bao Y, Li L 2012 Proceedings of IEEE 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systerms Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China 2012 p583
[11] Doclo S, Moonen M 2003 IEEE Trans. Sign. Process. 51 2511
[12] Shi J, Yang D S, Shi S G 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 124302 (in Chinese) [时洁, 杨德森, 时胜国 2012 61 124302]
[13] Wilcox D, Tsakalaki E, Kortun A, Ratnarajah T, Papadias C B, Sellathurai M 2013 IEEE J. Sel. Area. Comm. 31 571
[14] Wang L, de Lamare R C 2010 IEEE Trans. Sign. Process. 58 5408
[15] Yang D G, Li B, Wang Z T, Lian X M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 054306 (in Chinese) [杨殿阁, 李兵, 王子腾, 连小珉 2012 61 054306]
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