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Dispersion properties of plasma-filled metallic photonic crystal slow-wave structure

Fu Tao Yang Zi-Qiang Ouyang Zheng-Biao


Dispersion properties of plasma-filled metallic photonic crystal slow-wave structure

Fu Tao, Yang Zi-Qiang, Ouyang Zheng-Biao
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  • Plasma-filled slow-wave devices provide a new way to develop high efficiency and high power vacuum-electron microwave sources, but their theoretical analysis and simulation is difficult. This paper introduces the wheel spoke antenna to excite signals for analyzing the dispersion characteristics of resonant cavity with plasma-filled metallic photonic crystal slow-wave structure (SWS). Influences of parameters of the SWS and plasma density on dispersion characteristics of the SWS are studied. Results show that there is little difference in dispersion characteristics obtained by wheel spoke antenna excitation of signals and other methods without plasma filling. When plasma fills in the SWS, the frequency of zero mode is consistent with the previous results obtained by other methods. Hence, both the results with and without plasma filling demonstrate that the wheel spoke antenna signal-excitation method is effective. Moreover, decreasing the thickness of wheel spoke antenna properly and the distance between the antenna and reflection surface of the metal plate can reduce the wheel spoke antenna influence on the cavity resonance frequency. Furthermore, thicker antenna can excite the slow wave field easily, while thinner antenna can excite the resonant mode easily. Besides, the outer radius and thickness of the SWS plate have little influence on the dispersion characteristics, while the period length and the inner radius of the SWS plate have greater influence on the dispersion characteristics. In addition, the dispersion curves of frequency and phase velocity will move to higher frequency regions with the increase of plasma density. Further, the influence of plasma filling on low-order modes is greater than that on higher order modes. It is also found that the higher-order mode operation can reduce the size of cavity and the velocity of the electron beam.
      Corresponding author: Ouyang Zheng-Biao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61275043, 60877034), and the Shenzhen Bureau of China (Grant Nos. 200805, CXB201105050064A).

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  • [1]

    Liu W X, Yang Z Q, Liang Z 2004 Int. J. Infrared Milli. 25 1053


    Liu W X, Yang Z Q, Liang Z 2004 International Vacuum Electronics Conference Monterey, USA, April 27-28, 2004 p390


    Liu W X, Yang Z Q, Liang Z, Li D Z, Kazuo I, Shi Z J, Lan F, Park G S, Liu S G 2008 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 36 748


    Xie Y T, Yang L X 2011 Chin. Phy. B 20 1674


    Qi L M, Yang Z Q, Lan F, Gao X, Li D Z 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 1674


    Hou J, Hao D S, Zhou Z P 2009 Optical Technique 35 93 (in Chinese) [侯金, 郜定山, 周治平 2009 光学技术 35 93]


    Liu Y Z, Li Z Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 37 658 (in Chinese) [刘娅钊, 李志远 2008 37 658]


    Qi L M, Yang Z Q, Gao X, Liang Z 2007 Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 24 529 (in Chinese) [亓丽梅, 杨梓强, 高喜, 梁正 2007 量子电子学报 24 529]


    Qi L M, Fu Tao, Yang Z Q, Yin S R 2012 Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 29 513 (in Chinese) [亓丽梅, 傅涛, 杨梓强, 殷淑容 2012 量子电子学报 29 513]


    Gao X, Yang Z Q, Qi L M, Lan F, Shi Z J, Li D Z, Liang Z 2009 Chin. Phy. B 18 2452


    Gao X, Yang Z Q, Hou J, Qi L M, Lan F, Shi Z J, Li D Z, Liang Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1105 (in Chinese) [高喜, 杨梓强, 候钧, 亓丽梅, 兰峰, 史宗君, 李大治, 梁正 2009 58 1105]


    Fu T, Yang Z Q, Shi Z J, Lan F, Gao X 2012 Acta Electronic Sinic 40 538 (in Chinese) [傅涛, 杨梓强, 史宗君, 兰峰, 高喜 2012 电子学报 40 538]


    Fu T, Yang Z Q, Shi Z J, Lan F, Li D Z, Gao X 2013 Phys. Plasma 20 023109


    Fu T, Yang Z Q, Lan F, Shi Z J 2014 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 26 043001 (in Chinese) [傅涛, 杨梓强, 兰峰, 史宗君 2014 强激光与粒子束 26 043001]


    Liu S G, Li H F, Wang W X 1985 Introduction to Microwave Electronics (Beijing:National Defence Industry Press) p117-118 (in Chinese) [刘盛纲, 李宏福, 王文祥 1985 微波电子学导论 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第 117–118 页]


    Carmel Y, Guo H, Lou W R, Abe D, Granatstein V L, Destler W W 1990 Appl. Phys. Lett. 57 1304


    Guo H Z, Carmel Y, Lou W R, Chen L, Rodgers J, Abe D K, Bromborsky A, Destler W, Granatstein V L 1992 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 40 2086


    Gao X, Yang Z Q, Xu Y, Qi L M, Li D Z, Shi Z J, Lan F, Liang Z 2008 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 592 292

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  • Received Date:  05 February 2015
  • Accepted Date:  25 March 2015
  • Published Online:  05 September 2015

