Since the earth is approximately a sphere, the sound speed equivalent surface on the range-depth plane is not a parallel plane, but a concentric sphere at a long distance. Therefore, for a long-range sound propagation, the effect of the curvature of the earth cannot be ignored. In this paper, conformal mapping is used to propose a method of earth curvature correction without changing the existing sound field calculation model, and has the characteristics of good portability and simple calculation. The simulation results in a typical environment show that because of the earth curvature, the location of the convergence zone moves toward the sound source, and its movement can reach 10 km at 1000 km in distance. Before and after the earth curvature correction, the transmission loss difference can reach up to 15 dB at a particular location. Through the analysis of the simulation results in four typical sound speed profiles in Northwest Pacific Ocean, it is found that the movement of the convergence zone and the distance change are approximately linear, and the movement of the convergence zone increases by about 1km for every increase of the propagation distance by 100 km. For deep-sea channel propagation, the earth curvature will cause the arrival structure to move forward as a whole on the time axis, and the degree of the forward motion will gradually increase with the distance increasing. At 1000 km, the amplitude of the forward motion can reach 136 ms. In addition, the earth curvature will also cause the depth and time extension of the arrival structure. For the received time-domain waveform at a certain depth, there is a big difference between before and after the earth curvature correction. The modified results from different earth approximation models show that the accuracy of the calculation can be satisfied by approximating the earth as a standard sphere.
- earth curvature /
- sound propagation /
- convergence zone /
- arrival structure
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图 13 西北太平洋四类典型声速剖面的200 m深度的传播损失 (a)Ⅰ型声速剖面的传播损失; (b) Ⅱ型声速剖面的传播损失; (c) Ⅲ型声速剖面的传播损失; (d) Ⅳ型声速剖面的传播损失
Figure 13. TLs at a depth of 200 m in four types of typical sound speed profiles in the Northwest Pacific: (a) TLs of type Ⅰ sound speed profile; (b) TLs of type Ⅱ sound speed profile; (c) TLs of type Ⅲ sound speed profile; (d) TLs of type Ⅳ sound speed profile.
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[3] 吴丽丽 2017 博士学位论文 (北京: 中国科学院声学研究所)
Wu L L 2017 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: The Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)
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Zhong Y Q 2012 Complex Analysis (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p268 (in Chinese)
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Wang Y L, Gao J H, Li J, Zhang F R, Zheng H L 2013 Marine Science Bulletin 32 1
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[26] Locarnini R A, Mishonov A V, Baranova O K, Boyer T P, Zweng M M, Garcia H E, Reagan J R, Seidov D, Weathers K, Paver C R, Smolyar I 2018 World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 1: Temperature 81 52
[27] Zweng M M, Reagan J R, Seidov D, Boyer T P, Locarnini R A, Garcia H E, Mishonov A V, Baranova O K, Weathers K, Paver C R, Smolyar I 2018 World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 2: Salinity 82 50
[28] Jensen F B, Kuperman W A, Porter M B, Schmidt H 2011 Computational Ocean Acoustics (2nd Ed.) (New York: Springer) p638
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