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Research progress of tin oxide-based thin films and thin-film transistors prepared by sol-gel method

Liu Xian-Zhe Zhang Xu Tao Hong Huang Jian-Lang Huang Jiang-Xia Chen Yi-Tao Yuan Wei-Jian Yao Ri-Hui Ning Hong-Long Peng Jun-Biao


Research progress of tin oxide-based thin films and thin-film transistors prepared by sol-gel method

Liu Xian-Zhe, Zhang Xu, Tao Hong, Huang Jian-Lang, Huang Jiang-Xia, Chen Yi-Tao, Yuan Wei-Jian, Yao Ri-Hui, Ning Hong-Long, Peng Jun-Biao
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) films and transparent oxide semiconductor (TOS) films have been widely adopted in solar cells, flat panel displays, smart windows, and transparent flexible electronic devices due to their advantages of high transparency and good conductivity and so on. Most of TCO and TOS films are mainly derived from indium oxide, zinc oxide and tin oxide. Among these materials, the In element is toxic, rare and expensive for indium oxide film, which will cause environmental pollution; zinc oxide film is sensitive to acid or alkali etchants, resulting in a poor formation of film patterning; tin oxide film is not only non-toxic, eco-friendly, and cheap but also has good electrical properties and strong chemical stability. Thus, tin oxide has a great potential for developing the TCO and TOS films. At present, the film is prepared mainly by the vacuum deposition technique. The drawbacks of this technique are complex and expensive equipment system, high energy consumption, complicated process and high-cost production. However, compared with the vacuum deposition technique, the sol-gel method has attracted extensive attention because of its virtues such as simple process and low cost. In this paper, we review the development status and trend of TCO and TOS films. First, the structural characteristics, conductive mechanism, element doping theory and carrier scattering mechanism of tin oxide thin films are introduced. Then the principle of sol-gel method and correlative film fabrication techniques are illustrated. Subsequently, the application and development of tin oxide-based thin films prepared by sol-gel method in n-type transparent conductive films, thin-film transistors and p-type semiconductor films in recent years are described. Finally, current problems and future research directions are also pointed out.
      Corresponding author: Tao Hong, ; Ning Hong-Long,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Major project of Basic and Applied Basic Research in Guangdong Province, China(Grant No. 2019B030302007), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51771074, 61574061), Major Integration Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.U1601651), Guangzhou Science and Technology Project, China (Grant No. 201904010344), Special Funds for Basic Scientific Research Operating Expenses of Central Universities, China (Grant No. 2019MS012), Special Fund for "Climbing Plan" of Science and Technology Innovation Cultivation for Guangdong University Students in 2019 (Grant Nos. pdjh2019a0028, pdjh2019b0041), National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students (Grant Nos. 201910561005, 201910561007), and the South China University of Technology BaiBu Ladder Climbing Program Research Project (Grant Nos. j2tw201902475, j2tw201902203).

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  • 图 1  氧化锡 (a) 晶体结构; (b) XRD图谱[22]; (c) 能带结构[23]; (d) 能带结构示意图[7]

    Figure 1.  SnO2: (a) Crystalline structure; (b) XRD pattern[22]; (c) band structure[23]; (d) band structure schematic[7].

    图 2  氧化锡内部不同本征点缺陷的形成能[26]

    Figure 2.  Formation energy of intrinsic point defects in SnO2[26].

    图 3  不同半导体的能带图 (a)本征半导体; (b) n型掺杂半导体; (c) p型掺杂半导体

    Figure 3.  The energy band schematic of semiconductors: (a) intrinsic (b) n type; (c) p type.

    图 4  晶界散射和电离杂质散射机制示意图[31]

    Figure 4.  The schematic of grain boundary scattering and ionized impurity scattering mechanism[31].

    图 5  溶胶-凝胶技术原理[33]

    Figure 5.  The overview of the sol-gel technologies[33].

    图 6  (a) 旋涂法[35]; (b) 喷雾热解法[36]; (c) 浸涂法[37]; (d) 喷墨打印法[38]

    Figure 6.  The solution-processed fabrication techniques of thin film: (a) Spin coating[35]; (b) spray pyrolysis[36]; (c) dip coating[37]; (d) inkjet print[38].

    图 7  在不同SnF2浓度下 (a) FTO薄膜 (110) 晶面衍射的半峰宽和晶粒尺寸的变化和 (b) FTO薄膜的电阻率、载流子浓度和迁移率的变化[52]

    Figure 7.  (a) Variation of full-width-at-half-maximum and grain size estimated along (1 1 0) diffraction and (b) electrical resistivity, carrier concentration and Hall mobility of the FTO films as a function of SnF2 concentration, 0–10 mol%[52].

    图 8  不同Sb掺杂浓度下 (a) 方阻和电阻率的变化和 (b) 迁移率和载流子浓度的变化[56]

    Figure 8.  The variation of (a) Sheet resistance and resistivity and (b) Hall mobility and carrier concentration for ATO film with different Sb concentrations[56].

    图 9  在不同掺杂浓度下SnO2基TCOs薄膜的电学性能变化 (a) Ta[57]; (b) Nb[58]; (c) Pr[59]; (d) W[60]

    Figure 9.  The variation of electrical properties for SnO2-based TCOs films with different dopants concentrations: (a) Ta[57]; (b) Nb[58]; (c) Pr[59]; (d) W[60].

    图 10  (a) 不同浓度SnO2薄膜的厚度和电学性能[63]; (b) SnO2薄膜的XRD图谱和TFT的转移特性曲线[64]; (c) Ga掺杂SnO2的TFT示意图及其转移特性曲线[65]

    Figure 10.  (a) The thickness and electrical properties of SnO2 films with different concentration[63]; (b) the XRD pattern of SnO2 film and the transfer characteristic curve of SnO2 TFT[64]; (c) the schematic cross-sectional diagram of Ga doped SnO2 TFT and corresponding transfer characteristic curve[65].

    图 11  (a) 不同锡前驱体溶液的热重分析曲线[69]; (b) 不同原子的标准电极电位、带隙和电负性[70]; (c) 不同氧化物介电材料的高介电常数和能带值[71]; (d) 在标准条件下, 高介电常数的氧化物吸湿反应的吉布斯能量变化[71]

    Figure 11.  (a) Thermogravimetric analyses curves of various Sn precursors[69]; (b) standard electrode potential, bandgap, and electronegativity of In, Zn, Sn, and carrier suppressible atoms[70]; (c) permittivity and band gap for different oxide dielectrics[71]; (d) Gibbs energy changes for moisture absorption reactions in high permittivity oxides under standard conditions[71].

    图 12  不同掺杂浓度SnO2基薄膜的透过率图谱 (a) Ga掺杂SnO2[75]; (b) Co掺杂SnO2[81]; (c) Mn掺杂SnO2[80]; (d) 不同掺杂浓度下Mg掺杂SnO2薄膜的光学吸收图谱[79]

    Figure 12.  The transmittance spectra of SnO2-based films with different dopant concentration: (a) Ga doped SnO2[75]; (b) Co doped SnO2[81]; (c) Mn doped SnO2[80]; (d) the optical absorption spectra of Mg-doped SnO2 thin films with different concentration[79].

    图 13  p-n结的电流-电压特性曲线 (a) SnO2:Ga/ZnO:Al[75]; (b) SnO2:Ga/SnO2:Si[82]

    Figure 13.  The current–voltage characteristics curve of p-n heterojunction: (a) SnO2:Ga/ZnO:Al[75]; SnO2:Ga/SnO2:Si[82].

    表 1  不同卤素元素的电负性、X—H和X—Sn键解离能和原子半径[31,50]

    Table 1.  The electronegativity, BDE of X—H and X— Sn, atomic radius for halogen elements[31,50].

    BDE of X-H/kJ·mol–1Atomic radius/nmBDE of X-Sn/kJ·mol–1
    BDE: Bond dissociation energy
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  不同元素掺杂SnO2薄膜的电学参数和透过率

    Table 2.  The electrical parameters and transmittance of SnO2 thin films with different dopants.

    Doping elementsConductivity/Ω–1·cm–1Carrier density /cm–3Hall Mobility /cm2·V–1·s–1Transmittance/%TechniqueRef.
    F0.33 × 1032.62 × 10207.9686spray pyrolysis[51]
    F1.43 × 1031.10 × 10218.190dip-coating[52]
    Li, F2.70 × 1035.62 × 102029.170spray pyrolysis[53]
    P, F4.0 × 1058.30 × 10260.003286spray pyrolysis[54]
    Sb0.36 × 1036.37 × 10210.34761spin-coating[55]
    Sb3.50 × 1031.68 × 102112.03spray pyrolysis[56]
    Ta0.50 × 1031.30 × 102029.2680spray pyrolysis[57]
    Pr0.26 × 1038.70 × 101918.7580spray pyrolysis[59]
    W0.17 × 1037.60 × 101914.290dip-coating[60]
    Nb0.23 × 1035.00 × 10192570spray pyrolysis[61]
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  溶液法制备SnO2基TFTs的电学性能

    Table 3.  Electrical properties of solution-processed SnO2-based TFTs.

    SoluteDopantConcentration /mol·L–1SubstrateChannel thickness/nmAnnealing temperature /℃Mobility /cm2·V–1·s–1Ion/IoffSS/V·dec–1Ref.
    SnCl2·2H2O0.02SiO2/Si3.850011.26.8 × 1060.78[63]
    SnCl2·2H2O0.167HfO2/Mo9.230099.161.7 × 1080.114[64]
    0.12SiO2/Si4004.16.6 × 1060.77[65]
    SnCl2·2H2O0.03SiO2/Si50012.185 × 1071.17[66]
    C16H30O4Sn0.5Al2O3/ITO1535096.42.2 × 1060.26[68]
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    表 4  溶液法制备p型SnO2基薄膜的电学性能

    Table 4.  Electrical properties of solution-processed p type SnO2-based films.

    Hall Mobility
    SnCl2·2H2OAlCl33.6 × 10–26.7 × 101825.904.11spray pyrolysis[74]
    SnCl2·2H2OGa(NO3)3·H2O1.61.70 × 10186.343.83spin-coating[75]
    SnCl2·2H2OInCl3·4H2O20.41.85 × 10171.573.8dip-coating[76]
    SnCl2·2H2OInCl3·4H2O, GaCl30.179.5 × 101739.23.38spray pyrolysis[77]
    SnCl2·2H2OFeCl3·6H2O6601.4 × 10156.753.75dip-coating[78]
    SnCl2·2H2OMgCl2·6H2O2.5 × 10410141.63.73spin-coating[79]
    SnCl2·2H2OMnCl2359.16.72 × 10146.143.85dip-coating[80]
    SnCl2·2H2OCoCl2·6H2O1401.47 × 10158.253.81spin-coating[81]
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  • [1]

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    Choi Y J, Gong S C, Johnson D C, Golledge S, Yeom G Y, Park H H 2013 Appl. Surf. Sci. 269 92Google Scholar


    Park J W, Kang B H, Kim H J 2020 Adv. Funct. Mater. 30 1904632Google Scholar


    Ning H L, Liu X Z, Ruan H G, Peng C, Huang F X, Deng Y X, Yuan W J, Yao R H, Qiu B, Wang X F, Peng J B 2019 AIP Adv. 9 11Google Scholar


    Salmani E, Laghrissi A, Lamouri R, Rouchdi M, Dehmani M, Ez-Zahraouy H, Hassanain N, Mzerd A, Benyoussef A 2018 Opt. Quantum Electron. 50 85Google Scholar


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    NI J M, Zhao X J, Zheng X L, Zhao J 2009 Zhenkong Kexue Yu Jishu Xuebao 29 531Google Scholar


    望咏林, 颜悦, 沈玫, 贺会权, 张官理 2006 材料导报 20 317Google Scholar

    Wang Y L, Yan Y, Shen M, He H Q, Zhang G L 2006 Mater. Rev. 20 317Google Scholar


    刘宏燕, 颜悦, 望咏林, 伍建华, 张官理, 厉蕾 2015 航空材料学报 35 63

    Liu H Y, Yan Y, Wang Y L, Wu J H, Zhang G L, Li L J. Aeronaut. Mater. 35 63 (in Chinese)


    王立坤, 郁建元, 王丽, 牛孝友, 付晨, 邱茹蒙, 晏伟静, 赵洪力 2018 硅酸盐学报 46 590

    Wang L K, Yu J Y, Wang L, Niu X Y, Fu C, Qiu Y M, Yan W J, Zhao H L 2018 J. Chin. Ceram. Soc. 46 590


    Noguchi S, Sakata H 1980 J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 13 1129Google Scholar


    Galceran Mestres M, Pujol Baiges M C, Aguiló Díaz M 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Tarragona: Universitat Rovira i Virgili.)


    武志刚, 高建峰 2010 精细化工 027 21

    Wu Z G, Gao J F 2010 Fine Chem. 027 21


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  • Received Date:  02 May 2020
  • Accepted Date:  19 June 2020
  • Available Online:  09 November 2020
  • Published Online:  20 November 2020

