The 1.8–2.0 μm waveband contains abundant absorption lines of water, which are much stronger than those in the traditional 1.3–1.5 μm waveband, exhibiting huge potentials for absorption spectrum applications of water. In the hyperspectral absorption spectrum, physical parameters of the target molecule can be derived from lots of absorption lines within a broadband scanning range, achieving the results more robust, accurate and versatile than the results from the conventional tunable diode laser absorption spectrum in which only one or two absorption lines are used. The key to hyperspectral absorption is the development of broadband tunable, narrow linewidth laser sources emitting in the wavelength range of interest. With a tunable fiber FP filter and a fiber saturable absorber, a Tm-doped fiber laser is established, featuring broadband tenability and narrow linewidth. Taking advantage of the re-absorption characteristics of Tm-doped silica fibers, a wavelength tuning range covering 60 nm from 1910–1970 nm is obtained through the appropriately designing of the active fiber length. The measured laser linewidth at steady state is smaller than 0.1 nm, which is suitable for water absorption spectrum. Hyperspectral absorption measurements of water in air and alcohol flame are conducted. In room-temperature air, more than 40 absorption lines are recognized within a tuning range of 1910–1965 nm, while, in alcohol flame, the number of detected lines reaches about 50. Comparison with the HITRAN2016 database gives a laser linewidth of about 0.06 nm which is very close to the static linewidth measured by an OSA. The temperature of the air is derived to be 298 K with a water mole fraction of about 2%, which is consistent with the measurement of the hygrothermograph. And the calculation indicates an alcohol flame temperature of about 1220 K, which is very close to the measurement result of the thermocouple.
- hyperspectral absorption /
- tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy /
- fiber saturable absorber /
- Tm-doped fiber laser
[1] Goldenstein C S, Spearrin R M, Jeffries J B, Hanson R K 2017 Prog. Energ. Combust. Sci. 60 132
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图 3 宽带可调谐窄线宽掺铥光纤激光器光路结构图 WDM, 波分复用器; TDF, 掺铥光纤; ISO, 隔离器; FP filter, 可调谐FP滤波器; OC, 输出耦合器; FSA, 光纤可饱和吸收体
Figure 3. Optical path diagram of the broadband tunable narrow linewidth Tm-doped fiber laser: WDM, wavelength division multiplexer; TDF, Tm-doped fiber; ISO, isolator; FP filter, tunable FP filter; OC, output coupler; FSA, fiber saturable absorber.
图 11 吸收光谱实验数据一阶导数与不同激光线宽下的理论模拟数据一阶导数对比 (a) 不同激光线宽下的均方根残差分布; (b) 1941 nm附近的实测数据对比
Figure 11. Comparison between first derivatives of the measured and theoretical absorption spectra under different laser linewidths: (a) RMSE distribution at different laser linewidths; (b) comparison of measured data around 1941 nm.
[1] Goldenstein C S, Spearrin R M, Jeffries J B, Hanson R K 2017 Prog. Energ. Combust. Sci. 60 132
[2] Bolshov M A, Kuritsyn Y A, Romanovskii Y V 2015 Spectrochim. Acta B 106 45
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[3] Hanson R K, Davidson D F 2014 Prog. Energ. Combust. Sci. 44 103
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[4] Gordon I E, Rothman L S, Hill C, et al. 2017 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 203 3
Google Scholar
[5] Regalia L, Oudot C, Mikhailenko S, Wang L, Thomas X, Jenouvrier A, Von der Heyden P 2014 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 136 119
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[6] Barber R J, Tennyson J, Harris G J, Tolchenov R N 2006 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 368 1087
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[7] Liu X, Zhou X, Jeffries J B, Hanson R K 2007 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 103 565
Google Scholar
[8] 许振宇, 刘文清, 刘建国, 何俊峰, 姚路, 阮俊, 陈玖英, 李晗, 袁松, 耿辉, 阚瑞峰 2012 61 234204
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Xu Z Y, Liu W Q, Liu J G, He J F, Yao L, Ruan J, Chen J Y, Li H, Yuan S, Geng H, Kan R F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 234204
Google Scholar
[9] 张亮, 刘建国, 阚瑞峰, 刘文清, 张玉钧, 许振宇, 陈军 2012 61 034214
Google Scholar
Zhang L, Liu J G, Kan R F, Liu W Q, Zhang Y J, Xu Z Y, Chen J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 034214
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[10] 陶波, 胡志云, 王晟, 叶景峰, 赵新艳, 叶锡生 2014 工程热 35 4
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Tao B, Hu Z Y, Wang S, Ye J F, Zhao X Y, Ye X S 2014 J. Eng. Thermophys. 35 4
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[11] Wang F, Wu Q, Huang Q, Zhang H, Yan J, Cen K 2015 Opt. Commun. 346 53
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[12] Hunsmann S, Wunderle K, Wagner S, Rascher U, Schurr U, Ebert V 2008 Appl. Phys. B 92 393
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[13] Witzel O, Klein A, Wagner S, Meffert C, Schulz C, Ebert V 2012 Appl. Phys. B 109 521
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[14] Caswell A W, Kraetschmer T, Rein K, Sanders S T, Roy S, Shouse D T, Gord J R 2010 Appl. Opt. 49 4963
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[15] Li F, Yu X, Gu H, Li Z, Zhao Y, Ma L, Chen L, Chang X 2011 Appl. Opt. 50 6697
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[16] 张步强, 徐振宇, 刘建国, 姚路, 阮俊, 胡佳屹, 夏晖晖, 聂伟, 袁峰, 阚瑞峰 2019 68 233301
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Zhang B Q, Xu Z Y, Liu J G, Yao L, Ruan J, Hu J Y, Xia H H, Nie W, Yuan F, Kan R F 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 233301
Google Scholar
[17] Huber R, Wojtkowski M, Taira K, Fujimoto J G 2005 Opt. Express 13 3513
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[18] Huber R, Wojtkowski M, and Fujimoto J G 2006 Opt. Express 14 3225
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[19] Kranendonk L A, An X, Caswell A W, Herold R E, Sanders S T, Huber R, Fujimoto J G, Okura Y, Urata Y 2007 Opt. Express 15 15115
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[20] Caswell A W, Roy S, An X, Sanders S T, Schauer F R, Gord J R 2013 Appl. Opt. 52 2893
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[21] Ma L, Li X, Sanders S T, Caswell A W, Roy S R, Plemmons D H, Gord J R 2013 Opt. Express 21 1152
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[22] Zhou X, Liu X, Jeffries J B, Hanson R K 2003 Meas. Sci. Technol. 14 1459
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[23] 符鹏飞, 超星, 侯凌云, 王振海, 孟庆慧 2019 工程热 40 2176
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Fu P F, Chao X, Hou L Y, Wang Z H, Meng Q H 2019 J. Eng. Thermophys. 40 2176
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[24] 陶蒙蒙, 陶波, 余婷, 王振宝, 冯国斌, 叶锡生 2016 红外与激光工程 45 1205002
Google Scholar
Tao M M, Tao B, Yu T, Wang Z B, Feng G B, Ye X S 2016 Infrar. Laser Eng. 45 1205002
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[25] Tao M, Tao B, Hu Z, Feng G, Ye X, Zhao J 2017 Opt. Express 25 32386
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[26] 陶蒙蒙, 陶波, 叶景峰, 沈炎龙, 黄珂, 叶锡生, 赵军 2020 69 034205
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Tao M M, Tao B, Ye J F, Shen Y L, Huang K, Ye X S, Zhao J 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 034205
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[27] Jackson S D, King T A 1999 J. Lightwave Tehcnol. 17 948
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[28] Jackson S D, King T A 1998 Opt. Lett. 23 1462
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[29] Schulze G, Jirasek A, Yu M M L, Lim A, Turner R F B, Blades M W 2005 Appl. Spectrosc. 59 545
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