UV photodetectors have the advantages of high sensitivity and fast response speed. As an ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor, gallium oxide (Ga2O3) plays an extremely important role in detecting deep ultraviolet. It can form a typical type-II heterostructure with GaSe, promoting carrier separation and transport. In this work, Ga2O3 epitaxial films are grown on sapphire substrates by plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The GaSe films and GaSe/β-Ga2O3 heterojunction photodetectors are grown on gallium oxide films by Bridgeman technology. The detector has a good response to deep ultraviolet light, the dark current of the device is only 1.83 pA at 8 V, and the photocurrent reaches 6.5 nA at 254 nm. The UVC/Visible (254 nm/600 nm) has a high rejection ratio of about 354. At very small light intensities, the responsivity and detection can reach 1.49 mA/W and 6.65 × 1011 Jones, respectively. At the same time, due to the photovoltaic effect formed by the space charge region at the junction interface, the detector exhibits self-powered supply performance at zero bias voltage, and the open-circuit voltage is 0.2 V. In addition, the detector has a very good sensitivity. The device can respond quickly, whether it is irradiated with different light intensities under constant voltage, or with different voltages under constant light intensity. It can respond within milliseconds under a bias voltage of 10 V. This work demonstrates the enormous potential of heterojunctions in photoelectric detection by analyzing the photophysical and interface physical issues involved in heterojunction photodetectors, and provides a possibility for detecting the deep ultraviolet of gallium oxide.
- photoelectric detector /
- Ga2O3 /
- GaSe /
- self-power
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图 2 (a) GaSe薄膜XRD图; (b) Ga2O3薄膜XRD图; (c) Ga2O3薄膜表面SEM图; (d) GaSe表面SEM图; (e) Ga2O3上生长GaSe的断面SEM图; (f) 蓝宝石上生长Ga2O3而未生长GaSe的断面SEM图; (g) GaSe, β-Ga2O3薄膜和GaSe/β-Ga2O3异质结的吸收光谱曲线图; (h) GaSe薄膜的(αhυ) 2-hυ曲线图; (i) Ga2O3薄膜的(αhυ) 2-hυ曲线图
Figure 2. (a) XRD of GaSe films; (b) XRD of Ga2O3 films; (c) SEM images of Ga2O3 films; (d) SEM images of GaSe surfaces; (e) cross-sectional SEM images of GaSe grown on Ga2O3; (f) cross-sectional SEM images of Ga2O3 grown without GaSe on sapphire; (g) absorption spectra of GaSe, β-Ga2O3 films and GaSe/β-Ga2O3 heterojunctions; (h) (αhυ)2-hυ curves of GaSe films; (i) (αhυ)2-hυ curves of Ga2O3 films.
图 3 (a) 基于异质结的PD在具有不同光强度的254 nm光的黑暗和照明下的半对数I-V曲线图; (b) 光电探测器在黑暗和光照下的响应曲线图; (c) Ga2O3薄膜在黑暗和光照下的响应曲线图; (d) GaSe在黑暗和光照下的响应曲线图; (e) 0 V电压下光电探测器在不同光强的I-t曲线图; (f) 强度为365.3 μW/cm2的254 nm光照下的不同偏置电压下光开关I-t曲线图; (g) 在10 V、强度为365.3 μW/cm2的254 nm光照下拟合响应时间图; (h) 在10 V、强度为348.3 μW/cm2的365 nm光照下拟合响应时间图
Figure 3. (a)The semi log I-V curves of the heterojunction-based PD under dark and illumination of 254 nm light with various light intensities; the semi log I-V curves under darkness and light of (b) photodetector, (c) Ga2O3 film, (d) GaSe; I-t curves with light on/off switching at (e) 0 V under various light intensities and (f) various bias voltages under 254 nm light illumination with an intensity of 365.3 μW/cm2; fitting response times under (g) 254 nm light illumination with an intensity of 365.3 μW/cm2 at 10 V, (h) 365 nm light illumination with an intensity of 348.3 μW/cm2 at 10 V.
表 1 氧化镓基光电探测器性能比较
Table 1. Comparison of the performances of Ga2O3-based photodetectors
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[1] Xi Z Y, Liu Z, Yang L L, Tang K, Li L, Shen G H, Zhang M L, Li S, Guo Y F, Tang W H 2023 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 15 40744
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[2] Lee S H, Kim S B, Moon Y J, Kim S M, Jung H J, Seo M S, Lee K M, Kim S K, Lee S W 2017 ACS Photon. 4 2937
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[3] Tang X, Li K H, Zhao Y, Sui Y, Liang H, Liu Z, Liao C H, Babatain W, Lin R, Wang C, Lu Y, Alqatari F S, Mei Z, Tang W, Li X 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14 1304
[4] Wang Y H, Yang Z, Li H, Li S, Zhi Y, Yan Z, Huang X, Wei X, Tang W H, Wu Z 2020 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 47714
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