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Analysis of vibration correction performance of vibration sensor for absolute gravity measurement

Wen Yi Wu Kang Wang Li-Jun


Analysis of vibration correction performance of vibration sensor for absolute gravity measurement

Wen Yi, Wu Kang, Wang Li-Jun
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  • Absolute gravity measurement refers to the measurement of the absolute value of gravitational acceleration (g, approximately 9.8 m/s2). The precision of absolute gravity measurement is limited mainly by vibration noises. Vibration correction is a simple and feasible way to deal with vibration noises, which corrects the measurement results by detecting vibration noises with a sensor. At present, the vibration correction performance of different sensors lacks systematic analysis and evaluation. In this paper, the theoretical analysis of how the sensor characteristics affect the correction performance is carried out. The vibration correction performances of three sensors, two different seismometers and one accelerometer, are evaluated experimentally in the three cases with different vibration noises. The experimental results show that the correction precision obtained by using low-noise seismometer is limited mainly by its bandwidth and range. In case I i.e. the quiet environment, the standard deviation of corrected results obtained by using both seismometers can reach tens of μGal (1 μGal = 10–8 m/s2), which is close to that obtained by using an ultra-low-frequency vibration isolator. However, in case II i.e. the noisy environment, the standard deviation of corrected results obtained by both seismometers increase to hundreds of μGal due to the enhancement of high-frequency vibration components. This means that the correction performances of both seismometers deteriorate, and the performance of seismometer with narrower bandwidth turns even worse. Moreover, two seismometers cannot even work in case III with stronger vibration noises due to the range limitation. On the other hand, the correction precision obtained by using accelerometer is affected mainly by its resolution which is on the order of mGal (1mGal = 10–5 m/s2). Its bandwidth can reach hundreds of or even thousands of hertz and its range is generally over ±2 g, which is large enough to meet the needs for noisy and dynamic applications. In case I, the standard deviation after correction with accelerometer is larger than that before correction. This is because the intensity of vibration noises in this case is close to or even smaller than the self-noise of accelerometer so that it could not be detected effectively by accelerometer. In case II, the resolution of accelerometer is sufficient to detect the vibration noises effectively. The standard deviation of the results is reduced from 2822 μGal to 1374 μGal after correction with accelerometer, and equal to a precision of 0.1 mGal after 100 drops. In case III where the amplitude of vibration noise rises to 0.1 m/s2 and seismometer cannot work, the accelerometer could still achieve a precision of 0.3 mGal after 100 drops. The systematic deviation is corrected from –1158 mGal to –285 μGal and the standard deviation is reduced from 34 mGal to 3.3 mGal. Therefore, the low-noise seismometer is more suitable for vibration correction in a quiet environment with stable foundation, which could realize a standard deviation superior to hundreds of μGal, while the accelerometer is more appropriate for vibration correction in a complex or dynamic environment, which could achieve a standard deviation of mGal-level. Finally, the present results and analysis provide a theoretical guidance for selecting and designing the sensors in vibration correction applications.
      Corresponding author: Wu Kang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61627824, 41604151)

    Marson I, Faller J 1986 J. Phys. E:Sci. Instrum. 19 22Google Scholar


    Faller J 2003 Metrologia 39 425Google Scholar


    Faller J 2005 J. Res. Nat. Inst. Stand. Technol. 110 559Google Scholar


    Marson I 2012 Int. J. Geophys. 2012 687813Google Scholar


    Niebauer T M, Sasagawa G S, Faller J E, Hilt R, Klopping F 1995 Metrologia 32 159Google Scholar


    胡华, 伍康, 申磊, 李刚, 王力军 2012 61 099101Google Scholar

    Hu H, Wu K, Shen L, Li G, Wang L J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 099101Google Scholar


    Saulson P R 1984 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 55 1315Google Scholar


    Haubrich R A, McCamy K 1969 Rev. Geophys. 7 539Google Scholar


    Sorrells G G, Douze E J 1974 J. Geophys. Res. 79 4908Google Scholar


    Cessaro R K 1994 Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 84 142Google Scholar


    Timmen L, Rder R H, Schnüll M 1993 Bulletin Géodésique 67 71Google Scholar


    Svitlov S 2012 Metrologia 49 706Google Scholar


    Wen Y, Wu K, Guo M Y, Wang L J 2021 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 70 1003607Google Scholar


    Rinker R, Faller J 1981 Proceedings of Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, June 8–12, 1981 p411


    Brown J M, Niebauer T M, Klingele E 2001 Int. Assoc. Geod. Symp. 123 223Google Scholar


    Wang G, Hu H, Wu K, Wang L J 2017 Meas. Sci. Technol. 28 035001Google Scholar


    Qian J, Wang G, Wu K, Wang L J 2018 Meas. Sci. Technol. 29 025005Google Scholar


    许翱鹏 2016 博士学位论文 (浙江: 浙江大学)

    Xu A P 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Zhejiang: Zhejiang University) (in Chinese)


    Le Gouët J, Mehlstäubler T, Kim J, Merlet S, Clairon A, Landragin A, Pereira dos Santos F 2008 Appl. Phys. B 92 133Google Scholar


    Merlet S, Le Gouët J, Bodart Q, Clairon A, Landragin A, Pereira dos Santos F, Rouchon P 2009 Metrologia 46 87Google Scholar


    Baumann H 2012 Geophys. Prospect. 6 361Google Scholar


    Bidel Y, Zahzam N, Blanchard C, Bonnin A, Cadoret M, Bresson A, Rouxel D, Lequentrec-Lalancette M F 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 627Google Scholar


    Bidel Y, Zahzam N, Bresson A, Blanchard C, Cadoret M, Olesen A V, Forsberg R 2020 J. Geod. 94 20Google Scholar


    程冰, 周寅, 陈佩军, 张凯军, 朱栋, 王凯楠, 翁堪兴, 王河林, 彭树萍, 王肖隆, 吴彬, 林强 2021 70 040304Google Scholar

    Cheng B, Zhou Y, Chen P J, Zhang K J, Zhu D, Wang K N, Weng K X, Wang H L, Peng S P, Wang X L, Wu B, Lin Q 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 040304Google Scholar


    龙剑锋, 黄大伦, 滕云田, 吴琼, 郭欣 2012 地震学报 34 865Google Scholar

    Long J F, Huang D L, Teng Y T, Wu Q, Guo X 2012 Acta Seismologica Sinica 34 865Google Scholar


    Wu S Q, Feng J Y, Li C Y, Su D W, Wang Q Y, Hu R, Hu L S, Xu J Y, Ji W X, Ullrich C, Palinkas V, Kostelecký J, Bilker-Koivula M, Näränen J, Merlet S, Le Moigne N, Mizushima S, Francis O, Choi I M, Newel D 2020 Metrologia 57 07002Google Scholar


    Guo M Y, Wu K, Yao J M, Wen Y, Wang L J 2021 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 70 1004310Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a)激光干涉测量和(b)振动补偿的原理示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of (a) laser interferometry and (b) vibration correction.

    图 2  传感器输出与参考棱镜运动的关系

    Figure 2.  Relationship between the output of sensor and the motion of reference retro-reflector.

    图 3  (a)基于振动补偿的T-3型绝对重力仪示意图; (b) 基于超低频垂直隔振的T-3型高精度绝对重力仪在西安中心地震台的重力测量结果.

    Figure 3.  (a) Schematic diagram of T-3 type absolute gravimeter using vibration correction; (b) tidal gravity measurement conducted by T-3 type high-precision absolute gravimeter using ultra-low frequency vertical vibration isolator at Xi’an Seismological Station.

    图 4  实验采用的不同振动环境类型

    Figure 4.  Different cases of vibration environments for experiments.

    图 5  (a)安静地基; (b)嘈杂地基; (c)万向悬架上的实验装置

    Figure 5.  Experimental configuration on the (a) quiet ground, (b) noisy ground, (c) gimbal suspension.

    图 6  安静地基上的结果对比 (a)逐点分布; (b)含误差带的均值(k = 2)

    Figure 6.  Comparison of results on the quiet ground: (a) Drop-to-drop scatter of g; (b) mean value with expanded uncertainty (k = 2).

    图 7  嘈杂地基上的结果对比 (a)逐点分布; (b)含误差带的均值(k = 2)

    Figure 7.  Comparison of results on the noisy ground: (a) Drop-to-drop scatter of g; (b) mean value with expanded uncertainty (k = 2).

    图 8  万向悬架上JN06D测得单次下落过程中的振动加速度

    Figure 8.  Vibration acceleration measured by JN06D on the gimbal during a single drop.

    图 9  万向悬架上的结果对比 (a)逐点分布; (b)含误差带的均值(k = 2)

    Figure 9.  Comparison of results on the gimbal: (a) Drop-to-drop scatter of g; (b) mean value with expanded uncertainty (k = 2).

    图 10  安静地基上CMG单次补偿的情况 (a)原始拟合残差与探测位移拟合残差对比; (b)补偿前后拟合残差对比

    Figure 10.  Correction for single drop using CMG data on the quiet ground: (a) Residuals of measured trajectory Sm and measured vibration noise Nm; (b) residuals of measured trajectory Sm before and after correction.

    图 11  安静地基上CS60单次补偿的情况 (a)原始拟合残差与探测位移拟合残差对比; (b)补偿前后拟合残差对比

    Figure 11.  Correction for single drop using CS60 data on the quiet ground: (a) Residuals of measured trajectory Sm and measured vibration noise Nm; (b) residuals of measured trajectory Sm before and after correction.

    图 12  安静地基上JN06 D单次补偿的情况 (a)原始拟合残差与探测位移拟合残差对比; (b)补偿前后拟合残差对比

    Figure 12.  Correction for single drop using JN06 D data on the quiet ground: (a) Residuals of measured trajectory Sm and measured vibration noise Nm; (b) residuals of measured trajectory Sm before and after correction.

    图 13  嘈杂地基上CMG单次补偿的情况 (a)原始拟合残差与探测位移拟合残差对比; (b)补偿前后拟合残差对比

    Figure 13.  Correction for single drop using CMG data on the noisy ground: (a) Residuals of measured trajectory Sm and measured vibration noise Nm; (b) residuals of measured trajectory Sm before and after correction.

    图 14  嘈杂地基上CS60单次补偿的情况 (a)原始拟合残差与探测位移拟合残差对比; (b)补偿前后拟合残差对比

    Figure 14.  Correction for single drop using CS60 data on the noisy ground: (a) Residuals of measured trajectory Sm and measured vibration noise Nm; (b) residuals of measured trajectory Sm before and after correction.

    图 15  嘈杂地基上JN06 D单次补偿的情况 (a)原始拟合残差与探测位移拟合残差对比; (b)补偿前后拟合残差对比

    Figure 15.  Correction for single drop using JN06 D data on the noisy ground: (a) Residuals of measured trajectory Sm and measured vibration noise Nm; (b) residuals of measured trajectory Sm before and after correction.

    图 16  万向悬架上JN06 D单次补偿的情况 (a)原始拟合残差与探测位移拟合残差对比; (b) 补偿前后拟合残差对比

    Figure 16.  Correction for single drop using JN06 D data on the gimbal: (a) Residuals of the measured trajectory Sm, and the measured vibration noise Nm; (b) residuals of the measured trajectory Sm before and after correction.

    表 1  振动传感器性能指标

    Table 1.  Characteristics of vibration sensors.

    型号自噪声–3 dB带宽量程
    CMG-3ESP低于NLNM (40 s ~ 16 Hz)0.0083—50 Hz5 mm/s
    CS60低于NLNM (100 s ~ 15 Hz)0.0167—80 Hz10 mm/s (1 Hz)
    JN06D–115 ~ –120 $ \rm dB\cdot g/\sqrt{Hz} $ (0 ~ 100 Hz)DC ~1360 Hz ± 30 g
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  实验结果

    Table 2.  Results of vibration correction experiments.

    DownLoad: CSV
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    Marson I, Faller J 1986 J. Phys. E:Sci. Instrum. 19 22Google Scholar


    Faller J 2003 Metrologia 39 425Google Scholar


    Faller J 2005 J. Res. Nat. Inst. Stand. Technol. 110 559Google Scholar


    Marson I 2012 Int. J. Geophys. 2012 687813Google Scholar


    Niebauer T M, Sasagawa G S, Faller J E, Hilt R, Klopping F 1995 Metrologia 32 159Google Scholar


    胡华, 伍康, 申磊, 李刚, 王力军 2012 61 099101Google Scholar

    Hu H, Wu K, Shen L, Li G, Wang L J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 099101Google Scholar


    Saulson P R 1984 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 55 1315Google Scholar


    Haubrich R A, McCamy K 1969 Rev. Geophys. 7 539Google Scholar


    Sorrells G G, Douze E J 1974 J. Geophys. Res. 79 4908Google Scholar


    Cessaro R K 1994 Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 84 142Google Scholar


    Timmen L, Rder R H, Schnüll M 1993 Bulletin Géodésique 67 71Google Scholar


    Svitlov S 2012 Metrologia 49 706Google Scholar


    Wen Y, Wu K, Guo M Y, Wang L J 2021 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 70 1003607Google Scholar


    Rinker R, Faller J 1981 Proceedings of Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, June 8–12, 1981 p411


    Brown J M, Niebauer T M, Klingele E 2001 Int. Assoc. Geod. Symp. 123 223Google Scholar


    Wang G, Hu H, Wu K, Wang L J 2017 Meas. Sci. Technol. 28 035001Google Scholar


    Qian J, Wang G, Wu K, Wang L J 2018 Meas. Sci. Technol. 29 025005Google Scholar


    许翱鹏 2016 博士学位论文 (浙江: 浙江大学)

    Xu A P 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Zhejiang: Zhejiang University) (in Chinese)


    Le Gouët J, Mehlstäubler T, Kim J, Merlet S, Clairon A, Landragin A, Pereira dos Santos F 2008 Appl. Phys. B 92 133Google Scholar


    Merlet S, Le Gouët J, Bodart Q, Clairon A, Landragin A, Pereira dos Santos F, Rouchon P 2009 Metrologia 46 87Google Scholar


    Baumann H 2012 Geophys. Prospect. 6 361Google Scholar


    Bidel Y, Zahzam N, Blanchard C, Bonnin A, Cadoret M, Bresson A, Rouxel D, Lequentrec-Lalancette M F 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 627Google Scholar


    Bidel Y, Zahzam N, Bresson A, Blanchard C, Cadoret M, Olesen A V, Forsberg R 2020 J. Geod. 94 20Google Scholar


    程冰, 周寅, 陈佩军, 张凯军, 朱栋, 王凯楠, 翁堪兴, 王河林, 彭树萍, 王肖隆, 吴彬, 林强 2021 70 040304Google Scholar

    Cheng B, Zhou Y, Chen P J, Zhang K J, Zhu D, Wang K N, Weng K X, Wang H L, Peng S P, Wang X L, Wu B, Lin Q 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 040304Google Scholar


    龙剑锋, 黄大伦, 滕云田, 吴琼, 郭欣 2012 地震学报 34 865Google Scholar

    Long J F, Huang D L, Teng Y T, Wu Q, Guo X 2012 Acta Seismologica Sinica 34 865Google Scholar


    Wu S Q, Feng J Y, Li C Y, Su D W, Wang Q Y, Hu R, Hu L S, Xu J Y, Ji W X, Ullrich C, Palinkas V, Kostelecký J, Bilker-Koivula M, Näränen J, Merlet S, Le Moigne N, Mizushima S, Francis O, Choi I M, Newel D 2020 Metrologia 57 07002Google Scholar


    Guo M Y, Wu K, Yao J M, Wen Y, Wang L J 2021 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 70 1004310Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  10 September 2021
  • Accepted Date:  09 October 2021
  • Available Online:  14 February 2022
  • Published Online:  20 February 2022

