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Absolute gravity measurement based on atomic gravimeter under mooring state of a ship

Cheng Bing Zhou Yin Chen Pei-Jun Zhang Kai-Jun Zhu Dong Wang Kai-Nan Weng Kan-Xing Wang He-Lin Peng Shu-Ping Wang Xiao-Long Wu Bin Lin Qiang


Absolute gravity measurement based on atomic gravimeter under mooring state of a ship

Cheng Bing, Zhou Yin, Chen Pei-Jun, Zhang Kai-Jun, Zhu Dong, Wang Kai-Nan, Weng Kan-Xing, Wang He-Lin, Peng Shu-Ping, Wang Xiao-Long, Wu Bin, Lin Qiang
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  • The gravity field is one of the basic physical fields of the Earth. Dynamic measurements could improve the efficiency of gravity surveying and mapping, and have very important applications in the fields of geological survey, geophysics, resource exploration, inertial navigation and so on. Currently, dynamic gravity measurements are mostly based on relative measurements. The dynamic relative gravimeters have the problem of zero drift, which affects the measurement performance. Dynamic absolute gravimeters can provide synchronous and co-site calibration for relative gravimeters and solve the problem of long drift. Therefore dynamic absolute gravimeters have attracted much attention. Based on a homemade atomic gravimeter and an inertial stable platform, a system of absolute gravity dynamic measurement has been built on a ship. The dynamic measurement experiments of absolute gravity under the state of ship-borne mooring have been carried out. It is found that the frequency of vibration noises of this ship is around 0.2 Hz, and the amplitude is about 1 Gal. In the case of harsh environment, the temperature and humidity of the used container have been controlled to be 25 ℃ and 70% via the air conditioning. Then, a continuous gravity measurement of 5 hour has been taken, and the peak to peak value of 80 mGal has been achieved. The values of gravity have no drifts at all during the measurements. Besides, the sensitivity of gravity measurement has been evaluated to be 16.6 mGal/Hz–1/2 under the environment of ship-borne mooring. A resolution of 0.7 mGal could be reached with an integration time of 1000 s. The stability of this system has been estimated after the measurement of absolute gravity for two weeks, and the change of absolute gravity values is about 0.5 mGal. Finally, in order to evaluate the accuracy of the dynamic measurement of absolute gravity, the measured average value of absolute gravity at ship-borne has been compared with the value of the high-precision absolute gravity reference point of the pier, and the results are estimated to be (–0.072 ± 0.134) mGal. The results of this paper could provide a new solution for the simultaneous and co-site calibration of the ocean relative gravimeter on the same ship.
      Corresponding author: Wu Bin, ; Lin Qiang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant Nos. 2017YFC0601602, 2016YFF0200206), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51905482, 61727821, 61875175, 11704334), and the China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources Program (Grant No. DD20189831).

    Baumann H, Klingele E E, Marson I 2012 Geophys. Prospect. 60 361Google Scholar


    Kasevich M, Chu S 1992 Appl. Phys. B 54 321Google Scholar


    Peters A, Chung K Y, Chu S 2001 Metrologia 38 25Google Scholar


    Freier C, Hauth M, Schkolnik V, Leykauf B, Schilling M, Wziontek H, Scherneck H G, Muller J, Peters A 2016 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 723 012050Google Scholar


    Wu X J, Zi F, Dudley J, Bilotta R J, Canoza P, Muller H 2017 Optica 4 1545Google Scholar


    Wu B, Wang Z Y, Cheng B, Wang Q Y, Xu A P, Lin Q 2014 Metrologia 51 452Google Scholar


    Zhang X W, Zhong J Q, Tang B, Chen X, Zhu L, Huang P W, Wang J, Zhan M S 2018 Appl. Opt. 57 6545Google Scholar


    Luo Q, Zhang H, Zhang K, Duan X C, Hu Z K, Chen L L, Zhou M K 2019 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90 043104Google Scholar


    Menoret V, Vermeulen P, Le Moigne N, Bonvalot S, Bouyer P, Landragin A, Desruelle B 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 12300Google Scholar


    Wu B, Zhu D, Cheng B, Wu L M, Wang K N, Wang Z Y, Shu Q, Li R, Wang H L, Wang X L, Lin Q 2019 Opt. Express 27 11252Google Scholar


    Gillot P, Francis O, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P, Merlet S 2014 Metrologia 51 L15Google Scholar


    Huang P W, Tang B, Chen X, Zhong J Q, Xiong Z Y, Zhou L, Wang J, Zhan M S 2019 Metrologia 56 045012Google Scholar


    Fu Z J, Wang Q Y, Wang Z Y, Wu B, Cheng B, Lin Q 2019 Chin. Opt. Lett. 17 011204Google Scholar


    Wang S K, Zhao Y, Zhuang W, Li T C, Wu S Q, Feng J Y, Li C J 2018 Metrologia 55 360Google Scholar


    Hu Z K, Sun B L, Duan X C, Zhou M K, Chen L L, Zhan S, Zhang Q Z, Luo J 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 043610Google Scholar


    Bidel Y, Zahzam N, Blanchard C, Bonnin A, Cadoret M, Bresson A, Rouxel D, Lequentrec-Lalancette M F 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 9Google Scholar


    Bidel Y, Zahzam N, Bresson A, Blanchard C, Cadoret M, Olesen A V, Forsberg R 2020 J. Geodesy 94 2Google Scholar


    Wu X J, Pagel Z, Malek B S, Nguyen T H, Zi F, Scheirer D S, Muller H 2019 Sci. Adv. 5 eaax0800Google Scholar


    吴彬, 周寅, 程冰, 朱栋, 王凯楠, 朱欣欣, 陈佩军, 翁堪兴, 杨秋海, 林佳宏, 张凯军, 王河林, 林强 2020 69 060302Google Scholar

    Wu B, Zhou Y, Cheng B, Zhu D, Wang K N, Zhu X X, Chen P J, Weng K X, Yang Q H, Lin J H, Zhang K J, Wang H L, Lin Q 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 060302Google Scholar


    Fu Z J, Wu B, Cheng B, Zhou Y, Weng K X, Zhu D, Wang Z Y, Lin Q 2019 Metrologia 56 025001Google Scholar


    Mahadeswaraswamy C 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (California: Stanford University)


    Bidel Y, Carraz O, Charriere R, Cadoret M, Zahzam N, Bresson A 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 144107Google Scholar


    Geiger R, Ménoret V, Stern G, Zahzam N, Cheinet P, Battelier B, Villing A, Moron F, Lours M, Bidel Y, Bresson A, Landragin A, Bouyer P 2011 Nat. Commun. 2 474Google Scholar


    Barrett B, Antoni-Micollier L, Chichet L, Battelier B, Lévèque T, Landragin A, Bouyer P 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 1


    Becker D, Lachmann M D, Seidel S T, Ahlers H, Dinkelaker A N, Grosse J, Hellmig O, Muentinga H, Schkolnik V, Wendrich T, Wenzlawski A, Weps B, Corgier R, Franz T, Gaaloul N, Herr W, Luedtke D, Popp M, Amri S, Duncker H, Erbe M, Kohfeldt A, Kubelka-Lange A, Braxmaier C, Charron E, Ertmer W, Krutzik M, Laemmerzahl C, Peters A, Schleich W P, Sengstock K, Walser R, Wicht A, Windpassinger P, Rasel E M 2018 Nature 562 391Google Scholar


    Elliott E R, Krutzik M C, Williams J R, Thompson R J, Aveline D C 2018 NPJ Microgravity 4 1Google Scholar


    Le Gouet J, Mehlstaubler T E, Kim J, Merlet S, Clairon A, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P 2008 Appl. Phys. B 92 133Google Scholar


    吴彬, 程冰, 付志杰, 朱栋, 周寅, 翁堪兴, 王肖隆, 林强 2018 67 190302Google Scholar

    Wu B, Cheng B, Fu Z J, Zhu D, Zhou Y, Weng K X, Wang X L, Lin Q 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 190302Google Scholar

  • 图 1  船载系泊状态下的绝对重力测量系统原理图

    Figure 1.  The schematic diagram of absolute gravity measurement system under mooring state of a ship.

    图 2  实验系统的示意图

    Figure 2.  The schematic diagram of the experimental system.

    图 3  实验测试现场图

    Figure 3.  The photo of the experimental test.

    图 4  船载测量环境 (a)船体高度变化; (b)船体加速度噪声功率谱

    Figure 4.  The measuremental environment of the ship: (a) The variation of the altitude of the ship; (b) the noise power spectrum density of the acceleration of the ship.

    图 5  原子干涉条纹信号(T = 10 ms). 蓝色空心四边形: 原始原子布居数信号; 黑色空心三角形: 振动修正后信号; 红线: 拟合曲线

    Figure 5.  The signals of atomic interference fringes (T = 10 ms). Blue dots: The original signals of atomic population; Black dots: The signals after vibration correction; Red line: the fitted curve.

    图 6  系泊状态下的连续重力变化数据. 灰点: 原始重力数据; 红线: 移动平均后的数据

    Figure 6.  The continuous changes of gravity under mooring state of a ship. Grey dots: The original data of measured gravity; Red line: The data after the dealing of moving average.

    图 7  船载系泊状态下的重力测量灵敏度评估

    Figure 7.  The sensitivity evaluation of measured gravity data when the ship is moored.

    图 8  绝对重力测量值的长期稳定性评估

    Figure 8.  The estimation of long-term stability for the measured absolute gravity values.

  • [1]

    Baumann H, Klingele E E, Marson I 2012 Geophys. Prospect. 60 361Google Scholar


    Kasevich M, Chu S 1992 Appl. Phys. B 54 321Google Scholar


    Peters A, Chung K Y, Chu S 2001 Metrologia 38 25Google Scholar


    Freier C, Hauth M, Schkolnik V, Leykauf B, Schilling M, Wziontek H, Scherneck H G, Muller J, Peters A 2016 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 723 012050Google Scholar


    Wu X J, Zi F, Dudley J, Bilotta R J, Canoza P, Muller H 2017 Optica 4 1545Google Scholar


    Wu B, Wang Z Y, Cheng B, Wang Q Y, Xu A P, Lin Q 2014 Metrologia 51 452Google Scholar


    Zhang X W, Zhong J Q, Tang B, Chen X, Zhu L, Huang P W, Wang J, Zhan M S 2018 Appl. Opt. 57 6545Google Scholar


    Luo Q, Zhang H, Zhang K, Duan X C, Hu Z K, Chen L L, Zhou M K 2019 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90 043104Google Scholar


    Menoret V, Vermeulen P, Le Moigne N, Bonvalot S, Bouyer P, Landragin A, Desruelle B 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 12300Google Scholar


    Wu B, Zhu D, Cheng B, Wu L M, Wang K N, Wang Z Y, Shu Q, Li R, Wang H L, Wang X L, Lin Q 2019 Opt. Express 27 11252Google Scholar


    Gillot P, Francis O, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P, Merlet S 2014 Metrologia 51 L15Google Scholar


    Huang P W, Tang B, Chen X, Zhong J Q, Xiong Z Y, Zhou L, Wang J, Zhan M S 2019 Metrologia 56 045012Google Scholar


    Fu Z J, Wang Q Y, Wang Z Y, Wu B, Cheng B, Lin Q 2019 Chin. Opt. Lett. 17 011204Google Scholar


    Wang S K, Zhao Y, Zhuang W, Li T C, Wu S Q, Feng J Y, Li C J 2018 Metrologia 55 360Google Scholar


    Hu Z K, Sun B L, Duan X C, Zhou M K, Chen L L, Zhan S, Zhang Q Z, Luo J 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 043610Google Scholar


    Bidel Y, Zahzam N, Blanchard C, Bonnin A, Cadoret M, Bresson A, Rouxel D, Lequentrec-Lalancette M F 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 9Google Scholar


    Bidel Y, Zahzam N, Bresson A, Blanchard C, Cadoret M, Olesen A V, Forsberg R 2020 J. Geodesy 94 2Google Scholar


    Wu X J, Pagel Z, Malek B S, Nguyen T H, Zi F, Scheirer D S, Muller H 2019 Sci. Adv. 5 eaax0800Google Scholar


    吴彬, 周寅, 程冰, 朱栋, 王凯楠, 朱欣欣, 陈佩军, 翁堪兴, 杨秋海, 林佳宏, 张凯军, 王河林, 林强 2020 69 060302Google Scholar

    Wu B, Zhou Y, Cheng B, Zhu D, Wang K N, Zhu X X, Chen P J, Weng K X, Yang Q H, Lin J H, Zhang K J, Wang H L, Lin Q 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 060302Google Scholar


    Fu Z J, Wu B, Cheng B, Zhou Y, Weng K X, Zhu D, Wang Z Y, Lin Q 2019 Metrologia 56 025001Google Scholar


    Mahadeswaraswamy C 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (California: Stanford University)


    Bidel Y, Carraz O, Charriere R, Cadoret M, Zahzam N, Bresson A 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 144107Google Scholar


    Geiger R, Ménoret V, Stern G, Zahzam N, Cheinet P, Battelier B, Villing A, Moron F, Lours M, Bidel Y, Bresson A, Landragin A, Bouyer P 2011 Nat. Commun. 2 474Google Scholar


    Barrett B, Antoni-Micollier L, Chichet L, Battelier B, Lévèque T, Landragin A, Bouyer P 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 1


    Becker D, Lachmann M D, Seidel S T, Ahlers H, Dinkelaker A N, Grosse J, Hellmig O, Muentinga H, Schkolnik V, Wendrich T, Wenzlawski A, Weps B, Corgier R, Franz T, Gaaloul N, Herr W, Luedtke D, Popp M, Amri S, Duncker H, Erbe M, Kohfeldt A, Kubelka-Lange A, Braxmaier C, Charron E, Ertmer W, Krutzik M, Laemmerzahl C, Peters A, Schleich W P, Sengstock K, Walser R, Wicht A, Windpassinger P, Rasel E M 2018 Nature 562 391Google Scholar


    Elliott E R, Krutzik M C, Williams J R, Thompson R J, Aveline D C 2018 NPJ Microgravity 4 1Google Scholar


    Le Gouet J, Mehlstaubler T E, Kim J, Merlet S, Clairon A, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P 2008 Appl. Phys. B 92 133Google Scholar


    吴彬, 程冰, 付志杰, 朱栋, 周寅, 翁堪兴, 王肖隆, 林强 2018 67 190302Google Scholar

    Wu B, Cheng B, Fu Z J, Zhu D, Zhou Y, Weng K X, Wang X L, Lin Q 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 190302Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  13 September 2020
  • Accepted Date:  23 October 2020
  • Available Online:  06 February 2021
  • Published Online:  20 February 2021

