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Measurement of absolute gravity based on cold atom gravimeter at large tilt angle

Wu Bin Cheng Bing Fu Zhi-Jie Zhu Dong Zhou Yin Weng Kan-Xing Wang Xiao-Long Lin Qiang


Measurement of absolute gravity based on cold atom gravimeter at large tilt angle

Wu Bin, Cheng Bing, Fu Zhi-Jie, Zhu Dong, Zhou Yin, Weng Kan-Xing, Wang Xiao-Long, Lin Qiang
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  • The tilt angle of a cold atom gravimeter (CAG) could have a significant influence on the measurement of absolute gravity. The measurement, manipulation, and compensation of the tilt for CAG need to be conducted in order to obtain a high-accuracy absolute gravity measurement. In this paper, firstly, the influences of tilt on absolute gravity measurement under four different conditions are analyzed theoretically by taking into account the position of vacuum system relative to Raman retro-reflection mirror. Then, the experimental investigation is carried out and it is found that the measured results agree well with the theoretical prediction curves. According to the analysis above, we design a scheme for absolute gravity measurement based on two inclinometers, mainly to solve the problem of long-term tilt drift of CAG especially in harsh measurement environment. In this scheme, a high-resolution inclinometer is used to record the tilt angle of Raman retro-reflection mirror, which is fixed on a passive vibration isolation platform. Besides, another inclinometer is utilized to monitor the tilt angle of vacuum chamber of the CAG. By doing so, the vibration noise can be suppressed and the tilt data can be measured with a high precision. Finally, the experimental verification of this proposal is carried out based on our homemade compact cold atom gravimeter, and the high accuracy absolute gravity measurement is realized in a complex workshop environment. Since the vibration noise of Raman mirror is improved by using the vibration isolation platform, the sensitivity of our CAG can reach 319 μGal √Hz. Besides, we measure the long-term changes of gravity with time and find that the experimental results are consistent with the curves calculated by theoretical tidal model. Moreover, due to the precise measurement and compensation for the tilt drift, the accuracy of our CAG is estimated at 12.3 μGal. In order to evaluate this system accuracy, a comparison between our CAG and the FG5 at the same measured site is made. The absolute gravity values determined by both gravimeters coincide with each other. In this paper, we provide a feasible scheme for measuring the absolute gravity in the complex environment. The experimental demonstration of this measurement scheme is performed thereby acquiring some valuable reference data for the practical use of CAG.
      Corresponding author: Lin Qiang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2017YFC0601602, 2016YFF0200206) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61727821, 61475139, 61478069, 11604296, 11404286).

    Kasevich M, Chu S 1992 Appl. Phys. B 54 321


    Hu H, Wu K, Shen L, Li G, Wang L J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 099101 (in Chinese) [胡华, 伍康, 申磊, 李刚, 王力军 2012 61 099101]


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    Le Gouët J, Mehlstäubler T E, Kim J, Merlet S, Clairon A, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P 2008 Appl. Phys. B 92 133


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    Bidel Y, Carraz O, Charriere R, Cadoret M, Zahzam N, Bresson A 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 144107


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    Carraz O, Lienhart F, Charrière R, Cadoret M, Zahzam N, Bidel Y, Bresson A 2009 Appl. Phys. B 97 405


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    Bidel Y, Zahzam N, Blanchard C, Bonnin A, Cadoret M, Bresson A, Rouxel D, Lequentrec-Lalancette M F 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 627


    Schkolnik V, Hellmig O, Wenzlawski A, Grosse J, Kohfeldt A, Doringshoff K, Wicht A, Windpassinger P, Sengstock K, Braxmaier C, Krutzik M, Peters A 2016 Appl. Phys. B 122 217


    Fang J, Hu J G, Chen X, Zhu H R, Zhou L, Zhong J Q, Wang J, Zhan M S 2018 Opt. Express 26 1586


    Geiger R, Menoret V, Stern G, Zahzam N, Cheinet P, Battelier B, Villing A, Moron F, Lours M, Bidel Y, Bresson A, Landragin A, Bouyer P 2011 Nat. Commun. 2 474


    Rushton J, Aldous M, Himsworth M 2014 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 121501


    Merlet S, Bodart Q, Malossi N, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P, Gitlein O, Timmen L 2010 Metrologia 47 9


    Louchet-Chauvet A, Merlet S, Bodart Q, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P, Baumann H, D'Agostino G, Origlia C 2011 IEEE Tran. Instrum. Meas. 60 2527


    Poli N, Wang F Y, Tarallo M G, Alberti A, Prevedelli M, Tino G M 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 038501


    Gillot P, Francis O, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P, Merlet S 2014 Metrologia 51 L15


    Freier C, Hauth M, Schkolnik V, Leykauf B, Schilling M, Wziontek H, Scherneck H G, Muller J, Peters A 2016 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology 2016 Potsdam Germany 012050


    Hu Z K, Sun B L, Duan X C, Zhou M K, Chen L L, Zhan S, Zhang Q Z, Luo J 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 043610


    Schmidt M, Senger A, Hauth M, Freier C, Schkolnik V, Peters A 2011 Gyroscopy and Navigation 2 170


    Louchet-Chauvet A, Farah T, Bodart Q, Clairon A, Landragin A, Merlet S, Pereira Dos Santos F 2011 New J. Phys. 13 065025


    Merlet S, Volodimer L, Lours M, Dos Santos F P 2014 Appl. Phys. B 117 749

  • [1]

    Kasevich M, Chu S 1992 Appl. Phys. B 54 321


    Hu H, Wu K, Shen L, Li G, Wang L J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 099101 (in Chinese) [胡华, 伍康, 申磊, 李刚, 王力军 2012 61 099101]


    Niebauer T, Sasagawa G, Faller J, Hilt R, Klopping F 1995 Metrologia 32 159


    Kasevich M, Chu S 1991 Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 181


    Peters A, Chung K Y, Chu S 2001 Metrologia 38 25


    Yu N, Kohel J M, Kellogg J R, Maleki L 2006 Appl. Phys. B 84 647


    Lamporesi G, Bertoldi A, Cacciapuoti L, Prevedelli M, Tino G M 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 050801


    Le Gouët J, Mehlstäubler T E, Kim J, Merlet S, Clairon A, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P 2008 Appl. Phys. B 92 133


    Zhou M K, Hu Z K, Duan X C, Sun B L, Zhao J B, Luo J 2009 Front. Phys. China 4 170


    Zhou L, Xiong Z Y, Yang W, Tang B, Peng W C, Wang Y B, Xu P, Wang J, Zhan M S 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 013701


    Zhou M K, Hu Z K, Duan X C, Sun B L, Chen L L, Zhang Q Z, Luo J 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 043630


    Bidel Y, Carraz O, Charriere R, Cadoret M, Zahzam N, Bresson A 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 144107


    Hauth M, Freier C, Schkolnik V, Senger A, Schmidt M, Peters A 2013 Appl. Phys. B 113 49


    Wu B, Wang Z Y, Cheng B, Wang Q Y, Xu A P, Lin Q 2014 Metrologia 51 452


    Zhou M K, Duan X C, Chen L L, Luo Q, Xu Y Y, Hu Z K 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 50401


    Wang J 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 053702


    Bodart Q, Merlet S, Malossi N, Dos Santos F P, Bouyer P, Landragin A 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 134101


    Sorrentino F, Bongs K, Bouyer P, Cacciapuoti L, Angelis M, Dittus H, Ertmer W, Giorgini A, Hartwig J, Hauth M, Herrmann S, Inguscio M, Kajari E, Könemann T T, Lämmerzahl C, Landragin A, Modugno G, Pereira dos Santos F, Peters A, Prevedelli M, Rasel E M, Schleich W P, Schmidt M, Senger A, Sengstock K, Stern G, Tino G M, Walser R 2010 Microgr. Sci. Technol. 22 551


    Carraz O, Lienhart F, Charrière R, Cadoret M, Zahzam N, Bidel Y, Bresson A 2009 Appl. Phys. B 97 405


    Lévèque T, Antoni-Micollier L, Faure B, Berthon J 2013 Appl. Phys. B 116 997


    Butts D L, Kinast J M, Timmons B P, Stoner R E 2011 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 28 416


    McGuinness H J, Rakholia A V, Biedermann G W 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 011106


    Bidel Y, Zahzam N, Blanchard C, Bonnin A, Cadoret M, Bresson A, Rouxel D, Lequentrec-Lalancette M F 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 627


    Schkolnik V, Hellmig O, Wenzlawski A, Grosse J, Kohfeldt A, Doringshoff K, Wicht A, Windpassinger P, Sengstock K, Braxmaier C, Krutzik M, Peters A 2016 Appl. Phys. B 122 217


    Fang J, Hu J G, Chen X, Zhu H R, Zhou L, Zhong J Q, Wang J, Zhan M S 2018 Opt. Express 26 1586


    Geiger R, Menoret V, Stern G, Zahzam N, Cheinet P, Battelier B, Villing A, Moron F, Lours M, Bidel Y, Bresson A, Landragin A, Bouyer P 2011 Nat. Commun. 2 474


    Rushton J, Aldous M, Himsworth M 2014 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 121501


    Merlet S, Bodart Q, Malossi N, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P, Gitlein O, Timmen L 2010 Metrologia 47 9


    Louchet-Chauvet A, Merlet S, Bodart Q, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P, Baumann H, D'Agostino G, Origlia C 2011 IEEE Tran. Instrum. Meas. 60 2527


    Poli N, Wang F Y, Tarallo M G, Alberti A, Prevedelli M, Tino G M 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 038501


    Gillot P, Francis O, Landragin A, Dos Santos F P, Merlet S 2014 Metrologia 51 L15


    Freier C, Hauth M, Schkolnik V, Leykauf B, Schilling M, Wziontek H, Scherneck H G, Muller J, Peters A 2016 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology 2016 Potsdam Germany 012050


    Hu Z K, Sun B L, Duan X C, Zhou M K, Chen L L, Zhan S, Zhang Q Z, Luo J 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 043610


    Schmidt M, Senger A, Hauth M, Freier C, Schkolnik V, Peters A 2011 Gyroscopy and Navigation 2 170


    Louchet-Chauvet A, Farah T, Bodart Q, Clairon A, Landragin A, Merlet S, Pereira Dos Santos F 2011 New J. Phys. 13 065025


    Merlet S, Volodimer L, Lours M, Dos Santos F P 2014 Appl. Phys. B 117 749

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  • Received Date:  08 June 2018
  • Accepted Date:  20 July 2018
  • Published Online:  05 October 2018

