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Raman gain of Ge-Sb-Se chalcogenide glass

Xu Hang Peng Xue-Feng Dai Shi-Xun Xu Dong Zhang Pei-Qing Xu Ying-Sheng Li Xing Nie Qiu-Hua


Raman gain of Ge-Sb-Se chalcogenide glass

Xu Hang, Peng Xue-Feng, Dai Shi-Xun, Xu Dong, Zhang Pei-Qing, Xu Ying-Sheng, Li Xing, Nie Qiu-Hua
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  • Previously reported chalcogenide glass Raman fiber lasers are made of glass compositions such as As2S3 or As2Se3. However, due to the high toxicity of the element arsenic, there is a potential risk in the glass preparation, fiber drawing, and testing processes. Therefore, we need to explore new environmentally friendly chalcogenide glasses that do not contain As for Raman fiber lasers. Studies have shown that the chalcogenide glasses of Ge-Sb-Se system have excellent infrared transmissions and good environmental friendliness, and thus they are excellent candidates for chalcogenide glass Raman fiber lasers. However, their Raman gains have not been reported. Then Raman gain coefficients can be obtained by experimental measurements and theoretical analyses. The experimental method requires expensive laboratory equipments, a complex optical path, and precision adjustments. Therefore, the design and preparation of new chalcogenide glass fiber with high Raman gain require the theoretical analysis of the Raman gain characteristics in a particular glass component glass. In this work, four chalcogenide glasses, respectively, with compositions of As2S3, As2Se3, Ge20Sb15Se65 and Ge28Sb12Se60 (mol%) are prepared. Refractive indices, infrared transmission and Raman spectra of these glass samples are measured. By using spontaneous Raman scattering theory combined with the measured Raman spectral data, the values of Raman gain coefficient gR of the chalcogenide glasses are calculated and calibrated by a quartz glass sample. Results show that the gR of As2S3 glass is 6010-13 m/W at 230 cm-1 Raman shift and the gR of As2Se3 glass is 22310-13 m/W at 340 cm-1 Raman shift, which are consistent with the experimental results reported in the literature. Compared with the traditional method, the present method used for calculating the fiber Raman gain coefficient provides great convenience for exploring new chalcogenide glasses with high Raman gain. By using this method, we obtain the gR values of Ge20Sb15Se65 and Ge28Sb12Se60glasses at 200 cm-1 Raman shift, which are 21510-13 m/W and 11110-13 m/W respectively. Meanwhile, we analyze the effects of composition and network structure of chalcogenide glass samples on the Raman gain coefficient and gain spectrum. There are two Raman peaks at 165 cm-1 and 200 cm-1 Raman shift, which are attributed to Ge-Ge bond vibration and Ge-Se bond vibration of common apex GeSe4/2 tetrahedral structure respectively. It could be found that the Raman gain coefficient of Ge20Sb15Se65 glass is bigger than that of Ge28Sb12Se60glass at 200 cm-1 Raman shift because of more Ge-Se bonds. By further optimizing the ratio of components of Ge-Sb-Se chalcogenide glass, we could obtain higher Raman gain coefficient at a particular frequency shift. These results show that the Raman gain coefficient of Ge-Sb-Se chalcogenide glass without poisonous element is up to over 200 times that of the ordinary quartz glass, which provides a new possibility for environment-friendly Raman fiber laser material.
      Corresponding author: Dai Shi-Xun,
    • Funds: Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61435009) and the K. C. Wong Happy Foundation of Ningbo University, China.

    Li J F, Chen Y, Chen M, Chen H, Jin X B, Yang Y, Dai Z, Liu Y 2011 Opt. Commun. 284 1278


    Kohoutek T, Yan X, Shiosaka T W, Yannopoulos S N, Chrissanthopoulos A, Suzuki T, Ohishi Y 2011 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 28 2284


    Thielen P A, Shaw L B, Pureza P C, Nguyen V Q, Sanghera J S, Aggarwal I D 2003 Opt. Lett. 28 1406


    Jackson S D, Anzueto-Snchez G 2006 Appl . Phys. Lett. 88 221106


    Fortin V, Bernier M, El-Amraoui M, Messaddeq Y, Vallee R 2013 IEEE Photon. J. 5 1502309


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    Ahmad R, Rochette M 2012 Appl . Phys. Lett. 101 101110


    Bernier M, Fortin V, El-Amraoui M, Messaddeq Y, Vallee R 2014 Opt. Lett. 39 2052


    Liu Y X, Zhang P Q, Xu Y S, Dai S X, Wang X S, Xu T F, Nie Q H {2012 Acta Photon. Sin. 5 4 (in Chinese) [刘永兴, 张培晴, 许银生, 戴世勋, 王训四, 徐铁峰, 聂秋华 2012 光子学报 5 4]


    Cao Y, Nie Q H, Xu T F, Dai S X, Shen X, Wang X S {2010 Acta Photon. Sin. 39 7 (in Chinese) [曹莹, 聂秋华, 徐铁峰, 戴世勋, 沈祥, 王训四 2010 光子学报 39 7]


    Stegeman R, Stegeman G, Delfyett P, Petit L, Carlie N, Richardson K, Couzi M 2006 Opt. Express 14 11702


    Dai G, Tassone F, Russo V, Bottani C, Amore F 2004 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 16 1011


    O'Donnell M, Richardson K, Stolen R, Rivero C, Cardinal T, Couzi M, Furniss D, Seddon A 2008 Opt. Mater. 30 946


    Ren J H, Shong P, Wu Y G, Xiao H F, Duan G Y, Wu W {2004 J. Quantum Elect. 21 665 (in Chinese) [任建华, 宋鹏, 吴永刚, 肖鸿飞, 段高燕, 吴炜 2004 量子电子学报 21 665]


    Rivero C, Richardson K, Stegeman R, Stegeman G, Cardinal T, Fargin E, Couzi M, Rodriguez V {2004 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 345 396


    Plotnichenko V, Sokolov V, Koltashev V, Dianov E, Grishin I, Churbanov M 2005 Opt. Lett. 30 1156


    Čern P, Zverev P G, Jelnkova H, Basiev T T 2000 Opt. Commun. 177 397


    McClung F, Weiner D 1964 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 54 641


    Guery G, Fargues A, Cardinal T, Dussauze M, Adamietz F, Rodriguez V, Musgraves J D, Richardson K, Thomas P 2012 Chem. Phys. Lett. 554 123


    Rivero C, Stegeman R, Couzi M, Talaga D, Cardinal T, Richardson K, Stegeman G 2005 Opt. Express 13 4759


    Jackson J, Smith C, Massera J, Rivero-Baleine C, Bungay C, Petit L, Richardson K 2009 Opt. Express 17 9071


    Stegeman R, Rivero C, Richardson K, Stegeman G, Delfyett J P, Guo Y, Pope A, Schulte A, Cardinal T, Thomas P 2005 Opt. Express 13 1144


    Demos S G, Raman R N, Yang S T, Negres R A, Schaffers K I, Henesian M A 2011 Opt. Express 19 21050


    Chen Y, Shen X, Wang R P, Wang G, Dai S X, Xu T F, Nie Q H 2013 J. Alloy. Compd. 548 155


    Snopatin G, Shiryaev V, Plotnichenko V, Dianov E, Churbanov M 2009 Inorganic Mater. 45 1439


    Kulkarni O P, Xia C, Lee D J, Kumar M, Kuditcher A, Islam M N, Terry F L, Freeman M J, Aitken B G, Currie S C 2006 Opt. Express 14 7924


    Asobe M, Kanamori T, Naganuma K, Itoh H, Kaino T 1995 J. Appl. Phys. 77 5518


    Tuniz A, Brawley G, Moss D J, Eggleton B J 2008 Opt. Express 16 18524


    Wang R P, Yan K, Yang Z, Luther-Davies B 2015 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 427 16

  • [1]

    Li J F, Chen Y, Chen M, Chen H, Jin X B, Yang Y, Dai Z, Liu Y 2011 Opt. Commun. 284 1278


    Kohoutek T, Yan X, Shiosaka T W, Yannopoulos S N, Chrissanthopoulos A, Suzuki T, Ohishi Y 2011 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 28 2284


    Thielen P A, Shaw L B, Pureza P C, Nguyen V Q, Sanghera J S, Aggarwal I D 2003 Opt. Lett. 28 1406


    Jackson S D, Anzueto-Snchez G 2006 Appl . Phys. Lett. 88 221106


    Fortin V, Bernier M, El-Amraoui M, Messaddeq Y, Vallee R 2013 IEEE Photon. J. 5 1502309


    Ahmad R, Rochette M 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 4549


    Li J F, Chen Y, Chen M, Chen H, Jin X B, Liu Y, Liu Y Z {2010 J. Light Scattering 22 220 (in Chinese) [李剑峰, 陈玉, 陈明, 陈昊, 敬雪碧, 刘永, 刘永智 2010 光散射学报 22 220]


    Ahmad R, Rochette M 2012 Appl . Phys. Lett. 101 101110


    Bernier M, Fortin V, El-Amraoui M, Messaddeq Y, Vallee R 2014 Opt. Lett. 39 2052


    Liu Y X, Zhang P Q, Xu Y S, Dai S X, Wang X S, Xu T F, Nie Q H {2012 Acta Photon. Sin. 5 4 (in Chinese) [刘永兴, 张培晴, 许银生, 戴世勋, 王训四, 徐铁峰, 聂秋华 2012 光子学报 5 4]


    Cao Y, Nie Q H, Xu T F, Dai S X, Shen X, Wang X S {2010 Acta Photon. Sin. 39 7 (in Chinese) [曹莹, 聂秋华, 徐铁峰, 戴世勋, 沈祥, 王训四 2010 光子学报 39 7]


    Stegeman R, Stegeman G, Delfyett P, Petit L, Carlie N, Richardson K, Couzi M 2006 Opt. Express 14 11702


    Dai G, Tassone F, Russo V, Bottani C, Amore F 2004 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 16 1011


    O'Donnell M, Richardson K, Stolen R, Rivero C, Cardinal T, Couzi M, Furniss D, Seddon A 2008 Opt. Mater. 30 946


    Ren J H, Shong P, Wu Y G, Xiao H F, Duan G Y, Wu W {2004 J. Quantum Elect. 21 665 (in Chinese) [任建华, 宋鹏, 吴永刚, 肖鸿飞, 段高燕, 吴炜 2004 量子电子学报 21 665]


    Rivero C, Richardson K, Stegeman R, Stegeman G, Cardinal T, Fargin E, Couzi M, Rodriguez V {2004 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 345 396


    Plotnichenko V, Sokolov V, Koltashev V, Dianov E, Grishin I, Churbanov M 2005 Opt. Lett. 30 1156


    Čern P, Zverev P G, Jelnkova H, Basiev T T 2000 Opt. Commun. 177 397


    McClung F, Weiner D 1964 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 54 641


    Guery G, Fargues A, Cardinal T, Dussauze M, Adamietz F, Rodriguez V, Musgraves J D, Richardson K, Thomas P 2012 Chem. Phys. Lett. 554 123


    Rivero C, Stegeman R, Couzi M, Talaga D, Cardinal T, Richardson K, Stegeman G 2005 Opt. Express 13 4759


    Jackson J, Smith C, Massera J, Rivero-Baleine C, Bungay C, Petit L, Richardson K 2009 Opt. Express 17 9071


    Stegeman R, Rivero C, Richardson K, Stegeman G, Delfyett J P, Guo Y, Pope A, Schulte A, Cardinal T, Thomas P 2005 Opt. Express 13 1144


    Demos S G, Raman R N, Yang S T, Negres R A, Schaffers K I, Henesian M A 2011 Opt. Express 19 21050


    Chen Y, Shen X, Wang R P, Wang G, Dai S X, Xu T F, Nie Q H 2013 J. Alloy. Compd. 548 155


    Snopatin G, Shiryaev V, Plotnichenko V, Dianov E, Churbanov M 2009 Inorganic Mater. 45 1439


    Kulkarni O P, Xia C, Lee D J, Kumar M, Kuditcher A, Islam M N, Terry F L, Freeman M J, Aitken B G, Currie S C 2006 Opt. Express 14 7924


    Asobe M, Kanamori T, Naganuma K, Itoh H, Kaino T 1995 J. Appl. Phys. 77 5518


    Tuniz A, Brawley G, Moss D J, Eggleton B J 2008 Opt. Express 16 18524


    Wang R P, Yan K, Yang Z, Luther-Davies B 2015 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 427 16

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  • Received Date:  29 March 2016
  • Accepted Date:  23 May 2016
  • Published Online:  05 August 2016

