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杨安平 王雨伟 张少伟 李兴隆 杨志杰 李耀程 杨志勇



杨安平, 王雨伟, 张少伟, 李兴隆, 杨志杰, 李耀程, 杨志勇

Refractive index and thermo-optic coefficient of Ge-Sb-Se chalcogenide glass

Yang An-Ping, Wang Yu-Wei, Zhang Shao-Wei, Li Xing-Long, Yang Zhi-Jie, Li Yao-Cheng, Yang Zhi-Yong
  • Ge-Sb-Se硫系玻璃被认为是极佳的红外传输材料和有潜力的非线性光学材料.在光学设计中,玻璃的线性折射率(n)及其热光系数(ζ)是关键技术参数.以预测和调控Ge-Sb-Se玻璃的nζ为目的,考察了玻璃的nζ,密度(d)和体积膨胀系数(β)与化学参数dSe和拓扑网络结构参数<r>的内在联系.研究发现,玻璃的nd的增加而增大;ζβ的增大而近似线性减小;βdSe的减小或<r>的增大而减小;当Ge含量固定时,ddSe的减小或<r>的增大而增大,当Sb含量固定时,ddSe=0时具有最小值.基于实测dn,拟合获得了Ge,Sb和Se元素在2–12 μm波段的摩尔折射度(Ri),分别为RGe=10.16–10.50 cm3/mol,RSb=16.71–17.08 cm3/mol和RSe=11.15–11.21 cm3/mol,根据dRi计算得到的n与实测值的偏差小于1%.基于实测ζβ,拟合得到了Ge,Sb和Se元素在2–12 μm波段的摩尔折射度温度系数(φi),分别为φGe=21.1–22.6 ppm/K,φSb=7.2–8.4 ppm/K和φSe=90.2–94.2 ppm/K,根据βφi计算得到的ζ与实测值的偏差小于6 ppm/K.
    Ge-Sb-Se chalcogenide glass is environmentally friendly, and has wide infrared transmitting window, high optical nonlinearity, as well as good mechanical property. These make it a good material for infrared transmission and nonlinear optics. In optical designs, the refractive index (n) and thermo-optic coefficient (ζ) of the glass are key technical parameters. In order to predict and tailor the n and ζ of Ge-Sb-Se glass, compositions with different chemical and topological features are prepared, their n, ζ, density (d) and volume expansion coefficient (β) are measured, and the composition dependence of the parameters is systematically investigated. The chemical feature of the glass is quantified by the percentage deviation of the composition from the stoichiometric ratio and denoted as dSe. The topological feature is represented by the mean coordination number <r> of each atom in the composition. It is shown that the n of Ge-Sb-Se glass increases with d increasing; the ζ decreases almost linearly with β increasing; and the β decreases with dSe decreasing or <r> increasing. When the Ge content is fixed, the d increases with dSe decreasing or <r> increasing; when the Sb concentration is fixed, the d has a minimum value at dSe=0. Based on the measured d and n, the molar refractivity (Ri) of Ge, Sb and Se elements in a spectral range of 2-12 μm are calculated. The obtained value of RGe is in a range of 10.16-10.50 cm3/mol, RSd in a range of 16.71-17.08 cm3/mol, and RSe in a range of 11.15-11.21 cm3/mol. When the Ri and d are used to compute n of any composition, the discrepancy between the calculated value and the measured one is less than 1%. According to the measured ζ and β, the thermal coefficients of the molar refractivity (φi) of Ge, Sb, and Se elements in a wavelength region of 2-12 μm are computed. The optimal value of φGe is in a range of 21.1-22.6 ppm/K, φSb in a range of 7.2-8.4 ppm/K, and φSe in a range of 90.2-94.2 ppm/K. When the φi and β are used to compute ζ of any composition, the discrepancy between the calculated value and the measured value is less than 6 ppm/K.

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    Kabakova I, Pant R, Winful H, Eggleton B 2014 J. Nonlinear Opt. Phys. Mater. 23 1450001


    Zhang B, Yu Y, Zhai C C, Qi S S, Wang Y W, Yang A P, Gai X, Wang R P, Yang Z Y, Luther-Davies B 2016 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 99 2565


    Zhang X Y, Chen F F, Zhang X H, Ji W 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 084208


    Gleason B, Richardson K, Sisken L, Smith C 2016 Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci. 7 374


    Wang T, Gulbiten O, Wang R, Yang Z, Smith A, Luther-Davies B, Lucas P 2014 J. Phys. Chem. B 118 1436


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    Thorpe M F 1983 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 57 355


    Woollam J A, Johs B D, Herzinger C M, Hilfiker J N, Synowicki R A, Bungay C L 1999 Proc. SPIE CR72 3


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  • [1]

    Zhang X H, Guimond Y, Bellec Y 2003 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 326 519


    Cha D, Kim H, Hwang Y, Jeong J, Kim J 2012 Appl. Opt. 51 5649


    Qi S S, Zhang B, Zhai C C, Li Y C, Yang A P, Yu Y, Tang D Y, Yang Z Y, Luther-Davies B 2017 Opt. Express 25 26148


    Adam J L, Zhang X H 2014 Chalcogenide Glasses: Preparation, Properties and Applications (Oxford: Woodhead Publishing) pp438-470


    Singh V, Lin P, Patel N, Lin H, Li L, Zou Y, Deng F, Ni C, Hu J, Giammarco J, Soliani A, Zdyrko B, Luzinov I, Novak S, Novak J, Wachtel P, Danto S, Musgraves J, Richardson K, Kimerling L, Agarwal A 2014 Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 15 014603


    Ma P, Choi D, Yu Y, Yang Z Y, Vu K, Thach N, Mitchell A, Luther-Davies B, Madden S 2015 Opt. Express 23 19969


    Yan T Y, Shen X, Wang R P, Wang G X, Dai S X, Xu T F, Nie Q H 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 024213


    Dai S X, Wang Y Y, Pen X F, Zhang P Q, Wang X S, Xu Y S 2018 Appl. Sci. Basel 8 707


    Bernier M, Fortin V, Caron N, El-Amraoui M, Messaddeq Y, Vallee R 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 127


    Kabakova I, Pant R, Winful H, Eggleton B 2014 J. Nonlinear Opt. Phys. Mater. 23 1450001


    Zhang B, Yu Y, Zhai C C, Qi S S, Wang Y W, Yang A P, Gai X, Wang R P, Yang Z Y, Luther-Davies B 2016 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 99 2565


    Zhang X Y, Chen F F, Zhang X H, Ji W 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 084208


    Gleason B, Richardson K, Sisken L, Smith C 2016 Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci. 7 374


    Wang T, Gulbiten O, Wang R, Yang Z, Smith A, Luther-Davies B, Lucas P 2014 J. Phys. Chem. B 118 1436


    Wang Y W, Qi S S, Yang Z Y, Wang R P, Yang A P, Lucas P 2017 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 459 88


    Thorpe M F 1983 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 57 355


    Woollam J A, Johs B D, Herzinger C M, Hilfiker J N, Synowicki R A, Bungay C L 1999 Proc. SPIE CR72 3


    Prod'homme L 1960 Phys. Chem. Glasses 1 119


    Wei W H, Wang R P, Shen X, Fang L, Luther-Davies B 2013 J. Phys. Chem. C 117 16571


    Han X, Tao H, Gong L, Wang X, Zhao X, Yue Y 2014 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 391 117


    Feltz A 1993 Amorphous Inorganic Materials and Glasses (Weinheim: VCH) pp46-258

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-10-18
  • 修回日期:  2018-11-23
  • 刊出日期:  2019-01-05

