A strained Si fully depleted SOI MOSFET,which has the advantages of strained Si,high-k gate and SOI structure, is presented in this paper. A two-dimensional analytical model for the threshold voltage in strained Si fully depleted SOI MOSFET with high-k dielectric is proposed by solving Possions equation. Several important parameters are taken into account in the model. Relationships between threshold voltage,Ge Profile and thickness of strained silicon are investigated. The result shows that the threshold voltage decreases with Ge Profile and strained silicon thickness increasing. Relationships between threshold voltage,dielectric constant of high k gate and doping conceration of strained silicon are also investigated. The result shows that the threshold voltage increases with dielectric constant of high-k and doping conceration of strained silicon increasing. SCE and DIBL are analyzed finally,which also demonstrate that this novel device can suppress SCE and DIBL effect greatly.
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[1] Chaudhry A,Kummer M J 2004 IEEE Trans. on Devices Mater. Rel.4 99
[2] Coling J P 1993 Sillicon-on-Insulator Technology (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers) p5
[3] Luan S Zh,Liu H X,Jia R X,Cai N Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3807 (in Chinese) [栾 苏、刘红侠、 贾仁需、蔡乃琼 2008 57 3807]
[4] Fitzgerald E A,Lee M L,Yu B,Lee K L,Dohrman C L,Isaacson D,Langdo T A,Antoniadis D A 2005 International Electron Devices Meeting p355
[5] Sanuki T,Oishi A,Morimasa Y 2003 International Electron Devices Meeting p351
[6] Zhang Zh F,Zhang H M,Hu F Y,Xuan R X,Song J J 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4948 (in Chinese) [张志锋、张鹤鸣、胡辉勇、宣荣喜、宋建军 2009 58 4948 ]
[7] Liu X Y,Kang J F,Sun L 2002 IEEE Electron Lett. 23 270
[8] Tezuka T,Sugiyama N 2003 IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices 50 1328
[9] Kingon A I,Maria J P,Streiffe S K 2000 Nature 406 1032
[10] Liu S,White T,2004 IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science 51 3475
[11] Wu W,Li X,Gildenblat G,Workman G Veeraraghavan S,McAndrew C,Langevelde R V,Smit G D J,Scholten A J,Klaassen D B M,Watts J 2009 Solid-State Electron. 53 18
[12] Young K K 1989 IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices 36 399
[13] Venkataraman V,Nawal S,Kummer M J 2007 IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices 54 554
[14] Kummer M J,Venkataraman V,Nawal S 2006 IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices 53 364
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