In recent years, bound states in the continuum (BICs) have become a hot research topic because of their strong ability to facilitate light-matter interactions, an ideal platform for realizing optical resonances with ultra-high quality factors (Q). Nowadays, BICs have been found in various photonic micro- and nanostructures such as waveguides, gratings, and metasurfaces, among which metasurfaces have attracted much attention due to their easy tunability and considerable robustness. Conventional precious metal-based metasurfaces inevitably have low Q-factors due to the inherent defect of high ohmic losses. In contrast, all-dielectric metasurfaces can be an excellent alternative to metallic metasurface structures due to lower ohmic losses. In this work, an all-dielectric metasurface whose unit cell consists of a silicon disc is designed, and a symmetry-protected BIC (SP-BIC) is observed on this metasurface, which can be transformed into a quasi-BIC whose radiation is dominated by magnetic dipoles and has a high-quality Q-factor when eccentric holes are introduced to break the symmetry in the structural plane (QBIC). For QBICs formed on the metasurface, the resonance wavelength is usually strongly dependent on the refractive index of the surroundings due to the strong localization of the electric field within the cell. As the refractive index of the background changes, the position of the resonance peaks changes accordingly, and identification sensing of some biological components is achieved by this principle. This metasurface-based bio-refractive index sensor is less invasive in free space and is expected to overcome the drawbacks of the traditional electrochemical-based biosensing techniques with cumbersome detection steps and high time and material costs. In terms of sensing parameters, since the quality factor is quadratically inversely related to the asymmetry parameter, by adjusting the asymmetry parameter, the quality factor will also be changed, thus achieving the enhancement and adjustment of sensing performance. After tuning, the refractive index sensing sensitivity and figure of merit of this metasurface reach 162.55 nm/RIU and 1711.05 RIU-1, respectively, which are higher than many existing studies. This all-dielectric metasurface design with a high Q-factor provides a new avenue for high sensitivity and high-precision bio-detection.
- all-dielectric metasurface /
- bound states in the continuum /
- refractive index sensing /
- optical biosensing
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