The epitaxial orientation of YBa2Cu3O7-δ grown via the oxygen partial pressure jump pathway in transient liquid-phase assisted chemical solution deposition (TLAG-CSD) depends on the barium copper ratio in the precursor phase. To explore the underlying mechanism of this phenomenon, this article investigated the effects of different oxygen partial pressures and barium-to-copper ratio components on the barium-copper-oxygen liquid phase ([Ba-Cu-O]L) and the intermediate phase transition during the medium-high temperature heat treatment process. Research has shown that the formation of the liquid phase exhibits a point-to-surface characteristic; the temperature and morphological differences in the liquid phase are mainly determined by the composition, with oxygen partial pressure only playing a supporting role. Y:Ba:Cu=0:3:7 (0-3-7) components all appear before Y:Ba:Cu=0:2:3 (0-2-3) components in the liquid phase, with a temperature difference of 20℃ (high oxygen partial pressure) or 40℃ (low oxygen partial pressure). The experiment found that there are differences in the intermediate phase properties between these two components. Under high oxygen partial pressure, the intermediate phase BaCuO2 exhibits a single characteristic peak in the 0-3-7 component, with large and dispersed grains; the 0-2-3 component has multiple characteristic peaks, with small and dense grains. The surface area of the liquid phase region in the 0-3-7 component is smaller than that in the 0-2-3 component, resulting in different supersaturation levels of Y3+ in the liquid phases of the two components and causing orientation differences in YBCO. Finally, the basic model for the formation of fluorine-free liquid phase was summarized, and the complete [Ba-Cu-O]L film can be generated from the 0-2-3 component at high oxygen partial pressure at 750℃.
- Epitaxial Orientation of YBa2Cu3O7-δ /
- [Ba-Cu-O]L /
- Barium copper ratio
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