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Quantum control based on solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and its applications

Zhao Liqiang Li Yuchen Yin Haochuan Zhang Shengyu Wu Ze Peng Xinhua


Quantum control based on solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and its applications

Zhao Liqiang, Li Yuchen, Yin Haochuan, Zhang Shengyu, Wu Ze, Peng Xinhua
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • As an important technique for the characterization of materials, solid-state NMR has been widely used in many fields such as physics, materials science, chemistry and biology. In recent years, solid-state NMR has gradually shown important research value and application potential in cutting-edge quantum technologies due to the abundant many-body interactions and pulse control methods. In this paper, we systematically introduce the research objects and theoretical foundations of solid-state NMR, including important nuclear spin interaction mechanisms and their Hamiltonian forms. We also introduce typical dynamical control methods of solid-state nuclear spins, such as such as dynamical decoupling and magic-angle spinning. Furthermore, we focus on recent advancements in the quantum control based on solid-state NMR, including nuclear spin polarization enhancement techniques and the control techniques of Floquet average Hamiltonians. Finally, by presenting some important research works, we discuss the applications of solid-state NMR quantum control technologies in the field of quantum simulation.
  • 图 1  (a) 金刚烷样品分子示意图. (b) 氟磷灰石样品原子排布示意图

    Figure 1.  (a) Schematic diagram of adamantane molecule. (b) Schematic diagram of the atomic configuration of a fluoroapatite sample

    图 2  交叉极化的脉冲序列图. (a) HHCP; (b) DOCP; (c) ADCP; (d) AD/DO-CP

    Figure 2.  Pulse sequences of cross polarization. (a) HHCP; (b) DOCP; (c) ADCP; (d) AD/DO-CP

    图 3  16脉冲序列

    Figure 3.  16-pulse sequence

    图 4  Magic echo序列

    Figure 4.  Magic echo sequence

    图 5  WAHUHA序列

    Figure 5.  WAHUHA sequence

    图 6  魔角旋转示意图

    Figure 6.  Schematic diagram of magic angle spinning

    图 7  魔角旋转条件下的偶极恢复脉冲序列[44]

    Figure 7.  Pulse sequence of dipolar recovery at the magic angle

    图 8  测量多量子相干的脉冲序列

    Figure 8.  Pulse sequence for measurement of multiple quantum coherences

    表 1  利用8脉冲序列实现不同目标哈密顿量所对应的脉冲欧拉角设置

    Table 1.  Setup of the Euler angles of 8-pulse sequences for realizing different target Hamiltonians

    $ \hat{H}_{\rm tar} $ C 单位(π), $ n=1, 2, 3, 4 $
    $ \displaystyle\sum_{i<j}J_{ij}[2\hat{I}^i_z\hat{I}^j_z-\hat{I}^i_x\hat{I}^j_x-\hat{I}^i_y\hat{I}^j_y] $1$ \beta_{n}=1, \gamma_n=\dfrac{(n-1)}{2} $
    –0.5$ \beta_{n}=\dfrac{1}{2}, \gamma_n=\dfrac{(n-1)}{2} $
    $ \displaystyle\sum_{i<j}J_{ij}[\hat{I}^i_x\hat{I}^j_x-\hat{I}^i_y\hat{I}^j_y] $1$ \beta_{n}=0.304, \gamma_n=\dfrac{1+4(-1)^n}{4} $
    –1$ \beta_{n}=0.304, \gamma_n=\dfrac{3+4(-1)^n}{4} $
    $ \displaystyle\sum_{i<j}J_{ij}[\hat{I}^i_z\hat{I}^j_x+\hat{I}^i_x\hat{I}^j_z] $$ \dfrac{1}{3} $$ \beta_{n}=0.304, \gamma_n=\dfrac{3(-1)^n}{4} $
    $ \dfrac{-1}{3} $$ \beta_{n}=0.304, \gamma_n=\dfrac{(-1)^n}{4} $
    $ \displaystyle\sum_{i<j}J_{ij}[\hat{I}^i_z\hat{I}^j_y+\hat{I}^i_y\hat{I}^j_z] $$ \dfrac{1}{3} $$ \beta_{n}=0.304, \gamma_n=\dfrac{2+(-1)^n}{4} $
    $ \dfrac{-1}{3} $$ \beta_{n}=0.304, \gamma_n=\dfrac{2+(-1)^n}{-4} $
    $ \displaystyle\sum_{i<j}J_{ij}[\hat{I}^i_y\hat{I}^j_x+\hat{I}^i_x\hat{I}^j_y] $1$ \beta_{n}=0.304, \gamma_n=\dfrac{1+(-1)^n}{2} $
    –1$ \beta_{n}=0.304, \gamma_n=\dfrac{2+(-1)^n}{2} $
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