离子阱系统是实现量子计算和量子模拟的主要体系之一. 世界范围内的各个离子阱研究小组共同推动着离子阱结构的丰富化发展, 开发出一系列高性能的三维离子阱、二维离子芯片、以及具有集成器件的离子阱系统. 离子阱的结构逐渐向小型化、高通光性和集成化方向发展, 并表现出卓越的量子操控能力—对多离子的囚禁能力和精确控制能力越来越高. 本综述将总结过去的十几年里离子阱在结构上的演化历程, 以及离子阱在量子计算与量子模拟实验研究中的最新进展. 通过分析具有代表性的离子阱结构, 总结离子阱系统在加工工艺、鲁棒性和多功能性等方面取得的进步, 并对基于离子阱系统的可扩展量子计算与模拟作出展望.Ion trap system is one of the main quantum systems to realize quantum computation and simulation. Various ion trap research groups worldwide jointly drive the continuous enrichment of ion trap structures, and develop a series of high-performance three-dimensional ion trap, two-dimensional ion trap chip, and ion traps with integrated components. The structure of ion trap is gradually developing towards miniaturization, high-optical-access and integration, and is demonstrating its outstanding ability in quantum control. Ion traps are able to trap increasingly more ions and precisely manipulate the quantum state of the system. In this review, we will summarize the evolution history of the ion trap structures in the past few decades, as well as the latest advances of trapped-ion-based quantum computation and simulation. Here we present a selection of representative examples of trap structures. We will summarize the progresses in the processing technology, robustness and versatility of ion traps, and make prospects for the realization of scalable quantum computation and simulation based on ion trap system.
- ion trap system /
- quantum computation /
- quantum simulation /
- quantum hardware
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图 3 Innsbruck式的刀片阱[61] (a)组装后的离子阱实物图; (b)离子阱尺寸和结构图
Fig. 3. Innsbruck style blade ion trap: (a) Photograph of an assembled blade trap; (b) dimensions and structure of the trap
图 4 Maryland型刀片阱[62] (a)分段刀片阱结构图. 分段刀片结构不仅可以提供轴向束缚, 还能够实现非简谐电势, 实现更均匀的离子间距. (b) 在另一个刀片阱中, 将DC最外侧电极的长度从250 μm增加至10 mm, 减小RF在轴向的电场分量[116,117]
Fig. 4. Maryland style blade ion trap[62]: (a) Structure of segmented blade ion trap. The segmented blade not only can provide axial confinement, but also generate non-quadratic axial potential to achieve uniform ion distance; (b) in another blade ion trap, the out-most segment is increased to 10 mm from 250 μm in order to reduce the residual RF electric field along the axial direction[116,117]
图 5 中国科学技术大学的刀片阱[109] (a)放置于玻璃真空腔中的刀片阱, 在其四周允许同时使用两个NA最大为0.32的物镜和两个NA为0.66的物镜; (b)刀片阱的结构. 该刀片材料为熔融石英, 表面具有8 μm金层, DC电极表面使用激光加工成为五段
Fig. 5. The blade ion trap used in University of Science and Technology of China [109]: (a) A blade ion trap is placed in a glass vacuum cell. Two objectives with a maximum NA of 0.32 and another two objectives with a maximum NA of 0.66 are allowed to be used simultaneously. (b) The structure of the blade ion trap. The blades are made from fused silica and coated with a 8 μm gold layer. The surface gold of the DC electrodes is segmented into five using laser cutting
图 6 光学腔阱 (a) Innsbruck大学的光学腔阱[93]. 离子发出的854 nm光子有50%的概率被光学腔收集, 并被波导转换为通信波长1550 nm的光子. (b) Sussex大学的光学腔阱. 该装置首次实现了离子与腔模的强耦合[143]. (c) Aarhus大学的离子阱. 一束径向泵浦光(RP)用于Doppler冷却循环, 发光的离子可以在CCD上成像, 光学腔镜(CM)沿轴向放置, 压电平移台(PZT)将腔镜(CM)锁定到与轴向RP光共振. (d)当使用径向RP光时, 整个离子阱中的大约
$6, 400 \pm 200$ 个离子全部发亮. (e)关闭径向的RP光, 只有光学腔中通过RP光时, 处于腔内的$536\pm18$ 个离子可以正常发光, 而在腔外的离子进入暗态[144]Fig. 6. Ion traps with integrated optical cavities: (a) Integrated optical cavity trap in University of Innsbruck [93]. 50% of the 854-nm photons emitted from the ion can be collected by the cavity, and are converted to a communication wavelength of 1550 nm. (b) Integrated optical cavity trap in Sussex University. This trap demonstrated the first strong coupling between the ions and the cavity mode. (c) Ion trap in Aarhus University. The cavity mirror (CM) is along the axial direction, A pumping beam in the radial direction is used to pump the ions back into the Doppler cooling cycle. These ions can be imaged on the CCD. A Piezo-electric Transducer (PZT) is used to actively lock the optical cavity in resonance with the RP laser. (d) When the radial RP laser is on, the entire crystal of approximately
$6, 400\pm200$ ions are all bright. (d) When the radial RP is off, only the$536\pm18$ ions in the cavity are bright. The ions outside the cavity are in dark state [144].图 9 IonQ公司的离子阱芯片HOA [63,172] (a) HOA离子阱芯片的照片; (b)该表面阱的Y型结电极, 电极的形状已经被优化, 使得沿着轴线的射频电场分量最小, 红线表示离子在不同区域间穿梭的路径; (c)离子阱的内部结构, 该离子阱具有四个金属层, 顶部电极层(M4), 较低的金属布线层(M1, M2和M3); (d)多离子操控的光路图
Fig. 9. High-Optical-Access trap from IonQ Inc[63]: (a) Photo of HOA ion trap. It can be clearly seen that the linear trap is located on a higher platform, and has a long and narrow through hole along the axis, and two Y-junction electrode structures. The trap has 94 control DC electrodes. (b) Y-junction of this surface trapl. The shape of the electrodes has been optimized to minimize the RF electric field component along the axis. The red line shows the path the ions transporting between different regions. (c) Inner structure of the ion trap. This ion trap has four metal layers, the top electrode layer (M4), and the lower metal layers (M1, M2 and M3). (d) Optical diagram of the 11-qubit system[44]
图 10 Honeywell公司的Model H1离子阱[65] (a)云操作运行结构; (b)离子阱的结构, 该离子阱由16个不同区域组成, 分别为五个门操作区(蓝色)、两个专门用于存储离子的扩展门操作区(橙色)、八个辅助区(黄色)和一个装载区(紫色); (c)基于移动离子实现两个非近邻离子两比特门操作的量子电路, 以及其在该离子阱系统中对应的操作流程
Fig. 10. Honeywell's Model H1 ion trap [65]: (a) Structure of cloud operation ionn trap system. (b) The structure of the trap. The trap consists of 16 distinct zones, consisting of five gate zones (blue), two extended gate zones dedicated to ion storage (orange), eight auxiliary zones (yellow), and one loading zone (violet). (c) A quantum circuit for realizing a two-qubit gate operation between two ions that are not adjacent, and its corresponding operation flow in the ion trap system
图 11 麻省理工大学(MIT)集成波导离子阱结构示意图[64] (a)集成在
$ \mathrm{SiO_{2}} $ 内的光波导和输出光栅耦合器将激光聚焦到离子上; (b)激光从光纤通过边缘耦合进入芯片中的波导; (c)光纤经过光纤真空馈通进入低温真空环境, 芯片放置于7 K冷头上; (d)$ \mathrm{^{88}Sr} $ 原子和$ \mathrm{^{88}Sr^{+}} $ 离子的能级图; (e)离子阱中心区域的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)图像, 显示了电极上的方形通光窗口以及周围的RF电极和DC电极分布, 插图: 扫描电镜显示的光栅耦合器, 可以实现光束横向聚焦; (f)集成波导离子阱芯片封装, 插图为1$ \mathrm{cm^{2}} $ 左右的离子阱芯片Fig. 11. Ion trap integrated with waveguides used by Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT) [64]: (a) Lasers are propagating in the Optical waveguide and focused to the ion by the grating coupler in
$ \mathrm{SiO_{2}} $ substrate. (b) Lasers are coupled from the optical fiber to the on-chip waveguide using the edge coupling method. (c) Optical fibers are fed through the cryostat system using the fiber feedthrough.The ion trap chip is located on the cold head at 7 K. (d)$ \mathrm{^{88}Sr} $ and$ \mathrm{^{88}Sr^{+}} $ ion energy level diagram. (e) The scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the central region of the ion trap shows the square light-passing window on the electrode and the distribution of RF electrode and DC electrode around it. Inset: A scanning electron microscope shows a grating coupler that enables transverse focusing of a beam. (f) Photonic ion-trap chip packaged. Inset is an ion trap chip around 1$ \mathrm{cm^{2}} $ .图 12 NIST的集成载流导线离子阱芯片[41]. 图中RF电极(紫色)和DC电极(灰色)用于囚禁离子两个
$ \mathrm{^{25}Mg^{+}} $ 离子, 距表面30 μm. 频率达MHz的射频电流被加载到绿色(编号1到3)的载流电极上, 在离子附近产生垂直于轴的射频磁场和射频磁场梯度. 利用该梯度产生的力, 可以使用微波实现两离子纠缠门. 左上方的小图中, 两个离子偏移轴线而受到不同的射频磁场, 由于AC zeeman移频效应而具有不同的能级, 可以实现离子的独立寻址Fig. 12. NIST’s integrated current-carrying wire(CCW) ion trap chip[41]. RF electrodes (purple) and DC electrodes (gray) are used to trap two
$ \mathrm{^{25}Mg^{+}} $ ions, 30 μm from the surface. RF currents at frequencies up to MHz are loaded onto green (numbered 1 to 3) current-carrying electrodes, generating RF magnetic fields and RF magnetic gradients perpendicular to the axis near the ions. Using the forces generated by this gradient, a two-ion entanglement gate can be realized using microwaves. In the small figure on the upper left, two ions with different RF magnetic fields due to their offset axes have different energy levels due to the AC Zeeman frequency shift effect and can achieve independent ion addressing.表 1 部分光学腔实验的参数, 来自文献[105]
Table 1. Structural parameters of capillary of different kind of fluid
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