Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the most important imaging modalities used in contemporary clinical radiology research and diagnostic practice due to its non-invasive nature, absence of ionizing radiation, high soft tissue contrast, and diverse imaging capabilities. Nevertheless, traditional MRI systems are limited by a relatively low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which can be enhanced by increasing the strength of the main magnetic field. Ultra-high field MRI (UHF-MRI) typically refers to MRI systems with a main magnetic field strength of 7 T or higher. The UHF-MRI improves image SNR and extends the boundaries of spatial resolution and detection sensitivity. These advancements not only provide clinicians with richer and more accurate physiological and pathological information but also open new avenues for research on life sciences and cognitive neuroscience. Currently, the UHF-MRI plays a pivotal role in brain functional and metabolic imaging. In the brain function research, the implementation of high-resolution mesoscale functional imaging techniques has enabled the investigation of laminar-specific neuronal activity within cortical layers, including feedforward and feedback neural information processing pathways. In metabolic studies, the application of hydrogen and multi-nuclear spectroscopy and imaging has yielded more accurate metabolic data, thereby holding substantial promise for advancing our understanding of the pathophysiology underlying functional and metabolic diseases. However, the UHF-MRI is also subject to certain limitations, including issues related to radio-frequency (RF) field in homogeneity, elevated specific absorption ratio (SAR), and susceptibility artifacts. In this paper, the historical evolution and theoretical underpinnings of UHF-MRI are reviewed, its principal advantages over low-field MRI is elucidated, and the contemporary research on UHF-MRI applications in human brain function and metabolic imaging research are integrated together. Furthermore, the technical limitations associated with UHF-MRI implementation are critically examined and the potential avenues are proposed for the future research direction. -
图 1 不同场强(3 T与7 T)下的${T_1}$加权成像与二维EPI图像, 图像采集自北京大学磁共振成像研究中心, 扫描仪型号分别为西门子MAGNETOM Prisma 3 T和西门子MAGNETOM Terra 7 T, 受试者为同一位健康成年男性 (a) 3 T在1 mm×1 mm×1 mm分辨率下的磁化强度准备快速梯度回波(magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo, MPRAGE)图像(重复时间(repetition time, TR)= 2530 ms, 回波时间(echo time, TE)= 2.98 ms, 反转时间(inversion time, TI)= 1100 ms, 采集时间(acquisition time, TA)= 5∶56); (b) 7 T在0.65 mm各向同性分辨率下的磁化强度准备双快速梯度回波(magnetization prepared 2 rapid gradient echo, MP2 RAGE)图像(TR = 5000 ms, TE = 2.05 ms, TI1/TI2 = 900/2750 ms, TA = 10∶57); (c) 3 T在2 mm各向同性分辨率下的EPI图像(TR = 2000 ms, TE = 30 ms, 翻转角(flip angle, FA)= 90°, 回波间隙(echo spacing, ES)= 0.54 ms); (d) 7 T在2 mm各向同性分辨率下的EPI图像(TR = 2000 ms, TE = 22 ms, FA = 90°, ES = 0.53 ms); (e) 7 T在0.85 mm各向同性分辨率下的EPI图像(TR = 2000 ms, TE = 27 ms, FA = 70°, ES = 1.08 ms)
Figure 1. Comparison of ${T_1}$-weighted images and 2D-EPI on different magnetic fields (3 T vs. 7 T), images were acquired from the same healthy male adult volunteer on MAGNETOM Prisma 3 T and MAGNETOM Terra 7 T (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) at Center for MRI Research, Peking University: (a) 3 T MPRAGE image at 1 mm×1 mm×1 mm resolution (TR = 2530 ms, TE = 2.98 ms, TI = 1100 ms, TA = 5∶56); (b) 7 T MP2 RAGE image at 0.65 mm isotropic resolution (TR = 5000 ms, TE = 2.05 ms, TI1/TI2 = 900/2750 ms, TA = 10∶57); (c) 3 T 2D-EPI images at 2 mm isotropic resolution (TR = 2000 ms, TE = 30 ms, FA = 90°, ES = 0.54 ms); (d) 7 T 2D-EPI images at 2 mm isotropic resolution (TR = 2000 ms, TE = 22 ms, FA = 90°, ES = 0.53 ms); (e) 7 T 2D-EPI images at 0.85 mm isotropic resolution (TR = 2000 ms, TE = 27 ms, FA = 70°, ES = 1.08 ms).
图 2 7 T大脑动脉和静脉血管结构成像, 图像采集自北京大学磁共振成像研究中心, 扫描仪型号为西门子MAGNETOM Terra 7 T, 受试者为健康成年男性 (a) TOF成像在横断面的最大值投影(0.2 mm×0.2 mm×0.4 mm插值重建, TR = 35 ms, TE = 3.78 ms, TA = 13:54); (b) SWI成像在横断面的最小值投影(0.12 mm×0.12 mm×1.5 mm插值重建, TR = 21 ms, TE = 14 ms, TA = 7∶27)
Figure 2. 7 T brain arteries and veins structure imaging. Images were acquired from a healthy male adult volunteer on MAGNETOM Terra 7 T (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) at Center for MRI Research, Peking University: (a) Maximum intensity projection on transversal TOF image (0.2 mm×0.2 mm×0.4 mm interpolated reconstruction, TR = 35 ms, TE = 3.78 ms, TA = 13:54); (b) minimum intensity projection on transversal SWI image (0.12 mm×0.12 mm×1.5 mm interpolated reconstruction, TR = 21 ms, TE = 14 ms, TA = 7∶27).
图 3 手指运动任务的7 T脑功能成像, 图像采集自北京大学磁共振成像研究中心, 扫描仪型号为西门子MAGNETOM Terra 7 T, 受试者为健康成年男性, 使用VASO序列[50](0.8 mm×0.8 mm×1.3 mm, TR1/TR2 = 69/4419 ms, TE = 25.4 ms, FA = 45°, ES = 1.1 ms) (a) VASO图像激活图; (b) BOLD图像激活图; (c) 皮层分层感兴趣区(region of interest, ROI); (d) 皮层分层激活分布(信号相对变化)与皮层深度的关系, 灰质(gray matter, GM)最浅处边界为脑脊液(cerebral spinal fluid, CSF), 最深处边界为白质(white matter, WM), 蓝色曲线为BOLD激活分布, 红色曲线为VASO激活分布, 曲线中的误差棒为每个分层ROI的统计样本标准差
Figure 3. 7 T fMRI on finger-tapping task. VASO sequence[50] (0.8 mm×0.8 mm×1.3 mm, TR1/TR2 = 69/4419 ms, TE = 25.4 ms, FA = 45°, ES = 1.1 ms) was implemented from a healthy male adult volunteer on MAGNETOM Terra 7 T (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) at Center for MRI Research, Peking University: (a) VASO activation; (b) BOLD activation; (c) layer ROI; (d) laminar profile of percent signal change activation for BOLD (blue) and VASO (red), the error bars represent the sample standard deviation within each layer.
图 4 后扣带回皮质(posterior cingulate cortex, PCC)的7 T 1H-MRS, 数据采集自北京大学磁共振成像研究中心, 扫描仪型号为西门子MAGNETOM Terra 7 T, 受试者为健康成年女性, 使用semi-LASER序列[158](20 mm×20 mm×20 mm, TR = 5000 ms, TE1/TE2/TE3 = 7/10/9 ms, FA = 45°, 平均次数(Averages) = 64) (a) PCC体素位置; (b) 7 T PCC 1H-MRS及一些代谢物谱峰分布
Figure 4. In vivo 1H-MRS on PCC using semi-LASER sequence (20 mm×20 mm×20 mm, TR = 5000 ms, TE1/TE2/TE3 = 7/10/9 ms, FA = 45°, Averages = 64) from a healthy female adult volunteer on MAGNETOM Terra 7 T (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) at Center for MRI Research, Peking University: (a) PCC voxel location; (b) 7 T PCC 1H-MRS and metabolites.
图 5 人脑7 T 23Na磁共振成像(图像由中国科学院生物物理研究所提供, 扫描仪型号为西门子MAGNETOM Terra 7 T, 使用苏州众志医疗公司提供的23Na-1H双频头部线圈, 受试者为健康成年男性), 使用超短回波(UTE, ultra-short TE)序列(2.5 mm×2.5 mm×2.5 mm, TR = 12.8 ms, TE = 0.27 ms, FA = 19°, TA = 4∶25) (a) 矢状面; (b) 冠状面; (c) 横断面
Figure 5. In vivo 23Na MRI of human brain at 7 T, UTE sequence (2.5 mm×2.5 mm×2.5 mm, TR = 12.8 ms, TE = 0.27 ms, FA = 19°, TA = 4∶25) was implemented from a healthy male adult volunteer on MAGNETOM Terra 7 T (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany): (a) Sagittal; (b) coronal; (c) axial, images courtesy of Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
图 6 7 T MRI射频场在圆极化(circular polarized, CP)模式下人脑成像的FA分布图(数据采集自北京大学磁共振成像研究中心, 扫描仪型号为西门子MAGNETOM Terra 7 T, 受试者为健康成年男性)
Figure 6. FA map covering the brain on the 7 T scanner in CP mode, images were acquired from a healthy male adult volunteer on MAGNETOM Terra 7 T (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) at Center for MRI Research, Peking University.
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