Bound states in the continuum (BIC) were initially observed in quantum mechanics as a phenomenon capable of maintaining localized wave behavior. This effect has been extensively studied across various material systems, including piezoelectric materials, graphene, and photonic crystals. Recently, the BIC mode has employed to achieve strong optical chirality in metamaterials with symmetry breaking. In this work, we propose a silicon metasurface with an interrupted ring groove, which has a fourfold rotationally symmetry. By breaking the in-plane inversion symmetry of the unit cell, we achieve quasi-BICs with the high quality factor and conspicuous chirality. Moreover, by analyzing topological charges in momentum space, we reveal that the unique topological characteristics of quasi-BIC are generated by the internal resonance of metasurface. When the symmetry breaking reaches a certain level, our proposed symmetry-broken metasurface shows a strong circular dichroism and its value is –0.93, which indicates that the quasi-BIC mode can has a strong chiral selectivity. For chiral sensing applications, the chiral metasurface exhibits a spectral resolution of approximately 0.003. The findings presented in this work have great potential applications in chiral sensing, nonlinear chiral optics, low-threshold lasers, and other related fields.
- bound state in the continuum /
- metasurface /
- chirality /
- quality factor
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图 2 (a)本征模的位于1500—1600 nm波段的能带结构; (b)本征模在BIC波长(波长为1548 nm)附近的品质因子分布图, 品质因子在k = 0的点处趋向于无穷大, 插图为BIC波长处的结构处的电场分布图
Figure 2. (a) Band structure of the eigenmodes in the wavelength range of 1500–1600 nm; (b) quality factor distribution of the eigenmodes near the BIC wavelength (1548 nm), with the quality factor approaching infinity at k = 0. The inset shows the electric field distribution at the BIC frequency point.
图 3 (a) 超表面处于激发模式下, 扰动因子对高品质因子的影响, 插图为所定义的破坏对称方式的示意图; (b)不同扰动因子下的本征模的波长分布
Figure 3. (a) Impact of the perturbation factor on the high-quality factor in the excited mode of the metasurface, with the inset showing a schematic diagram of the defined symmetry-breaking method; (b) wavelength distribution of the eigenmodes under different perturbation facors.
图 6 (a) α = 0.1对称破坏时, C4v超表面使用RCP, LCP光激励的透射光谱; (b)准BIC附近处的圆二色性值; 使用(c) RCP和(d) LCP光激励的准BIC波长处超表面的电场分布
Figure 6. (a) Transmission spectra of C4v metasurface under α = 0.1 symmetry breaking, excited by RCP and LCP light; (b) circular dichroism values near the quasi-BIC; (c), (d) the electric field distribution of the metasurface at the quasi-BIC wavelength when excited with (c) RCP and (d) LCP light, respectively.
图 8 (a) 考虑损耗的条件下, 超表面破坏对称性后的透射、反射和吸收谱线; (b)考虑损耗的情况下元胞的电场图; 手性超表面在(c) LCP和RCP光下的透射谱线以及(d)圆二色性曲线
Figure 8. (a) Consideration of losses, transmission, reflection, and absorption spectra of the metasurface after symmetry breaking; (b) electric field distribution in the unit cell considering losses; (c) transmission spectra under LCP and RCP light, and (d) the circular dichroism curve of the chiral metasurface, respectively.
[1] Borovkova O V, Ignatyeva D O, Sekatskii S K, Karabchevsky A, Belotelov V I 2019 Photonics Res. 8 57
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[29] Zhao Y, Askarpour A N, Sun L Y, Shi J W, Li X Q, Alu A 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 14180
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[33] Yu K, Song F, Shi Z, Li H, Liu Y , Wu X 2023 J. Opt. 25 125101
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[34] Palik E D 1985 Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids ppxvii-xviii
[35] Zhen B, Hsu C W, Lu L, Stone A D, Soljačić M 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 257401
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[36] Chen Y, Yang X D, Gao J 2018 Light Sci. Appl. 7 84
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