In this work, TCAD simulation modeling is carried out for silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistor (SiGe HBT), and an X-band low noise amplifier (LNA) circuit is built based on the SiGe HBT device model to carry out the hybrid simulation of single-particle transient (SET). The rule of SET pulse varying with LET value and incident angle of ions is studied, and the results show that with the increase of incident LET value, the amplitude of SET pulse at the LNA port increases, and the oscillation time is prolonged; with the increase of incident angle of ions, the amplitude of SET pulse at the LNA port first increases and then decreases, and the oscillation time decreases. With the development of the characterization process, the cutoff frequency (fT) and the maximum oscillation frequency (fMAX) of SiGe HBT device with IM structure, are measured considering the use of inverse-mode (IM) common emitter and common-base structures (Cascode) to reduce the sensitivity of the LNAs to single-particle effects. This work calibrates the devices of the TCAD platform as well as the devices of the ADS platform, establishes F-F LNAs as well as I-F LNAs on the ADS, respectively, and verifies the relevant RF performances of the LNA circuits by using the IM-structured SiGe HBTs as the core devices. The SET experiments are performed on the Sentaurus TCAD platform for the F-F LNA circuit and I-F LNA circuit for ions incident on two positions: common base transistor and common emitter transistor, respectively. It is concluded that the LNA with IM structure still shows good RF performance compared with the standard LNA at 130 nm. The transient current duration of the LNA circuit with IM Cascode structure is significantly reduced, and the peak value is reduced by 66% or more, which significantly reduces the sensitivity of the SiGe LNA circuit to SET.
- silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistor /
- single particle effect /
- inverse mode /
- hybrid simulation
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[22] 李培, 贺朝会, 郭红霞, 张晋新, 魏佳男, 刘默寒 2022 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报 20 523
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[23] Najafizadeh L, Phillips S D, Moen K A, Diestelhorst R M, Bellini M, Saha P K, Marshall P W 2009 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 56 3469
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[24] Ildefonso A, Coen C T, Fleetwood Z E, Tzintzarov G N, Wachter M T, Khachatrian A, Cressler J D 2017 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 65 239
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[25] Song I, Raghunathan U S, Lourenco N E, Fleetwood Z E, Oakley M A, Jung S, Cressler J D 2016 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 63 1099
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表 1 LNA核心参数
Table 1. LNA core parameters.
LNA核心参数 I-F Cascode F-F Cascode f0/GHz 9.5 9.5 S21/dB 20 23 NF/dB 2.9 1.4 P1dB/dBm –18 –22 -
[1] 辛启明, 刘英坤, 贾素梅 2011 半导体技术 36 672
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Xin Q M, Liu Y Q, Jia S M 2011 Semicond. Technol. 36 672
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[2] Meyerson B S 1986 Appl. Phys. Lett. 48 797
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[3] 马良 2019 中国新通信 21 222
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Man L 2019 Chin. New Telecommun. 21 222
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[4] 谢孟贤, 古妮娜 2008 微电子学 38 34
Xie M X, Gu N N 2008 Microelectronics 38 34
[5] Çaışkan C, Kalyoncu I, Yazici M, Gurbuz Y 2018 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Regul. Pap. 66 1419
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[6] 包宽, 周骏, 沈亚 2017 固体电子学研究与进展 37 239
Bao K, Zhou J, Shen Y 2017 Solid State Electron. Res. Prog. 37 239
[7] 李培, 郭红霞, 郭旗, 文林, 崔江维, 王信, 张晋新 2015 64 118502
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Li P, Guo H X, Guo Q, Wen L, Cui J W, Wang X, Zhang J X 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 118502
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[8] Appaswamy A 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Georgia: Georgia Institute of Technology
[9] Sheng L, Yong-Bin K, Fabrizio L 2011 IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Reliab. 12 68
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[10] Jung S, Lourenco N E, Song I, Oakley M A, England T D, Arora R, Cressler J D 2014 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 61 3193
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[11] Al Seragi E M, Dash S, Muthuseenu K, Cressler J D, Barnaby H J, Khachatrian A, Buchner S P, McMorrow D, Zeinolabedinzadeh S 2021 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 69 2154
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[12] Li P, He C H, Guo H X, Zhang J X, Li Y, Wei J 2019 Microelectron. Reliab. 103 113499
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[13] Zhang J X, Guo Q, Guo H X, Lu W, He C H, Wang X, Wen L 2018 Microelectron. Reliab. 84 105
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[14] Jin D Y, Wu L, Zhang W R, Na W C, Yang S M, Jia X X, Yang Y Q 2022 J. Beijing Univ. Technol. 48 1280
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[15] Zhang J X, Guo H X, Pan X Y, Guo Q, Zhang F Q, Feng J, Wang X, Wei Y, Wu X X 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 108501
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[16] 张晋新, 王信, 郭红霞, 冯娟, 吕玲, 李培, 闫允一, 吴宪祥, 王辉 2022 71 058502
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Zhang J X, Wang X, Guo H X, Feng J, Lü L, Li P, Yan Y Y, Wu X X, Wang H 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 058502
Google Scholar
[17] Lourenco N E, Zeinolabedinzadeh S, Ildefonso A, Fleetwood Z E, Coen C T, Song I, Cressler J D 2016 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 63 273
Google Scholar
[18] Chen W, Pouget V, Barnaby H J, Cressler J D, Niu G, Fouillat P, Lewis D 2003 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 50 2081
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[19] Zeinolabedinzadeh S, Ying H, Fleetwood Z E, Roche N J H, Khachatrian A, McMorrow D, Cressler J D 2016 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 64 125
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[20] Lourenco N E, Phillips S D, England T D, Cardoso A S, Fleetwood Z E, Moen K A, Cressler J D 2013 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 60 4175
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[21] Phillips S D, Moen K A, Lourenco N E, Cressler J D 2012 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 59 2682
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[22] 李培, 贺朝会, 郭红霞, 张晋新, 魏佳男, 刘默寒 2022 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报 20 523
Google Scholar
Li P, He C H, Guo H X, Zhang J X, Wei J N, Liu M H 2022 J. Terahertz Sci. Electron. Inf. Technol. 20 523
Google Scholar
[23] Najafizadeh L, Phillips S D, Moen K A, Diestelhorst R M, Bellini M, Saha P K, Marshall P W 2009 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 56 3469
Google Scholar
[24] Ildefonso A, Coen C T, Fleetwood Z E, Tzintzarov G N, Wachter M T, Khachatrian A, Cressler J D 2017 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 65 239
Google Scholar
[25] Song I, Raghunathan U S, Lourenco N E, Fleetwood Z E, Oakley M A, Jung S, Cressler J D 2016 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 63 1099
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