针对国产锗硅异质结双极晶体管(SiGe HBTs), 采用半导体器件模拟工具, 建立SiGe HBT单粒子效应三维损伤模型, 研究影响SiGe HBT单粒子效应电荷收集的关键因素. 分析比较重离子在不同位置入射器件时, 各电极的电流变化和感生电荷收集情况, 确定SiGe HBT电荷收集的敏感区域. 结果表明, 集电极/衬底结内及附近区域为集电极和衬底收集电荷的敏感区域, 浅槽隔离内的区域为基极收集电荷的敏感区域, 发射极收集的电荷可以忽略. 此项工作的开展为下一步采用设计加固的方法提高器件的抗辐射性能打下了良好的基础.
- 锗硅异质结双极晶体管 /
- 单粒子效应 /
- 电荷收集 /
- 三维数值仿真
In this paper, we establish a three-dimensional numerical simulation model for SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor by the technology computer aided design simulations. In the simulation we investigate the charge collection mechanism by heavy ion radiation in SiGe HBT technology. The results show that the charge collected by the terminals is a strong function of the ion striking position. The sensitive area of charge collection for each terminal is identified based on the analyses of the device structure and simulation results. For a normal strike within and around the area of the collector/substrate junction, most of the electrons and holes are collected by the collector and substrate terminals, respectively. For an ion strike between the shallow trench edges surrounding the emitter, the base collects a large quantity of charge, while the emitter collects a negligible quantity of charge.-
- SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor /
- single event effect /
- charge collection /
- three-dimensional numerical simulation
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[15] Zhang T 2009 M.S. Dissertation (Alabama: Auburn University)
[16] Shi Y 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation (Alabama: Auburn University)
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[19] Yang H G, Shi Y, Lü J, Pu L, Zhang R, Zheng Y 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 1211 (in Chinese) [杨红官, 施毅, 闾锦, 濮林, 张荣, 郑有 2004 53 1211]
[20] Hu H Y, Shu J, Zhang H M, Song J J, Xuan R X, Qin S S, Qu J T 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 017303 (in Chinese) [胡辉勇, 舒钰, 张鹤鸣, 宋建军, 宣荣喜, 秦珊珊, 屈江涛 2011 60 017303]
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[1] Cressler J D 1998 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 46 572
[2] Cressler J D 2005 Proc. IEEE 93 1559
[3] Yang H D, Yu Q, Wang X Z, Li J C, Ning N, Yang M H 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5743 (in Chinese) [杨洪东, 于奇, 王向展, 李竞春, 宁宁, 杨谟华 2010 59 5743]
[4] Diestelhorst R M 2009 M.S. Dissertation (Georgia: Georgia Institute of Technology)
[5] Appaswamy A 2010 Ph.D. Dissertation (Georgia: Georgia Institute of Technology)
[6] Zhao X, Zhang W R, Jin D Y, Fu Q, Chen L, Xie H Y, Zhang Y J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 134401 (in Chinese) [赵昕, 张万荣, 金冬月, 付强, 陈亮, 谢红云, 张瑜洁 2012 61 134401]
[7] Chen T B, Sutton A K, Bellini M, Haugerud B M, Comeau J P, Liang Q Q, Cressler J D, Cai J, Ning T H, Marshall P W, Marshall C J 2005 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 52 2353
[8] Niu Z H, Guo Q, Ren D Y, Liu G, Gao S 2006 Chin. J. Semiconduct. 27 1068 (in Chinese) [牛振红, 郭旗, 任迪远, 刘刚, 高嵩 2006 半导体学报 27 1068]
[9] Yang H 2005 M.S. Dissertation (Alabama: Auburn University)
[10] Varadharajaperumal M 2010 Ph.D. Dissertation (Alabama: Auburn University)
[11] Niu G F, Yang H, Varadharajaperumal M, Shi Y, Cressler J D, Krithivasan R, Marshall P W, Reed R A 2005 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 52 2153
[12] Pellish J A 2008 Ph.D. Dissertation (Tennessee: Vanderbilt University)
[13] Varadharajaperumal M, Niu G F, Krithivasan R, Cressler J D, Reed R A, Marshall P W, Vizkelethy G, Dodd P E, Joseph A J 2003 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 50 2191
[14] Varadharajaperumal M, Niu G F, Wei X Y, Zhang T, Cressler J D, Reed R A, Marshall P W 2007 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 54 2330
[15] Zhang T 2009 M.S. Dissertation (Alabama: Auburn University)
[16] Shi Y 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation (Alabama: Auburn University)
[17] Pratapgarhwala M M 2005 M.S. Dissertation (Georgia: Georgia Institute of Technology)
[18] Lü Y, Zhang H M, Dai X Y, Hu H Y, Shu B 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3239 (in Chinese) [吕懿, 张鹤鸣, 戴显英, 胡辉勇, 舒斌 2004 53 3239]
[19] Yang H G, Shi Y, Lü J, Pu L, Zhang R, Zheng Y 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 1211 (in Chinese) [杨红官, 施毅, 闾锦, 濮林, 张荣, 郑有 2004 53 1211]
[20] Hu H Y, Shu J, Zhang H M, Song J J, Xuan R X, Qin S S, Qu J T 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 017303 (in Chinese) [胡辉勇, 舒钰, 张鹤鸣, 宋建军, 宣荣喜, 秦珊珊, 屈江涛 2011 60 017303]
[21] Qian W, Jin X J, Zhang J, Lin H W, Chen P Y, Qian P X 1998 Chin. J. Semiconduct. 19 261 (in Chinese) [钱伟, 金晓军, 张炯, 林惠旺, 陈培毅, 钱佩信 1998 半导体学报 19 261]
[22] Liu L, Wang Y Q, Xiao B, Kang B W, Wu Y, Wang Z 2005 Chin. J. Semiconduct. 26 96 (in Chinese) [刘亮, 王玉琦, 肖波, 亢宝位, 吴郁, 王哲 2005 半导体学报 26 96]
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