In order to improve the efficiency of the single event effect (SEE) experiments on the 100 MeV proton cyclotron of China Institute of Atomic Energy, a binary energy degrader that can lower the initial proton energy to other values rapidly is designed for the 100 MeV protons provided by the accelerator. The energy degrader is comprised of six aluminum plates of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 mm at thickness, where the thickness of the latter plate is twice that of the previous one. We introduce the concept of relative thickness, which can also represent the order of the energy of the produced protons, and the state or operation of the degrader. The energy interval of 61 protons with energy above 9.69 MeV, produced by the degrader, is between 0.84 MeV and 4.09 MeV. And their energy straggling degree is less than 10%, and full width at half maximum of the scattering angle is less than 45 mrad. So the energy degrader basically meets the requirements of the proton SEE experiments. The influence of the initial proton energy accuracy of the protons directly provided by the accelerator on the residual energy after they have passed through the degrader is discussed. It is found that the lower the residual energy, the greater the influence is. In addition, the degrader is also suitable for protons in the 70-100 MeV energy range that the accelerator can directly provide, and more continuous energy can be obtained by using more plates designed with this method. The design method of the energy reducer proposed in this paper is simple and effective, and has a strong reference value.
- energy degrader /
- single event effects /
- energy straggling /
- angle straggling
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[1] 黄建国, 韩建伟 2004 中国科学G辑 47 540
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[4] 赵雯, 郭晓强, 陈伟, 邱孟通, 罗尹虹, 王忠明, 郭红霞 2015 64 178501
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[5] 罗尹虹, 张凤祁, 王燕萍, 王圆明, 郭晓强, 郭红霞 2016 65 068501
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Google Scholar
He A L, Guo G, Chen L, Shen D J, Ren Y, Liu J C, Zhang Z C, Cai L, Shi S T, Wang H, Fan H, Gao L J, Kong F Q 2014 Atom. Energ. Sci. Technol. 48 2364
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Yang H L, Li G Z, Li Y C, Jiang J H, He C H, Tang B Q 2001 Atom. Energ. Sci. Technol. 35 490
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[8] 张付强, 郭刚, 刘建成, 陈启明 2018 原子能科学技术 52 1
Zhang F Q, Guo G, Liu J C, Chen Q M 2018 Atom. Energ. Sci. Technol. 52 1
[9] Hajdas W, Burri F, Eggle C, Harboe-Sorensen R and Marino R 2002 Proc. IEEE Radiat. Effects Data Workshop Phoenix, Arizona, American, 2002 p160
[10] 韩金华, 郭刚, 刘建成, 隋丽, 孔福全, 肖舒颜, 覃英参, 张艳文 2019 68 054104
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Han J H, Guo G, Liu J C, Sui L, Kong F Q, Xiao S Y, Qin Y C, Zhang Y W 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 054104
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[11] Ziegler J F http://www.srim.org. [2019-10-6]
[12] Ziegler J F, Ziegler M D, Biersack J P 2010 Nucl.Instr. and Meth. B 268 1818
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Fudan University, Tsinghua University, Peking University 1985 Nuclear Physics Experimental Methods (Part I) (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press) pp57−60 (in Chinese)
[14] Zhang Z G, Liu J, Hou M D, Sun Y M, Zhao F Z, Liu G, Han Z S, Geng C, Liu J D, Xi K, Duan J L, Yao H J, Mo D, Luo J, Gu S, and Liu T Q 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 096103
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[19] 余建国, 郁庆长 1997 高能物理与核物理 21 851
Yu J G, Yu Q C 1997 High Energ. Phys. Nuc. 21 851
[20] 鞠志萍, 曹午飞, 刘小伟 2009 58 174
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Ju Z P, Cao W F, Liu X W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 174
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