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Spin-orbital coupling in strong interaction and global spin polarization

Gao Jian-Hua Huang Xu-Guang Liang Zuo-Tang Wang Qun Wang Xin-Nian


Spin-orbital coupling in strong interaction and global spin polarization

Gao Jian-Hua, Huang Xu-Guang, Liang Zuo-Tang, Wang Qun, Wang Xin-Nian
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In non-central relativistic heavy ion collisions, the colliding nuclear system possesses a huge global orbital angular momentum in the direction opposite to the normal of the reaction plane. Due to the spin-orbit coupling in strong interaction, such a huge orbital angular momentum leads to a global spin polarization of the quark matter system produced in the collision process. The global polarization effect in high energy heavy ion collisions was first predicted theoretically and confirmed by STAR experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in Brookhaven National Laboratory. The discovery has attracted much attention to the study of spin effects in heavy ion collision and leads to a new direction in high energy heavy ion physics—Spin Physics in Heavy Ion Collisions. In this paper, we briefly review the original ideas, the calculation methods, the main results and recent theoretical developments in last years. First, we present a short discussion of the spin-orbit coupling which is an intrinsic property for a relativistic fermionic quantum system. Then we review how the global orbital angular momentum can be generated in non-central heavy ion collisions and how the global orbital angular momentum can be transferred to the local orbital angular momentum distribution in two limit model---Landan fireball model and Bjorken scaling model. After that, we review how we can describe the scattering process with initial local orbital angular momentum in the formalism of scattering cross section in impact parameter space and how we calculate the polarization of the quarks and antiquarks in quark gluon plasma produced in non-central heavy ion collisions after single or multiple scattering. We also give a brief review on how the global polarization can be predicted from the formalism of relativistic hydrodynamics with the generalized Cooper-Frye formula with spin. Finally, we discuss how the quark's polarization can be transferred to the final hadron's polarization. We focus on the hyperon's polarization and vector meson's spin alignment produced in heavy-ion collisions.
      Corresponding author: Gao Jian-Hua,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11890710, 11890713, 11890714, 12175123, 12225502, 12075061, 12147101, 12135011), the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFA1604900), the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, China (Grant No. 20ZR1404100), and the U.S. DOE (Grant No. DE-AC02-05CH11231)

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    Abdallah M, et al. [STAR Collaboration] 2023 Nature, [arXiv: 2204.02302[hep-ph]]


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    Becattini F, Liao J, Lisa M 2021 Lect. Notes Phys. 987


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    孙旭, 周晨升, 陈金辉, 陈震宇, 马余刚, 唐爱洪, 徐庆华 2023 72 072401

    Sun X, Zhou C S, Chen J H, Chen Z Y, Ma Y G, Tang A H, Xu Q H 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 072401 (in Chinese)


    盛欣力, 梁作堂, 王群 2023 72 072502

    Sheng X L, Liang Z T, Wang Q 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 072502 (in Chinese)


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    寿齐烨, 赵杰, 徐浩洁, 李威, 王钢, 唐爱洪, 王福强 2023 Accepted

    Shoy Q Y, Zhao J, Xu H J, Li W, Wang G, Tang A H, Wang F Q 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. Accepted (in Chinese)


    赵新丽, 马国亮, 马余刚 2023 Accepted

    Zhao X L, Ma G L, Ma Y G 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. Accepted (in Chinese)


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    Hidaka Y, Pu P, Wang Q, Yang D L 2022 Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 127 103989Google Scholar

  • 图 1  非对心碰撞示意图 [2]

    Figure 1.  Illustration of non-central heavy-ion collisions[2]

    图 2  整体轨道角动量与碰撞参数的关系 [13]

    Figure 2.  Global orbital angular momentum as a function of the impact parameter [13]

    图 3  归一化后的平均部分子纵向动量分布 [13]

    Figure 3.  The average longitudinal momentum distribution[13]

    图 4  归一化后的快度分布函数 $f_{\rm{p}}(Y, x, b, \sqrt{s})$ [13]

    Figure 4.  Normalized rapidity distribution $f_{\rm{p}}(Y, x, b, $$ \sqrt{s})$ [13]

    图 5  平均快度沿横向方向的分布$ \langle Y\rangle $ [13]

    Figure 5.  Average rapidity distribution $ \langle Y\rangle $ as a function of the transverse coordinate [13]

    图 6  夸克极化度$ –P_q $$ \alpha_s $$ \sqrt{\hat{s}}/T $的依赖关系 [13]

    Figure 6.  Quark polarization $ –P_q $ as a function of $ \sqrt{\hat{s}}/T $ for different $ \alpha_s $’s[13]

    图 7  非对心重离子碰撞中夸克整体极化示意图[9]

    Figure 7.  Illustration of the global quark polarization in non-central heavy-ion collisions [9]

    图 8  夸克极化度 $ P=\Delta\sigma/\sigma $随时间的演化[16]

    Figure 8.  Quark polarization $ P=\Delta\sigma/\sigma $ as a function of time[16]

    图 9  $ \Lambda $超子整体自旋极化的能量依赖[39]

    Figure 9.  $ \Lambda $ global polarization as a function of collision energy[39]

    图 10  超子$\Lambda,\; \Xi^-$$ \Omega^- $的整体极化的理论计算结果与实验结果的比较. 左图未考虑强子衰变效应的贡献, 右图考虑了衰变效应的贡献[43]

    Figure 10.  Theoretical calculation and comparison with experimental result for $ \Lambda, \;\Xi^- $ and $ \Omega^- $. The feed-down effect is taken into account in the left panel while not in the right panel[43]

    图 11  中心碰撞中矢量介子自旋排列随着方位角的变化[52]

    Figure 11.  $ \rho_{00} $ as a function of $ \Delta \psi $ in central collisions[52]

    表 1  超子极化在夸克组合模型和碎裂模型的结果比较。在碎裂模型计算中参数$ n_s $$ f_s $分别表示夸克-胶子等离子体中和夸克碎裂过程产生的奇异夸克相对于上下夸克的丰度[2]

    Table 1.  Hyperon’s polarizaiton from quark combination or fragmentation mechanism. In the fragmentation calculation, $ n_s $ and $ f_s $ denote the strange quark abundances relative to up or down quarks in QGP and quark fragmentation, respectively[2]

    超子 $ \Lambda $ $ \Sigma^+ $ $ \Sigma^0 $ $ \Sigma^- $ $ \Xi^0 $ $ \Xi^- $
    组合 $ P_s $ $ \dfrac{4 P_u-P_s}{3} $ $ \dfrac{2(P_u+P_d)-P_s}{3} $ $ \dfrac{4 P_d-P_s}{3} $ $ \dfrac{4 P_s-P_u}{3} $ $ \dfrac{4 P_s-P_d}{3} $
    碎裂 $ \dfrac{n_sP_s}{n_s+2 f_s} $ $ \dfrac{4 f_sP_u-n_sP_s}{3(2 f_s+n_s)} $ $ \dfrac{2 f_s(P_u+P_d)-n_sP_s}{3(2 f_s+n_s)} $ $ \dfrac{4 f_sP_d-n_sP_s}{3(2 f_s+n_s)} $ $ \dfrac{4 n_sP_s-f_sP_u}{3(2 n_s+f_s)} $ $ \dfrac{4 n_sP_s-f_sP_d}{3(2 n_s+f_s)} $
    DownLoad: CSV
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    Liang Z T, Wang X N 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 102301 [Erratum: 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 039901]


    Abdallah M, et al. [STAR Collaboration] 2023 Nature, [arXiv: 2204.02302[hep-ph]]


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    Becattini F, Liao J, Lisa M 2021 Lect. Notes Phys. 987


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    孙旭, 周晨升, 陈金辉, 陈震宇, 马余刚, 唐爱洪, 徐庆华 2023 72 072401

    Sun X, Zhou C S, Chen J H, Chen Z Y, Ma Y G, Tang A H, Xu Q H 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 072401 (in Chinese)


    盛欣力, 梁作堂, 王群 2023 72 072502

    Sheng X L, Liang Z T, Wang Q 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 072502 (in Chinese)


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    赵新丽, 马国亮, 马余刚 2023 Accepted

    Zhao X L, Ma G L, Ma Y G 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. Accepted (in Chinese)


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  • Received Date:  22 January 2023
  • Accepted Date:  12 February 2023
  • Available Online:  23 February 2023
  • Published Online:  05 April 2023

