The experimental data of the global polarization of Λ hyperon, ϕ and K*0 vector mesons in high-energy heavy ion collision confirm the new phenomenon of global polarization of hot-dense QCD matter, which has attracted extensive attention from researchers and has become a new hot research direction in the frontier of high-energy nuclear physics. This paper reviews the recent global polarization measurements. We focus on the global polarization measurements of Λ hyperon and ϕ, K*0 mesons, carried out by the solenoidal tracker detector (STAR) collaboration group at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at its Phase I of Beam Energy Scan program, and extend to the global polarization measurements containing multiple strange quark particles, such as Ξ, Ω and the local polarization studies of Λ along the beam direction. In the paper, we also briefly comment on the measurements at higher energy from the large hadron collider (LHC) and at very low energy in HADES experiment. In the end of the paper, the physical information given by these experimental results is also briefly discussed.
- heavy-ion collision /
- global polarization /
- hyperon polarization /
- vector meson spin alignment
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图 5 非对心重离子碰撞横平面中速度场和涡旋示意图[37]. z轴方向为束流方向, x-z平面为反应平面
Figure 5. A sketch illustrating the system created in a noncentral heavy-ion collision viewed in the transverse plane. Velocity field and expected vorticities are shown, the colliding beams are along the z axis and z-x plane defines the reaction plane.
图 6 200 GeV金核-金核碰撞20%—60%中心度事例中Λ超子和其反粒子的
$ {\left\langle{{\rm{cos}}{\theta }_{{\rm{p}}}^{*}}\right\rangle}^{{\rm{s}}{\rm{u}}{\rm{b}}} $ 关于$\phi -{\varPsi }_{2}$ 的依赖[37]Figure 6.
$ {\left\langle{{\rm{cos}}{\theta }_{{\rm{p}}}^{*}}\right\rangle}^{{\rm{s}}{\rm{u}}{\rm{b}}} $ of Lambda and anti-Lambda as a function of azimuthal angle$\phi$ relative to the second-order event plane$ {\varPsi }_{2} $ for 20%—60% centrality Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV[37].图 13 相对论重离子碰撞中ϕ和K*0整体极化测量结果[6]. 图中实心数据点来自STAR测量, 空心点是从ALICE实验中选出和STAR数据的动量区间, 中心度区间最接近的测量. 红色实心线是π介子场局域涨落理论对实验数据的拟合, 红色虚线则是该拟合外延到LHC能区[41]
Figure 13. Measurements of ϕ and K*0 global spin alignment in heavy-ion collisions[6]. Solid points are data from STAR measurement, open symbols indicate ALICE results with the pT bin nearest to the mean pT for the 1.0–5.0 GeV/c range assumed for each meson in the STAR analysis. The red solid line is the fitting of the local fluctuation theory of the π meson field to the experimental data, and the red dotted line is the extension of the fitting to the LHC energy region [41].
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[46] Acharya S, AdamováD, Adhya S P, et al. (ALICE Collaboration) arXiv: 2204.10171
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