For anode layer Hall plasma thruster, the etching of inner magnetic pole is one of the key factors affecting its service life. In order to solve the problem of inner magnetic pole etching in anode layer Hall plasma thruster, the effect of anode magnetic shield on inner magnetic pole etched in anode layer Hall thruster is studied by combining particle simulation PIC with sputtering simulation. The magnetic shielding of anode changes the distribution of magnetic field configuration on the surface of the anode, and improves the magnetic mirror ratio of the magnetic mirror field of the thruster to the magnetic field width of the positive gradient on the central axis. The ratio of the magnetic mirror is 1.4 times that of the original one, and two additional saddle magnetic fields are added on both sides of the original saddle magnetic field region. It not only is conducive to confining electrons and improving the ionization rate of working gas, but also keeps a certain distance between the anode and the high temperature electron region, which provides the reliable reference data for the design of high power Hall plasma thruster. When the discharge voltage is 900 V and the working pressure is 2 × 10–2 Pa, the simulation results show that after the anode is shielded by the magnetic shield, the energy range of most of the incident ions on the inner magnetic pole is 40–260 eV, which is 100 eV lower than the energy range 40–360 eV in the case without shielding the anode. The probability distribution of particle energy without magnetically shielding the anode between 260 eV and 600 eV is obviously higher than that of ion energy with magnetically shielding the anode. The maximum probability distribution of cosine value of incident angle is extended from a small range near 0.1 (incident angle 84°) to a large range of 0.1–0.45 (incident angle 84°–63°). The magnetic shielding makes the incident ions disperse on the surface of the inner magnetic pole, which is helpful in reducing the etching of inner magnetic pole. The maximum etching rate of inner magnetic pole after the anode has been magnetically shielded is reduced from 16 × 10–10 m/s to 6.1 × 10–10 m/s, which is 2.62 times lower. The comparison of simulation results with experimental results in the case without magnetically shielding the anode shows that they are in good agreement.
- anode layer Hall thruster /
- magnetic shield /
- incident ion energy /
- etching rate
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[1] Morozov A I, Savelyev V V 2000 Rev. Plasma Phys. 21 203
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[10] Garner C E, Brophy J R 1994 30th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit Indianapolis, June 27–29, 1994 AIAA-94-3010
[11] Kristi de G, Jack F, Fred W, Brian B, John D 2004 40th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit Fort Lauderdate, Florida, July 11–14, 2024 AIAA-2004-3603
[12] Welander B, Carpenter C, Kristi D G 2006 42th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit Sacramento, California, July 9–12, 2006 AIAA-2006-5263
[13] Richard R H, Mikellides I G, Katz I, Goebel D M 2007 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference Florence, Italy, September 17–20, 2007 IEPC Paper 2007–267
[14] Sommier E, Allis M K, Cappelli M A 2005 Presented at the 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference Princeton, October 31–November 4, 2005 p189
[15] John T Y, Michael K 2005 Presented at the 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference Princeton, October 31–November 4, 2005 p13
[16] 李宏斌, 唐德礼, 聂军伟 2015 核聚变与等离子体物理 35 181
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Li H B, Tang D L, Nie J W 2015 Nuclear Fusion & Plasma Phys. 35 181
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[17] 张帆, 唐德礼, 聂军伟, 李平川 2016 推进技术 37 386
Zhang F, Tang D L, Nie J W 2016 J. Propulsion Technol. 37 386
[18] Tang D L, Zhao J, Wang L S, Pu S H, Cheng C M, Chu P K 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 123305
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[19] Zhao J, Tang D L, Geng S F, Wang S Q, Liu J, Xv L 2010 Plasma Sci. Technol. 12 109
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[20] 赵杰, 唐德礼, 李平川, 耿少飞 2018 真空科学与技术学报 38 708
Zhao J, Tang D L, Li P C 2018 Chin. J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. 38 708
[21] 周志成, 王敏, 仲小清, 陈娟娟, 张天平 2015 真空科学与技术学报 35 1088
Zhou Z C, Wang M, Zhong X Q, Chen J J, Zhang T P 2015 Chin. J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. 35 1088
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