Although Li-ion batteries (LIBs) have had great success in portable electronic devices and electrical vehicles, the improvement of the performances has received intensive attention. Generally, doping is an effective method to modify the battery performance, such as cycling performance. Appropriate doping can effectively reduce the structural deformation of electrode materials during charging and discharging, thus improving the cycling performace of LIBs. Because of the large radius, large charge and strong self-polarization ability of rare earth ions, rare earth element is a promising candidate for doping modification. Motivated by this, we study the structural, electronic and ionic diffusion properties of rare-earth-doped cathode material Li2MnO3 by using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory as implemented in Vienna ab initio simulation package. After the doping of rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Sm), the lattice constants and cell volumes increase with respect to the undoped one. The cell volume of La-doped Li2MnO3 has the biggest change, while the cell volume of Sm-doped one has the smallest change. Due to the different ionic valence states, the electronic structures of the doped Li2MnO3 are various. La-doped Li2MnO3 exhibits metallic characteristic, whereas Ce-, Pr-, and Sm-doped structures are semiconducting with smaller band gap than that of the undoped case. The Li diffusion energy barrier in Li2MnO3 shows complicated variation when the La and Ce are doped. At the sites far away from the rare earth ions, the Li diffusion barriers are lower than that of undoped one. The reason is that the diffusion channels, which are determined by the distance between neighboring O-layers, are enlarged due to the implantment of rare earth ions. However, the situations are various at the sites close to the rare earth ions. The Li diffusion barriers increase essentially when Li ions diffuse from the nearest sites to rare earth ions. Such a result is closely related to the huge changes of local structures around the rare earth ions. In addition, the effect of La doping on the Li diffusion barrier is more obvious than that of Ce doping, which is due to the local structure change around rare earth ions.
- frist-principle calculation /
- rare-earth doped /
- Li-ion battery /
- cathode materials
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表 1 未掺杂与稀土掺杂的Li2MnO3的晶格常数、超胞体积与稀土元素的磁矩
Table 1. Lattice constants, volume of supercell, magnetic moment of rare-earth atom of Li2MnO3 without and with rare-earth doping
体系 稀土元素的磁矩/μB 2a/Å b/Å 2c/Å V/Å3 Li2MnO3(exp)[36] — 9.874 8.532 10.060 — Li2MnO3 — 10.030 8.670 10.191 835.566 La-Li2MnO3 0 10.244 8.828 10.317 877.527 Ce-Li2MnO3 0 10.157 8.769 10.266 861.058 Pr-Li2MnO3 1 10.151 8.765 10.263 859.917 Sm-Li2MnO3 0 10.136 8.755 10.248 856.630 表 2 未掺杂Li2MnO3中的Mn离子与最近邻O离子之间的键长和稀土掺杂结构中稀土离子与最近邻O离子之间的键长
Table 2. Distance between Mn and the nearest neighboring O in undoped Li2MnO3 and distance between rare-earth ion and the nearest neighboring O in rare-earth-doped Li2MnO3
Mn4+ La3+ Ce4+ Pr4+ Sm4+ dM—O (M = Mn, La, Ce, Pr, Sm)/Å 1.941 2.374 2.215 2.193 2.181 1.934 2.385 2.198 2.208 2.183 1.949 2.401 2.218 2.211 2.170 表 3 两种近邻结构中的Li离子迁移路径
Table 3. Diffusion paths of Li ions in two different structures with neighboring Li ions
未掺杂 稀土掺杂 2b-2c 6-3 6-3 2b-4h 6-1 6-1 6-1' 4h-2c 1-3 1-3 1'-3 4h-2c 1-4 1'-4 4h-4h 1-5 1-5 1'-5' 4h-4h 1-2 1'-2' -
[1] Tarascon J M, Armand M 2001 Nature 414 359
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[2] Liu H, Cao Q, Fu L J, Li C, Wu Y P, Wu H Q 2006 Electrochem. Commun. 8 1553
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[3] Xiao P H, Deng Z Q, Manthiram A, Henkelman G 2012 J. Phys. Chem. C 116 23201
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[4] 候育花, 黄有林, 刘仲武, 曾德长 2015 64 037501
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Hou Y H, Huang Y L, Liu Z W, Zeng D C 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 037501
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[5] Ghosh P, Mahanty S, Basu R N 2009 Electrochim. Acta 54 1654
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[7] Wei J P, Cao X Y, Pan G L, Ye M, Yan J 2003 J. Rare Earths 21 466
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[9] Iqbal M J, Ahmad Z 2008 J. Power Sources 179 763
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[10] Khedr A M, Abou-Sekkina M M, El-Metwaly F G 2013 J. Electron. Mater. 42127 5
[11] Tang Z Y, Zhang N, Lu X H 2005 J. Rare Earths 23 120
[12] 叶兰, 张海朗 2012 稀有金属材料与工程 41 636
Ye L, Zhang H L 2012 Rare Metal Mater. Eng. 41 636
[13] Luo S H, Tian Y, Li H, Shi K J, Tang Z L, Zhang Z T 2010 J. Rare Earths 28 439
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[14] 陈晗, 向楷雄, 龚文强, 刘建华 2011 稀有金属材料与工程 40 1936
Chen H, Xiang K X, Gong W Q, Liu J H 2011 Rare Metal Mater. Eng. 40 1936
[15] Zhang Y J, Xia S B, Zhang Y N, Dong P, Yan Y X, Yang R M 2012 Chin. Sci. Bull. 57 4181
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[16] 杨书廷, 贾俊华, 郑立庆, 曹朝霞 2003 中国稀土学报 21 413
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Yang S T, Jia J H, Zheng L Q, Cao Z X 2003 J. Chin. Rare Earth Soc. 21 413
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[17] Sun H B, Chen Y G, Xu C H, Zhu D, Huang L H 2012 J. Solid State Electrochem. 16 1247
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[18] Tian Y W, Kang X X, Liu L Y 2008 J. Rare Earths 26 279
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[19] Ding Y H, Zhang P, Jiang Y, Gao D S 2007 Solid State Ionics 178 967
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[20] 赵世玺, 郭双桃, 邓玉峰, 熊凯, 徐亚辉, 南策文 2017 硅酸盐学报 45 495
Zhao S X, Guo S T, Deng Y F, Xiong K, Xu Y H, Nan C W 2017 J. Chin. Ceram. Soc. 45 495
[21] He P, Yu H J, Li D, Zhou H S 2012 J. Mater. Chem. 22 3680
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[22] Gao Y R, Ma J, Wang X F, Lu X, Bai Y, Wang Z X, Chen L Q 2014 J. Mater. Chem. A 2 4811
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[25] Kresse G, Furthmüller J 1996 Phys. Rev. B 54 11169
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[36] Strobel P, Lambert-Andron B 1988 J. Solid State Chem. 75 90
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[37] Xiao R J, Li H, Chen L Q 2012 Chem. Mater. 24 4242
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