High concentrating photovoltaic (HCPV) technology plays a more and more important role in solar power generation due to its extremely high efficiency. However, the efficiency of the HCPV module can be reduced by many factors. Especially, there are not enough researches and knowledge on the light intensity distribution and non-uniform illumination of different wavelengths of light concentrated by Fresnel lens. It is generally considered that the maximum power of multi-junction solar cell is achieved when the cell is placed on the focal plane of Fresnel lens. But it is proved to be incorrect by our research. When light beams of different wavelengths go through the Fresnel lens, their light spot distributions on the optical axis are not the same as those when they have different refractive indexes in Fresnel lens. At the same time, the triple-junction solar cell consists of three sub-cells which absorb light beams of different wavelengths respectively. Therefore, the performance of triple-junction cells would be influenced by the light distribution along the optical axis, this is exactly what we want to study in this work. The method of simulating the light tracing is used to calculate and analyze the light intensity distribution and non-uniform characteristics of different wavelengths of light concentrated by Fresnel lens. Combined with them from the circuit network model of a triple-junction solar cell, the electrical performances of triple-junction solar cell at different positions along the optical axis are studied. It is found from the simulation that the performance of cell does not reach the best state when cell is placed on the focal plane. The power of cell on the focal plane reaches only 0.41 W while the maximum point arrives at 0.69 W. The high non-uniformity of light on cell surface when cell is placed on the focal plane causes the decline of power. And an outdoor HCPV testing system with the ability to change the distance between Fresnel lens and the cell is conducted. The experimental results and the simulation results match well, therefore our simulation approach is verified. It shows that the module achieves the maximum power on either side of the focal plane, and the output power can increase more than 20% after optimization. It is a result after equilibrium between light intensity and uniformity on cell surface.
- concentrating photovoltaic /
- Fresnel lens /
- triple-junction cell /
- non-uniform illumination
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[19] Ota Y, Nishioka K 2012 Sol. Energy 86 476
[1] Green M A, Emery K, Hishikawa Y, Warta W, Dunlop E D 2015 Prog. Photovoltaics 23 1
[2] Baig H, Heasman K C, Mallick T K 2012 Renew. Sust. Energy Rev. 16 5890
[3] Helmers H, Schachtner M, Bett A W 2013 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 116 144
[4] Zhang W, Chen C, Jia R, Sun Y, Xing Z, Jin Z, Liu X Y, Liu X W 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 108801
[5] Eduardo F F, Florencia A 2015 Energy Convers. Manage. 103 1031
[6] Chen F X, Wang L S, Xu W Y 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 045202
[7] Zubi G, Bernal-Agustn J L, Fracastoro G 2009 Renew. Sust. Energy Rev. 13 2645
[8] Chen N F, Bai Y M 2007 Physics 36 862 (in Chinese) [陈诺夫, 白一鸣 2007 物理 36 862]
[9] Yang G H, Wei M, Chen B Z, Dai M C, Guo L M, Wang Z Y 2013 J. Appl. Opt. 34 898 (in Chinese) [杨光辉, 卫明, 陈丙振, 代明崇, 郭丽敏, 王智勇 2013 应用光学 34 898]
[10] Languy F, Fleury K, Lenaerts C, Loicq J, Regaert D, Thibert T, Habraken S 2011 Opt. Express 19 A280
[11] Marc S, Armin B, Alexander D, Frank D, Tobias D, Matt M, Thorsten H, Gerald S, Maike W, Andreas W B 2015 Prog. Photovoltaics 23 1323
[12] Steiner M, Philipps S P, Hermle M, Bett A W, Dimroth F 2011 Prog. Photovoltaics 19 73
[13] Steiner M, Guter W, Peharz G, Philipps S P, Dimroth F, Bett A W 2012 Prog. Photovoltaics 20 274
[14] Segev G, Mittelman G, Kribus A 2012 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 98 57
[15] Rodrigo P, Fernndez E F, Almonacid F, Prez-Higueras P J 2013 Renew. Sust. Energy Rev. 26 752
[16] Yi S G, Zhang W H, Ai B, Song J W, Shen H 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 028801
[17] Jia X J, Ai B, Xu X X, Yang J M, Deng Y J, Shen H 2014 Acta Phys. Sin 63 068801 (in Chinese) [贾晓洁, 艾斌, 许欣翔, 杨江海, 邓幼俊, 沈辉 2014 63 068801]
[18] Liang Q B, Shu B F, Sun L J, Zhang Q Z, Chen M B 2014 Acta Phys. Sin 63 168801 (in Chinese) [梁齐兵, 舒碧芬, 孙丽娟, 张奇淄, 陈明彪 2014 63 168801]
[19] Ota Y, Nishioka K 2012 Sol. Energy 86 476
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