In this paper, we study the electrical properties of ion-beam-etched Hg1-xCdxTe (x=0.236) crystal with the help of mobility spectrum analysis technique. In step-by-step chemical etching, it is shown that the p-HgCdTe is completely converted to the n-type one which includes a damaged surface electron layer with a low mobility and a bulk electron layer with a higher mobility after ion etching. The mobility spectra at different temperatures show that the mobility of the surface electrons is independent of temperature in the measurement temperature range while the bulk electrons exhibit a classical behavior of n-HgCdTe with characteristics that are strongly dependent on temperature. Hall data for different thicknesses show that the electrical properties of the bulk layer are uniform. Otherwise, the surface electron layer may be found to consist of a concentration about 2-3 order of magnitude higher than the bulk electron layer.
- ion beam etching /
- mobility spectrum /
- surface electron layer /
- bulk electron layer
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[1] Reine M B 2009 Proc. of SPIE 7298 72982S
[2] Ashcroft A, Baker I 2010 Proc. of SPIE 7660 76603C
[3] Antoszewski J, Dell J M, Faraone L 2009 Proc. of SPIE 7298 729830
[4] Wotherspoon J T M 1981 UK Patent 209898
[5] Bazhenov N I, Gasanov S I, Ivanov V I, Mironov K E, Mynbaev K O 1991 Sov. Phis. Semicond. 25 2196
[6] Strong R L, Kinch M A, Armstrong J M 2013 J. Elec. Mat. 42 3103
[7] Armstrong J M, Skokan M R, Kinch M A 2014 Proc. of SPIE 9070 907033
[8] Belas E, Hoschi P, Grill R, France J, Moravec P, Lischka K, Sitter H, Toth A 1993 Semicond. Sci. Technol 8 1695
[9] Izhnin I I, Izhnin A I, Kurbanov K R, Prytuljak B B 1997 SPIE 3182 383
[10] Berchenko N N, Bogoboy V V, Izhnin I I, Kurbanov K R, Vlasov A P, Yudenkov V A 2003 Opto-Electron. Rev. 11 93
[11] Nguyen T, Antoszewski J, Musca C A, Redfern D A, Dell J M, Faraone L 2002 Journal of Electronic Materials 31 652
[12] Bogoboyashchyy V V, Izhnin I I, Mynbaev K D, Pociask M, Vlasov A P 2006 Scmicond. Sci. Technol. 21 1144
[13] Zhang K F, Lin T, Wang N L, Wang R, Jiao C L, Lin X C, Zhang L P, Li X Y 2011 J. Infarend Millim. Waves 30 301 (in Chinese) [张可锋, 林铁, 王妮丽, 王仍, 焦翠灵, 林杏潮, 张莉萍, 李向阳 2011 红外与毫米波学报 30 301]
[14] Meyer J J R, Hoffman C A, Bartoli F J, Antoszewski J, Faraone L 1998 US Patent 5789931
[15] Petritz R L 1958 Phys. Rev. 110 1254
[16] Lu H Q 1998 Ph. D. Dossertation (Shanghai:Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics) (in Chinese) [陆慧庆1998博士学位论文(上海:上海技术物理研究所)]
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