The coaxial gun discharge can produce plasma jet with high velocity, high density and high energy density, and has extensive applications, such as in plasma space propulsion, simulation of the interaction between edge local mode and wall materials in ITER, fuel injection in magnetic confinement fusion devices, and laboratory astrophysics. In the pre-filled discharge mode or snowplow mode, the plasma current sheet is formed near the insulating layer surface and moves toward the end of the coaxial gun under Lorentz force. Plasma velocity, density and purity characteristics are very important research contents for the actual applications of coaxial gun. Emission spectrometry as a non-interference method can be used to diagnose a variety of plasma physical properties. In this experiment, the effects of different discharge currents and gas pressures on the plasma dynamics, electron density and impurity emission spectra of coaxial gun discharge plasma are studied through the measurement of plasma photocurrent, emission spectra and the shooting of discharge images. The experimental results show that the acceleration time of the plasma in the gun decreases with current increasing in a range of 30–70 kA when the gas pressure is 10 Pa, the spectral intensity of anode and cathode impurities in plasma increase with current amplitude increasing. When the discharge current is 40 kA and the gas pressure is in a range of 10–70 Pa, the acceleration time of plasma increases with gas pressure rising, and the spectral intensity of the cathode impurity in the plasma decreases with the pressure increasing, while the spectral intensity of the anode impurity increases gradually, but its growth rate decreases continuously. The analysis indicates that the presence of metallic impurities originating from the electrode material limits the jet velocity of the plasma and is the main cause of the deviation from theoretical value. The plasma pinch effect at the nozzle of coaxial gun and the acceleration time of high-density arc in the gun are important factors affecting anode ablation. The impurity of cathode material is produced by ion bombardment sputtering, which mainly depends on the energy carried by ions. Therefore, a reasonable choice for discharge parameters is the key factor to obtain optimal plasma characteristics during the discharge of the coaxial gun. -
- coaxial gun /
- plasma /
- photocurrent /
- emission spectrum
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