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陈越 朱晓东



陈越, 朱晓东

Investigation on the density of negative deuterium ion in ECR plasma by optical emission spectroscopy

Yue Chen, Xiaodong Zhu
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 本文利用多道高分辨发射光谱对电子回旋共振( ECR)激发氘负离子数密度进行了研究。基于Yacora氘原子碰撞辐射模型,结合氘原子分子谱线相对强度测量,估算了电子回旋共振激发的氘负离子密度。对ECR源区和扩散区不同位置的氘原子及氘分子特征谱线进行测量,发现源区的Dα特征谱线强度远高于Dβ的强度,Dα/Dβ比高达23,表明存在着D-中性化机制,选择性地增强了特征谱线强度;进一步拟合估算了源区的D-密度,约为3.6×1015 m-3;相对于源区,扩散区的D-密度大幅下降。由于ECR源区腔体小,等离子体和壁的相互作用较强,重组脱附过程会产生更多振动激发态氘分子,增强了解离附着反应,有利于氘负离子的产生;另一方面,ECR等离子体中源区与扩散区间存在的空间电场阻碍了氘负离子的轴向输运,氘负离子的产生和损失是局域性的;这些使源区与扩散区间存在较大的D-密度梯度。
    The electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma is characterized by low working pressure and high dissociation rate, which has important applications in the deuterium negative ion D- source technology. In this paper, the Yacora collisional-radiative model is applied to the emission spectrum diagnosis of D- in ECR deuterium plasma. The D- density is estimated by using the Dα/Dβ ratio and the relative intensity of other deuterium molecular lines, which avoids complex calibration procedure of absolute intensity. The spatial structure of D- are studied by the multichannel emission spectroscopy measurements in the source and diffusion regions.
    The experiments are conducted on a 2.45 GHz ECR plasma source with a deuterium gas pressure of 1 Pa and microwave power of 660 W. The Balmer series of atomic deuterium (Dα, Dβ, Dγ, Dδ) and the Fulcher band Q-branches of molecular deuterium are measured at the source region and expanding region of the ECR plasma. It is found that the intensity of Dα in the source region is much higher than that of Dβ, and the Dα/Dβ ratio is as high as 23, indicating a selective enhancement of Balmer lines due to the mutual neutralization process of D-. Furthermore, D- density in the source region is estimated to be about 3.6×1015m-3, and the D- density in the expanding region decreases significantly. In ECR plasma source region, the plasma-wall interaction is strong due to the small volume of the cavity. The recombination desorption process produces more vibrationally excited molecules, which further enhances the dissociation attachment reaction and is beneficial to the generation of deuterium negative ions. On the other hand, the axial electric field within the ECR plasma inhibits the axial transport of D-, suggesting that the production and loss of D- is localized. These characteristics of the ECR plasma source contribute to a large gradient of D- density between the source and expanding region.
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