Recent researches on disorder-driven many-body localization (MBL) in non-Hermitian quantum systems have aroused great interest. In this work, we investigate the non-Hermitian MBL in a one-dimensional hard-core Bose model induced by random two-body dissipation, which is described by $ \hat{H}=\displaystyle\sum\limits_{j}^{L-1}\left[ -J\left( \hat{b}_{j}^{\dagger}\hat{b}_{j+1}+\hat {b}_{j+1}^{\dagger}\hat{b}_{j}\right) +\frac{1}{2}\left( U-{\mathrm{i}}\gamma_{j}\right) \hat{n}_{j}\hat{n}_{j+1}\right] \notag,$ with the random two-body loss $\gamma_j\in\left[0,W\right]$ . By the level statistics, the system undergoes a transition from the AI$^{\dagger}$ symmetry class to a two-dimensional Poisson ensemble with the increase of disorder strength. This transition is accompanied by the changing of the average magnitude (argument)$\overline{\left\langle {r}\right\rangle}$ ($\overline{-\left\langle \cos {\theta}\right\rangle }$ ) of the complex spacing ratio, shifting from approximately 0.722 (0.193) to about 2/3 (0). The normalized participation ratios of the majority of eigenstates exhibit finite values in the ergodic phase, gradually approaching zero in the non-Hermitian MBL phase, which quantifies the degree of localization for the eigenstates. For weak disorder, one can see that average half-chain entanglement entropy$\overline{\langle S \rangle}$ follows a volume law in the ergodic phase. However, it decreases to a constant independent of L in the deep non-Hermitian MBL phase, adhering to an area law. These results indicate that the ergodic phase and non-Hermitian MBL phase can be distinguished by the half-chain entanglement entropy, even in non-Hermitian system, which is similar to the scenario in Hermitian system. Finally, for a short time, the dynamic evolution of the entanglement entropy exhibits linear growth with the weak disorder. In strong disorder case, the short-time evolution of$\overline{S(t)}$ shows logarithmic growth. However, when$t\geqslant10^2$ ,$\overline{S(t)}$ can stabilize and tend to the steady-state half-chain entanglement entropy$\overline{ S_0 }$ . The results of the dynamical evolution of$\overline{S(t)}$ imply that one can detect the occurrence of the non-Hermitian MBL by the short-time evolution of$\overline{S(t)}$ , and the long-time behavior of$\overline{S(t)}$ signifies the steady-state information.-
- disorder /
- non-Hermitian /
- random-matrix theory /
- many-body localization
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图 1 当L = 14时, 哈密顿量(1)式平均的最近邻能级间距s的统计分布 (a) W = 2; (b) W = 20. 黑色虚线、红色实线和绿色点线分别表示A, AI$^{\dagger}$类和二维泊松分布
Figure 1. Mean unfolded nearest-level-spacing distributions of the Hamiltonian Eq. (1) with L = 14: (a) W = 2; (b) W = 20. Black dash, red solid, and green dotted lines represent A, AI${\mathrm{}}^{\dagger}$ classes, and two dimensional (2D)-Poisson distributions, respectively.
图 2 当$L=14$时, 平均的径向强度分布$\overline{\mathcal{P}(r)}$和相应的幅角分布$\overline{\mathcal{P} (\theta )}$ (a), (b) $W=2$; (c), (d) $W=20$. 红色实线是通过统计对应的随机矩阵($1000\times 1000$)的结果, 其无序次数选取为1000. (e), (f)径向强度的平均值$\overline{\left\langle {r}\right\rangle }$和相应的幅角的平均值$\overline{-\left\langle \cos{\theta}\right\rangle} $随无序强度变化曲线. 上(下)虚线对应于AI$^{\dagger}$对称类(2D-Poisson)统计极限值, $\overline{\langle {r}\rangle}_{{\text{AI}}^{\dagger}}\approx0.722$, $\overline{-\langle \cos{{\theta}} \rangle}_{{\text{AI}}^{\dagger}}\approx $$ 0.193$ $(\overline{\langle {r}\rangle}_{\text{Pois}}=2/3$, $\overline{-\langle \cos{{\theta}} \rangle}_{\text{Pois}}=0)$
Figure 2. (a), (b) Mean marginal distributions $\overline{\mathcal{P}(r)}$ and $\overline{\mathcal{P} (\theta )}$ with $W=2$ for the complex energy spectrum for $L=14$; (c), (d) the marginal distributions $\overline{\mathcal{P}(r)}$ and $\overline{\mathcal{P} (\theta )}$ with $W=20$ for the complex energy spectrum. The red solid lines are obtained by calculating $\overline{\mathcal{P}(r)}$ and $\overline{\mathcal{P} (\theta )}$ of the $1000\times 1000$ random matrices with the corresponding random matrix ensembles averaged 1000 realizations. (e), (f) The averages $\overline{\left\langle {r}\right\rangle} $ and $\overline{-\left\langle \cos {\theta}\right\rangle }$ as a function of the disorder strength W. The upper (lower) dash line corresponds to the ${\mathrm{AI}}^{\dagger}$ symmetry class (2D-Poisson) expectation, $\overline{\langle {r}\rangle}_{{\text{AI}}^{\dagger}}\approx0.722$, $\overline{-\langle \cos{{\theta}} \rangle}_{{\text{AI}}^{\dagger}}\approx 0.193$ $(\overline{\langle {r}\rangle}_{\text{Pois}}=2/3$, $\overline{-\langle \cos{{\theta}} \rangle}_{\text{Pois}}=0)$
图 3 当$L=14$时, 在复平面上, 系统所有本征态的$\eta$随重整后能谱$\varepsilon_{i}$的分布情况(红点表示能谱的中心) (a) $W=2$; (c) $W=20$. 归一化的参与率$\eta$统计直方图 (b) $W=2$; (d) $W=20$
Figure 3. Distribution of $\eta$ for all eigenstates versus the rescaled spectrum $\varepsilon_{i}$ with $L=14$ (Red dots represent the center of the energy spectrum): (a) $W=2$; (c) $W=20$. Histogram of the normalized participation ratio $\eta$: (b) $W=2$; (d) $W=20$.
图 4 (a)不同尺寸下, 平均半链纠缠熵$\overline{\left\langle {S}\right\rangle }$随无序强度的变化; (b)当$L=14$时, 不同无序强度W对应的$\overline{S\left( t\right) }$随时间的演化. 初态为$\left\vert \psi_{0} \right\rangle =\left\vert 1010\cdots\right\rangle $. 插图展示了平均稳态熵$\overline{S_{0}}$随无序强度的变化
Figure 4. (a) Mean half-chain entanglement entropy $\overline{\left\langle {S}\right\rangle }$ as a function of the disorder strength W for different L; (b) the dynamics of the mean half-chain entanglement entropy $\overline{S\left( t\right) }$ for different W with $L=14$. The initial state is taken as $\left\vert \psi_{0} \right\rangle =\left\vert 1010\cdots\right\rangle $. The inset displays the mean steady-state entanglement entropy $\overline{S_{0}}$ as a function of W.
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[67] Suthar K, Wang Y C, Huang Y P, Jen H H, You J S 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 064208
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