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Influence of surface ablation on plasma and its interaction with electromagnetic field

Ding Ming-Song Liu Qing-Zong Jiang Tao Fu Yang-Ao-Xiao Li Peng Mei Jie


Influence of surface ablation on plasma and its interaction with electromagnetic field

Ding Ming-Song, Liu Qing-Zong, Jiang Tao, Fu Yang-Ao-Xiao, Li Peng, Mei Jie
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Surface ablation significantly affects the distribution of plasma in high-speed flow and the characteristics of its interaction with electromagnetic fields. Considering the mechanism of ablation and ejection on the surface of hypersonic vehicle, the participation of ablation products in the plasma generating process in the flow field, the conduction mechanism of mixed ionized gas containing alkali metal and the electromagnetic dynamics mechanism, the coupled calculation method of high-speed flow/plasma/electromagnetic field with alkali metal ablation is established by solving the three-dimensional thermochemical non-equilibrium flow governing equation with electromagnetic source term, the electric field Poisson equation and the magnetic vector Poisson equation. Combined with the common ablation and pyrolysis process of carbon-carbon materials and silicon-based phenolic resin materials, the mechanism and law of the interaction between surface ablation and electromagnetic field on the hypersonic plasma sheath under various conditions are systematically studied. The results show that the ablation effect affects the plasma distribution in the flow field, which is affected by the ablation mass ejection rate and the mass proportion of alkali metal. When the alkali metal content is high, the alkali metal ionization reaction is dominant, and the electron number density can increase by 1–2 orders of magnitude. The influences of different materials on plasma are different. The mass ejector ratio of silicon-based phenolic resin is larger, and the molar concentration of CO+ and C+ produced by ionization is close to that of NO+ and ${\mathrm{O}}_2^+ $, which cannot be ignored. Alkali metal in ablative material can significantly improve the control effect of magnetohydrodynamics. With the increase of the proportion of alkali metal, the coupling effect of electromagnetic field increases, and the relationship between them is nonlinear. When the speed is low, the ionization degree of air itself is low and the coupling effect of electromagnetic field is weak. But the efficiency of “improving the electromagnetic effect by ablation of alkali metal” is higher.
      Corresponding author: Liu Qing-Zong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key R & D Program of China (Grant No. 2019YFA0405203) and the National Numerical Wind Tunnel Project of China.

    田正雨 2008 博士学位论文(长沙: 国防科学技术大学)

    Tian Z Y 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology


    丁明松, 江涛, 刘庆宗, 董维中, 高铁锁 2019 航空学报 40 123009Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Jiang T, Liu Q Z, Dong W Z, Gao T S 2019 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 40 123009Google Scholar


    党文伟, 李晓升 2020 涂层与防护 41 33

    Dang W W, Li X S 2020 Coat. Prot. 41 33


    柴栋, 方洋旺, 童中翔, 高翔 2013 航空动力学报 28 1962

    Chai D, Fang Y W, Tong Z X, Gao X 2013 J. Aerosp. Power 28 1962


    Otsu H, Matsuda A, Abe T, Konigorski D 2006 37th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference California, USA, June 5–8, 2006 AIAA 2006–3236


    Boettcher C 2009 40th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 22–25, 2009 AIAA 2009–7254


    Fujino T, Ishikawa M 2013 44th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference California, USA, June 24–27, 2013 AIAA 2013–3000


    Fujino T, Takahashi T 2016 47th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Washington DC, USA, 13–17 June, 2016 AIAA 2016–3227


    Masuda K, Shimosawa Y, Fujino T 2015 46th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Dallas, USA, June 22–26, 2015 AIAA 2015–3366


    Robin A M, Adam S P, Partho P 2019 J. Thermophysics Heat TR 33 1018Google Scholar


    Daniel R S, David E G, Peter A J, Cullen T G, James C M 2020 AIAA J. 58 4495Google Scholar


    Bisek N J, Poggie J 2011 42th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Hawii, USA, June 27–30, 2011, AIAA 2011–897


    曾学军, 李海燕 2017 宇航学报 38 109

    Zeng X J, Li H Y 2017 J. Astronaut. 38 109


    李开 2017 博士学位论文(长沙: 国防科学技术大学)

    Li K 2017 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology


    Park C, Howe J T, Jaffe R L 1994 J. Thermophysics Heat TR 8 9Google Scholar


    Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) [乐嘉陵 2005 再入物理(北京: 国防工业出版社]

    Le J L 2005 Reentry Physics


    丁明松, 江涛, 董维中, 高铁锁, 刘庆宗 2017 航空学报 38 121030Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Jiang T, Dong W Z, Gao T S, Liu Q Z 2017 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 38 121030Google Scholar


    Macheret S O, Shneider M N 2004 35th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Oregon, USA, June 28–July 1, 2004 AIAA 2004–1024


    李开, 柳军, 刘伟强 2017 66 054701Google Scholar

    Li K, Liu J, Liu W Q 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 054701Google Scholar


    丁明松, 江涛, 董维中, 高铁锁, 刘庆宗 2019 68 174702Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Jiang T, Dong W Z, Gao T S, Liu Q Z 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 174702Google Scholar


    丁明松, 刘庆宗, 江涛, 董维中, 高铁锁 2020 航空学报 41 123278

    Ding M S, Liu Q Z, Jiang T, Dong W Z, Gao T S 2020 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 41 123278


    丁明松, 江涛, 刘庆宗, 董维中, 高铁锁, 傅杨奥骁 2020 69 134702Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Jiang T, Liu Q Z, Dong W Z, Gao T S, Fu Y A X 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 134702Google Scholar


    丁明松, 刘庆宗, 江涛, 董维中, 高铁锁, 傅杨奥骁 2020 航空学报 42 124501Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Liu Q Z, Jiang T, Dong W Z, Gao T S, Fu Y A X 2020 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 42 124501Google Scholar


    Keenan J A, Candler G V 1993 24th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Orlando, USA, June 6–9, 1993 AIAA 93–2789


    董维中, 高铁锁2010 空气动力学学报 28 708

    Dong W Z, Gao T S 2010 Acta Aerodyn. Sin. 28 708


    Fujino T, Ishikawa M 2006 IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 34 409Google Scholar


    Dunn M G, Kang S W 1973 NASA CR-2232


    Candler G V, Maccormack R W 1988 19th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, USA, June, 1988 AIAA 1988–511


    李开, 刘伟强 2016 65 064701Google Scholar

    Li K, Liu W Q 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 064701Google Scholar


    姚霄, 刘伟强, 谭建国 2018 67 174702Google Scholar

    Yao X, Liu W Q, Tan J G 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 174702Google Scholar

  • 图 1  非平衡流动和烧蚀耦合 (a)驻点线组分(文献[24]); (b)驻点线组分(本文); (c)表面热流

    Figure 1.  Non-equilibrium flow coupling with ablation: (a) Stationary line components (Ref. [24]); (b) stationary line components (this study); (c) surface heat flux.

    图 2  非平衡流场磁流体力学控制 (a)流场压力分布; (b)驻点线温度分布

    Figure 2.  MHD control of non-equilibrium flow: (a) Flow field pressure distribution; (b) temperature distribution of stagnation line.

    图 3  RAM-C电子数密度分布(无烧蚀、无磁场)

    Figure 3.  Electronic number density of RAM-C (No Abl., No Mag.).

    图 4  不同表面材料流场电子数密度分布比较(无碱金属杂质D = 0) (a) C-C和无烧蚀; (b) Si-PR和无烧蚀

    Figure 4.  Electronic number density of different surface materials (D = 0): (a) C-C and no ablation; (b) Si-PR and no ablation.

    图 5  驻点线电子数密度和电导率分布(无碱金属) (a)电子数密度; (b)电导率

    Figure 5.  Electronic number density and conductivity along stagnation line (D = 0): (a) Electronic number density; (b) conductivity.

    图 6  表面烧蚀的质量引射率和流场中烧蚀产物分布 (a)表面烧蚀的质量引射率; (b)烧蚀产物质量分数

    Figure 6.  Ablative mass generation rate and its products: (a) The mass ejection rate of surface ablation; (b) mass fraction of ablation products.

    图 7  驻点线主要电离组分分布(无碱金属) (a) C-C材料烧蚀电离组分摩尔分数; (b)硅基酚醛树脂烧蚀电离组分摩尔分数; (c) C和CO+质量分数

    Figure 7.  Main ionizing components along stagnation line(D = 0): (a) Molar fraction of ablative ionization components in C-C materials; (b) molar fraction of ablative ionization components in silicon-based phenolic resin; (c) quality scores of C and CO+.

    图 8  驻点线电子数密度和电导率分布(不同碱金属含量) (a) C-C材料烧蚀流场电导率; (b) C-C材料烧蚀流场电子数密度; (c) Si-PR材料烧蚀流场电导率; (d) Si-PR材料烧蚀流场电子数密度; (e) Si-PR材料烧蚀流场NO+和Na+

    Figure 8.  Electronic number density and conductivity along stagnation line (different alkali metal content ratios): (a) Electrical conductivity of C-C material ablation flow field; (b) electron number density in the ablation flow field of C-C materials; (c) Si-PR material ablation flow field conductivity; (d) electron number density in the ablation flow field of Si PR material; (e) Si-PR material ablation flow field NO+ and Na+.

    图 9  磁场对驻点线温度分布的影响 (a) C-C材料; (b) Si-PR材料

    Figure 9.  Effect of magnetic field on temperature along stagnation line: (a) C-C materials; (b) Si-PR material.

    图 10  磁场对表面热流的影响(不同材料和碱金属含量) (a) C-C烧蚀表面热流; (b) Si-PR烧蚀表面热流; (c)驻点热流磁控下降幅度

    Figure 10.  Effect of magnetic field on heat flux (different materials and alkali metal content ratios): (a) C-C ablation surface heat flux; (b) Si-PR ablation surface heat flux; (c) decline amplitude of stationary heat flux magnetic control.

    图 11  流场环形感应电流和洛伦兹力矢量分布(碱金属D = 0.01)

    Figure 11.  Annular electric current and Lorentz force vector (alkali metal D = 0.01).

    图 12  不同高度条件下磁场使驻点热流下降的幅度

    Figure 12.  Reduction of stagnation heat flux caused by magnetic field under different conditions.

    图 13  不同高度条件的烧蚀质量引射率、电导率及磁相互作用数 (a) 壁面烧蚀质量引射率; (b)电导率峰值; (c)磁相互作用数

    Figure 13.  Ablative mass generation rate, conductivity and magnetic interaction number under different conditions: (a) Wall erosion mass injection rate; (b) peak conductivity; (c) number of magnetic interactions.

    图 14  不同速度条件下磁场使驻点热流下降的幅度

    Figure 14.  Reduction of stagnation heat flux caused by magnetic field under different velocity conditions.

    图 15  不同速度条件的流场电子数密度峰值和驻点热流 (a)电子数密度峰值; (b)驻点热流

    Figure 15.  Electronic number density and stagnation heat flux under different velocity conditions: (a) Peak electron number density; (b) stagnation heat flux.

    表 1  干燥空气主要电离机制

    Table 1.  Chemical ionization model of air.

    序号 反应 反应类型
    1 O + N + 2.76 eV ⇔ NO+ + e 缔合电离
    2 N + N + 5.82 eV ⇔ $\rm N_2^+$+e 缔合电离
    3 O + O + 6.96 eV ⇔ $\rm O_2^+ $ + e 缔合电离
    4 NO + M + 9.25 eV ⇔ NO+ + e + M 碰撞电离
    5 O2 + M + 12.08 eV ⇔ $\rm O_2^+ $ + e + M 碰撞电离
    6 O + M + 13.61 eV ⇔ O+ + e + M 碰撞电离
    7 N + M + 14.54 eV ⇔ N+ + e + M 碰撞电离
    8 N2 + M + 15.58 eV ⇔ $\rm N_2^+ $ + e + M 碰撞电离
    9 O + e + M – 1.46 eV ⇔ O + M 附着电离
    10 O2 + e + M – 0.44 eV ⇔ $\rm O_2^- $ + M 附着电离
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  含C的主要电离反应

    Table 2.  Chemical ionization model of C components.

    序号 反应 序号 反应
    1 C + O⇔ CO+ + e 4 C+ + CO ⇔ CO+ + C
    2 C + e ⇔ C+ + e + e 5 C+ + O2 ⇔$\rm O_2^+ $ + C
    3 NO+ + C ⇔ NO + C+
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  含Na的主要电离反应

    Table 3.  Chemical ionization model of Na components.

    序号 反应
    1 Na + M ⇔ Na+ + e + M
    2 Na + CO2 ⇔ Na+ + e + CO2
    3 Na + H2O ⇔ Na+ + e + H2O
    4 Na+ + NO ⇔ NO+ + Na
    5 Na+ + O2 ⇔ $\rm O_2^+ $ + Na
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    田正雨 2008 博士学位论文(长沙: 国防科学技术大学)

    Tian Z Y 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology


    丁明松, 江涛, 刘庆宗, 董维中, 高铁锁 2019 航空学报 40 123009Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Jiang T, Liu Q Z, Dong W Z, Gao T S 2019 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 40 123009Google Scholar


    党文伟, 李晓升 2020 涂层与防护 41 33

    Dang W W, Li X S 2020 Coat. Prot. 41 33


    柴栋, 方洋旺, 童中翔, 高翔 2013 航空动力学报 28 1962

    Chai D, Fang Y W, Tong Z X, Gao X 2013 J. Aerosp. Power 28 1962


    Otsu H, Matsuda A, Abe T, Konigorski D 2006 37th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference California, USA, June 5–8, 2006 AIAA 2006–3236


    Boettcher C 2009 40th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 22–25, 2009 AIAA 2009–7254


    Fujino T, Ishikawa M 2013 44th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference California, USA, June 24–27, 2013 AIAA 2013–3000


    Fujino T, Takahashi T 2016 47th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Washington DC, USA, 13–17 June, 2016 AIAA 2016–3227


    Masuda K, Shimosawa Y, Fujino T 2015 46th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Dallas, USA, June 22–26, 2015 AIAA 2015–3366


    Robin A M, Adam S P, Partho P 2019 J. Thermophysics Heat TR 33 1018Google Scholar


    Daniel R S, David E G, Peter A J, Cullen T G, James C M 2020 AIAA J. 58 4495Google Scholar


    Bisek N J, Poggie J 2011 42th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Hawii, USA, June 27–30, 2011, AIAA 2011–897


    曾学军, 李海燕 2017 宇航学报 38 109

    Zeng X J, Li H Y 2017 J. Astronaut. 38 109


    李开 2017 博士学位论文(长沙: 国防科学技术大学)

    Li K 2017 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology


    Park C, Howe J T, Jaffe R L 1994 J. Thermophysics Heat TR 8 9Google Scholar


    Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) [乐嘉陵 2005 再入物理(北京: 国防工业出版社]

    Le J L 2005 Reentry Physics


    丁明松, 江涛, 董维中, 高铁锁, 刘庆宗 2017 航空学报 38 121030Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Jiang T, Dong W Z, Gao T S, Liu Q Z 2017 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 38 121030Google Scholar


    Macheret S O, Shneider M N 2004 35th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Oregon, USA, June 28–July 1, 2004 AIAA 2004–1024


    李开, 柳军, 刘伟强 2017 66 054701Google Scholar

    Li K, Liu J, Liu W Q 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 054701Google Scholar


    丁明松, 江涛, 董维中, 高铁锁, 刘庆宗 2019 68 174702Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Jiang T, Dong W Z, Gao T S, Liu Q Z 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 174702Google Scholar


    丁明松, 刘庆宗, 江涛, 董维中, 高铁锁 2020 航空学报 41 123278

    Ding M S, Liu Q Z, Jiang T, Dong W Z, Gao T S 2020 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 41 123278


    丁明松, 江涛, 刘庆宗, 董维中, 高铁锁, 傅杨奥骁 2020 69 134702Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Jiang T, Liu Q Z, Dong W Z, Gao T S, Fu Y A X 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 134702Google Scholar


    丁明松, 刘庆宗, 江涛, 董维中, 高铁锁, 傅杨奥骁 2020 航空学报 42 124501Google Scholar

    Ding M S, Liu Q Z, Jiang T, Dong W Z, Gao T S, Fu Y A X 2020 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 42 124501Google Scholar


    Keenan J A, Candler G V 1993 24th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Orlando, USA, June 6–9, 1993 AIAA 93–2789


    董维中, 高铁锁2010 空气动力学学报 28 708

    Dong W Z, Gao T S 2010 Acta Aerodyn. Sin. 28 708


    Fujino T, Ishikawa M 2006 IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 34 409Google Scholar


    Dunn M G, Kang S W 1973 NASA CR-2232


    Candler G V, Maccormack R W 1988 19th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, USA, June, 1988 AIAA 1988–511


    李开, 刘伟强 2016 65 064701Google Scholar

    Li K, Liu W Q 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 064701Google Scholar


    姚霄, 刘伟强, 谭建国 2018 67 174702Google Scholar

    Yao X, Liu W Q, Tan J G 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 174702Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  01 November 2023
  • Accepted Date:  20 March 2024
  • Available Online:  17 April 2024
  • Published Online:  05 June 2024

