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Dual-band filter design based on hourglass-shaped spoof surface plasmon polaritons and interdigital capacitor structure

Luo Yu-Xuan Cheng Yong-Zhi Chen Fu Luo Hui Li Xiang-Cheng


Dual-band filter design based on hourglass-shaped spoof surface plasmon polaritons and interdigital capacitor structure

Luo Yu-Xuan, Cheng Yong-Zhi, Chen Fu, Luo Hui, Li Xiang-Cheng
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In this paper, a dual passband filter with spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SSPPs) and interdigital capacitance structure loaded on a coplanar waveguide (CPW) is proposed. First, the hourglass-shaped SSPP unit-cell structure and the interdigital capacitor structure are introduced on the coplanar waveguide transmission line to obtain high fractional bandwidth and low insertion loss passband characteristics. Then, a dual passband filter is formed by loading the interdigital capacitor loop resonator to excite the trapped waves. The simulation results show that the proposed dual passband filter has excellent upper sideband rejection and dual passband filtering performance. The fractional bandwidths of the two passbands of the design are 46.8% (1.49–2.40 GHz) and 15.1% (2.98–3.63 GHz), respectively, which can achieve more than –40 dB rejection in a range of 4.77–7.48 GHz. The upper cutoff frequency and lower cutoff frequency of the two passbands can be independently regulated by changing the structural parameters of the proposed filter. In order to gain a more in-depth understanding of the operating principle of the dual passband filter, the corresponding dispersion curves and electric field distribution, LC equivalent circuit analysis are given. Finally, the prototype of the designed filter is fabricated according to the optimized parameter values. The experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation ones, indicating that the proposed dual-passband filter is of great importance in implementing microwave integrated circuits .
      Corresponding author: Cheng Yong-Zhi,
    • Funds: Supported by Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation Innovation Group Project (Grant No. 2020CFA038) and Hubei Provincial Key R&D Project (Grant No. 2020BAA028).

    Zhang R, Zhu L 2013 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 61 1820Google Scholar


    Gomez-Garcia R, Yang L, Munoz-Ferreras J M, Psychogiou D 2019 IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. 29 453


    Mansour R R, Laforge P D 2016 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium San Francisco, May 22–27, 2016 p1


    Qu L L, Zhang Y H, Li Q, Liu J W, Fan Y 2020 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology Shanghai, September 20–23, 2020 p1


    Amari S, Bekheit M 2008 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 56 1938Google Scholar


    Nocella V, Pelliccia L, Tomassoni C, Sorrentino R 2016 IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. 26 310Google Scholar


    Bartlett C, Hoft M 2021 Electron. Lett. 57 328Google Scholar


    Li K, Kang G Q, Liu H, Zhao Z Y 2020 Microsyst. Technol. 26 913Google Scholar


    Duarte G, Silva A, Oliveira C, Dmitriev V, Melo G, Castro W 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference Fortaleza, October 24–27, 2021 p1


    Miek D, Boe P, Kamrath F, Hoft M 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Filter Workshop Perugia, November 17–19, 2021 p73


    Litvintsev S, Rozenko S 2021 IEEE 3rd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering Lviv, August 26–28, 2021 p121


    Li D, Wang J A, Liu Y, Chen Z 2020 IEEE Access 8 25588Google Scholar


    张德伟, 王树兴, 刘庆, 周东方, 张毅, 吕大龙, 吴瑛 2018 电子学报 46 387Google Scholar

    Zhang D W, Wang S X, Liu Q, Zhou D F, Zhang Y, Lv D L, Wu Y 2018 Chin. J. Electron. 46 387Google Scholar


    Chen R S, Zhu L, Lin J Y, Wong S W, He Y 2020 IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. 30 573Google Scholar


    朱登玮, 曾瑞敏, 唐泽恬, 丁召, 杨晨 2020 激光与光电子学进展 57 172401Google Scholar

    Zhu D W, Zeng R M, Tang Z T, Ding Z, Yang C 2020 Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 57 172401Google Scholar


    石光明, 马震远, 麦智荣, 林智勇 2020 电子学报 48 1641Google Scholar

    Shi G M, Ma Z Y, Mai Z Y, Lin Z Y 2020 Chin. J. Electron. 48 1641Google Scholar


    苏林, 马力, 孙炳文, 郭圣明 2014 10 104302Google Scholar

    Su L, Ma L, Sun B W, Guo S M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 10 104302Google Scholar


    盛世威, 李康, 孔繁敏, 岳庆炀, 庄华伟, 赵佳 2015 10 108402Google Scholar

    Sheng S W, Li K, Kong F M, Yue Q Y, Zhuang H W, Zhao J 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 10 108402Google Scholar


    Jaiswal R K, Pandit N, Pathak N P 2019 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 31 1293Google Scholar


    Feng W, Feng Y, Yang W, Che W, Xue Q 2019 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 47 2832Google Scholar


    吴梦, 梁西银, 颜昌林, 祁云平 2019 激光与光电子学进展 56 202417Google Scholar

    Meng W, Liang X Y, Yan C L, Qi Y P 2019 Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 56 202417Google Scholar


    Chen L, Liao D G, Guo X G, Zhao J Y, Zhu Y M, Zhuang S L 2019 Front Inform. Tech. El. 20 591Google Scholar


    Shang H, Liu Y, Li Z, Tian Y 2020 Int. J. RF Microw. C. E. 32 e22440


    Wang Z X, Zhang H C, Lu J, Xu P, Wu L W, Wu R Y, Cui T J 2018 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 52 025107Google Scholar


    Chen Z M, Liu Y H, Wang J, Li Y, Zhu J H, Jiang W, Shen X P, Zhao L, Cui T J 2019 IEEE Access 8 4311Google Scholar


    Yan S, Wang J, Kong X, Xu R, Chen Z M, Ma J Y, Zhao L 2022 IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 34 375Google Scholar


    Peng Y, Zhang W X 2010 Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett. 52 166Google Scholar


    Luo Y X, Yu J W, Cheng Y Z, Chen F, Luo H 2022 Appl. Phys. A 128 1Google Scholar


    Sun S P, Cheng Y Z, Luo H, Chen F, Li X C 2022 Plasmonics 18 165Google Scholar

  • 图 1  提出的宽带带通滤波器原型的几何结构 (a)整体结构; (b)沙漏型SSPPs单元结构; (c)交指电容结构

    Figure 1.  Geometry of the proposed broadband bandpass filter prototype: (a) The whole structure; (b) the hourglass-shaped SSPPs unit cell structure; (c) interdigital structure.

    图 2  仿真S参数 (a)SSPPs单元中间不加载交指电容结构; (b)设计的宽带带通滤波器

    Figure 2.  Simulated S-parameters: (a) Without loading the cross-finger capacitor structure in the middle of SSPPs unit; (b) the designed broadband bandpass filter.

    图 3  加载了IDCLLRs的双带通滤波器几何结构 (a)整体结构; (b) IDCLLRs结构及其等效电路

    Figure 3.  Geometry of the proposed dual-bandpass filter with loaded IDCLLRs: (a) The whole structure, (b) the IDCLLRs and its equivalent circuit diagram.

    图 4  (a)不同指长lr的IDCLLRs的传输系数; (b)加载了IDCLLRs的双带通滤波器的仿真S参数

    Figure 4.  (a) The simulated transmission coefficients of the IDCLLRs with different finger lengths lr, (b) the simulated S-parameters of the proposed dual-bandpass filter.

    图 5  加载了两个IDCLLRs的双带通滤波器的等效电路模型

    Figure 5.  Equivalent circuit of the proposed dual-bandpass filter with two IDCLLRs.

    图 6  EM仿真和LC电路仿真的S参数的对比

    Figure 6.  Comparison of S-parameters obtained from EM simulation and LC circuit simulation.

    图 7  沙漏形SSPPs单元结构的色散曲线 (a)不同高度a; (b)不同宽度b

    Figure 7.  Dispersion diagrams of the hourglass-shaped SSPP unit-cell with different (a) height a, (b) width b.

    图 8  不同 (a) SSPPs单元高度a, (b) SSPPs单元宽度b, (c)IDCLLRs的指长lr和(d) SSPPs单元交指电容结构间隙宽度s的模拟传输系数.

    Figure 8.  Simulated transmission coefficients with different (a) SSPPs unit-cell heights a, (b) SSPPs unit-cell widths b, (c) finger lengths lr of IDCLLRs, and (d) SSPPs unit-cell interdigital structure gap widths s.

    图 9  分别在 (a) 1.9 GHz, (b) 2.7 GHz和(c) 3.5 GHz时, 所提出双带通滤波器的金属层的模拟电场(Ex)分布

    Figure 9.  The simulated electric field (Ex) distributions of the metallic layer of the proposed dual-bandpass filter at (a) 1.9 GHz, (b) 2.7 GHz, and (c) 3.5 GHz, respectively.

    图 10  (a) 加工的双通带滤波器样品的照片; (b)仿真与测试的传输、反射系数的对比

    Figure 10.  (a) The photograph of the fabricated microwave dual-bandpass filter sample; (b) the comparisons of the simulated and measured transmission and reflection coefficients.

    表 1  拟议的双通带滤波器的尺寸参数

    Table 1.  Dimensional parameters of the proposed dual-bandpass filter.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  仿真与测试数据的对比

    Table 2.  Simulation versus measured data.

    仿真(Sim.)1.95/3.31–1.25/–1.20–14.3/–10.846.7/19.6–40 dB@ 4.77—7.48 GHz
    测量(Mea.)2.01/3.15–1.31/–2.50–14.1/–11.151.7/19.0–35 dB@ 4.30—7.70 GHz
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  先进的双通带滤波器对比

    Table 3.  State-of-the-art dual-bandpass filter comparison.

    [2]1.57/2.381.2/2.09.9/6.5–30 dB@ 2.6—5.1 GHz
    [4]4.16/7.220.4/0.748.1/34.9–20 dB@ 8.6—9.0 GHz
    [8]2.30/3.201.1/1.711.3/9.4–20 dB@ 3.4—4.0 GHz
    [12]2.40/5.200.4/1.010.6/13.5–15 dB@ 5.8—12.4 GHz
    [14]0.19/0.271.75/1.11.6/2.1–25 dB@ 0.27—0.33 GHz
    本文工作2.01/3.151.3/2.551.7/19.0–35 dB@ 4.3—7.7 GHz
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Zhang R, Zhu L 2013 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 61 1820Google Scholar


    Gomez-Garcia R, Yang L, Munoz-Ferreras J M, Psychogiou D 2019 IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. 29 453


    Mansour R R, Laforge P D 2016 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium San Francisco, May 22–27, 2016 p1


    Qu L L, Zhang Y H, Li Q, Liu J W, Fan Y 2020 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology Shanghai, September 20–23, 2020 p1


    Amari S, Bekheit M 2008 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 56 1938Google Scholar


    Nocella V, Pelliccia L, Tomassoni C, Sorrentino R 2016 IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. 26 310Google Scholar


    Bartlett C, Hoft M 2021 Electron. Lett. 57 328Google Scholar


    Li K, Kang G Q, Liu H, Zhao Z Y 2020 Microsyst. Technol. 26 913Google Scholar


    Duarte G, Silva A, Oliveira C, Dmitriev V, Melo G, Castro W 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference Fortaleza, October 24–27, 2021 p1


    Miek D, Boe P, Kamrath F, Hoft M 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Filter Workshop Perugia, November 17–19, 2021 p73


    Litvintsev S, Rozenko S 2021 IEEE 3rd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering Lviv, August 26–28, 2021 p121


    Li D, Wang J A, Liu Y, Chen Z 2020 IEEE Access 8 25588Google Scholar


    张德伟, 王树兴, 刘庆, 周东方, 张毅, 吕大龙, 吴瑛 2018 电子学报 46 387Google Scholar

    Zhang D W, Wang S X, Liu Q, Zhou D F, Zhang Y, Lv D L, Wu Y 2018 Chin. J. Electron. 46 387Google Scholar


    Chen R S, Zhu L, Lin J Y, Wong S W, He Y 2020 IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. 30 573Google Scholar


    朱登玮, 曾瑞敏, 唐泽恬, 丁召, 杨晨 2020 激光与光电子学进展 57 172401Google Scholar

    Zhu D W, Zeng R M, Tang Z T, Ding Z, Yang C 2020 Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 57 172401Google Scholar


    石光明, 马震远, 麦智荣, 林智勇 2020 电子学报 48 1641Google Scholar

    Shi G M, Ma Z Y, Mai Z Y, Lin Z Y 2020 Chin. J. Electron. 48 1641Google Scholar


    苏林, 马力, 孙炳文, 郭圣明 2014 10 104302Google Scholar

    Su L, Ma L, Sun B W, Guo S M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 10 104302Google Scholar


    盛世威, 李康, 孔繁敏, 岳庆炀, 庄华伟, 赵佳 2015 10 108402Google Scholar

    Sheng S W, Li K, Kong F M, Yue Q Y, Zhuang H W, Zhao J 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 10 108402Google Scholar


    Jaiswal R K, Pandit N, Pathak N P 2019 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 31 1293Google Scholar


    Feng W, Feng Y, Yang W, Che W, Xue Q 2019 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 47 2832Google Scholar


    吴梦, 梁西银, 颜昌林, 祁云平 2019 激光与光电子学进展 56 202417Google Scholar

    Meng W, Liang X Y, Yan C L, Qi Y P 2019 Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 56 202417Google Scholar


    Chen L, Liao D G, Guo X G, Zhao J Y, Zhu Y M, Zhuang S L 2019 Front Inform. Tech. El. 20 591Google Scholar


    Shang H, Liu Y, Li Z, Tian Y 2020 Int. J. RF Microw. C. E. 32 e22440


    Wang Z X, Zhang H C, Lu J, Xu P, Wu L W, Wu R Y, Cui T J 2018 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 52 025107Google Scholar


    Chen Z M, Liu Y H, Wang J, Li Y, Zhu J H, Jiang W, Shen X P, Zhao L, Cui T J 2019 IEEE Access 8 4311Google Scholar


    Yan S, Wang J, Kong X, Xu R, Chen Z M, Ma J Y, Zhao L 2022 IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 34 375Google Scholar


    Peng Y, Zhang W X 2010 Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett. 52 166Google Scholar


    Luo Y X, Yu J W, Cheng Y Z, Chen F, Luo H 2022 Appl. Phys. A 128 1Google Scholar


    Sun S P, Cheng Y Z, Luo H, Chen F, Li X C 2022 Plasmonics 18 165Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  17 October 2022
  • Accepted Date:  02 December 2022
  • Available Online:  09 February 2023
  • Published Online:  20 February 2023

