In this paper, a compact broadband bandpass filter with wide out-of-band rejection characteristics based on halberd-shaped spoof surface plasmon polariton (SSPP) is proposed. The filtering structure is achieved by etching a periodic halberd-shaped groove at the bottom of the substrate and a microstrip-to-slot line transition with a crescent-shaped patch at the top. Compared with the traditional dumbbell-shaped SSPP, the halberd-shaped SSPP has good slow-wave property, and the designed bandpass filter based on halberd-shaped SSPP can achieve a more compact size. The upper cutoff frequency and lower cutoff frequency of the passband can be adjusted by regulating the SSPP structure and the transition structure from microstrip-to-slot line, respectively. The simulation results show that the center frequency of broadband bandpass filter is 2.85 GHz, with the relative bandwidth of 130%, and the return loss in the passband is better than –10 dB, and the extreme strong out-of-band rejection of –40 dB from 5.6 GHz to 20.0 GHz. The size of the broadband bandpass filter is compact, only 1.08λg × 0.39λg, where λg is the wavelength at the center frequency. In order to verify the effectiveness of the wideband bandpass filter, the traditional printed circuit board technology is used to fabricate the wideband bandpass filter. The measurement results are in good agreement with the simulation results, verifying the feasibility of the design. The proposed broadband bandpass filter shows promising prospects for developing SSPP functional devices and circuits at microwave frequencies.
- spoof surface plasmon polariton /
- broadband bandpass filter /
- microstrip-to-slotline transition structure
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表 1 与参考文献中带通滤波器的性能对比(FBW, 分数带宽)
Table 1. Comparison of our proposed bandpass filters with bandpass filters in references (FBW, fractional bandwidth).
参考文献 频率范围 FBW/% 带外抑制 尺寸(λg×λg) [8] 7.3—11.2 42.2 –40 dB@11.8—19.8 GHz 2.85×0.67 [15] 1.18—6.18 135.8 –31 dB@6.9—18.0 GHz 1.83×0.46 [17] 8—16 67.0 –7 dB@16.2—17.0 GHz 2.64×0.29 [18] 8.0—13.5 51.0 –40 dB@14.0—19.5 GHz 1.87×0.63 [19] 2.1—8.0 16.8 –30 dB@8.9—20.0 GHz 1.47×0.42 [20] 1.1—7.3 147.6 –30 dB@7.5—20.0 GHz 2.95×0.89 本文 1.0—4.7 130.0 –40 dB@5.6—20.0 GHz 1.08×0.39 -
[1] Noura A, Benaissa M, Abri M, Badaoui H, Vuong T H, Tao J 2019 Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett. 61 1473
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[2] Shen G X, Che W Q, Feng W J, Shi Y R, Shen Y M, Xu F 2021 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II 68 1778
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[3] 兰峰, 高喜, 亓丽梅 2014 63 104209
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Lan F, Gao X, Qi L M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 104209
Google Scholar
[4] Pendry J B, Martin-Moreno L, Garcia-Vidal F J 2004 Science 305 847
Google Scholar
[5] Liao Z, Zhao J, Pan B C, Shen X P, Cui T J 2014 J. Phys. D 47 315103
Google Scholar
[6] 罗宇轩, 程用志, 陈浮, 罗辉, 李享成 2023 72 044101
Google Scholar
Luo Y X, Cheng Y Z, Chen F, Luo H, Li X C 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 044101
Google Scholar
[7] 盛世威, 李康, 孔繁敏, 岳庆炀, 庄华伟, 赵佳 2015 64 108402
Google Scholar
Sheng S W, Li K, Kong F M, Yue Q Y, Zhuang H W, Zhao J 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 108402
Google Scholar
[8] Chen P, Li L P, Yang K, Chen Q 2018 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 28 984
Google Scholar
[9] Sun S P, Cheng Y Z, Luo H, Chen F, Li X C 2023 Plasmonics 18 165
[10] Wang J, Zhao L, Hao Z C, Shen X, Cui T J 2019 Opt. Lett 44 3374
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[11] Kianinejad A, Chen Z N, Qiu C W 2015 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 63 1817
Google Scholar
[12] Yin J Y, Ren J, Zhang Q, Zhang H C, Liu Y Q, Li Y B, Cui T J 2016 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 64 5181
Google Scholar
[13] Wang J, Zhao L, Hao Z C 2019 IEEE Access 7 35089
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[14] Guan D F, You P, Zhang Q F, Xiao K, Yong S W 2017 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 65 4925
Google Scholar
[15] Moznebi A R, Afrooz K, Arsanjani A 2022 Int. J. Electron. Commun. 145 154084
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[16] Luo Y X, Yu J W, Cheng Y Z, Chen F, Luo H 2022 Appl. Phys. A 128 1
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[17] Guan D F, You P, Zhang Q F, Yang Z B, Liu H W, Yong S W 2018 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 66 2946
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[18] Sangam R S, Kshetrimayum R S 2021 IET Microw. Antennas Propag. 15 289
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[19] Liu H, Wang Z B, Zhang Q F, Ma H F, Ren B P, Wen P 2019 IEEE Access 7 44212
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[20] Guo Y J, Xu K D, Liu Y H, Tang X H 2018 IEEE Access 6 10249
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