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张崇磊 辛自强 闵长俊 袁小聪



张崇磊, 辛自强, 闵长俊, 袁小聪

Research progress of plasmonic structure illumination microscopy

Zhang Chong-Lei, Xin Zi-Qiang, Min Chang-Jun, Yuan Xiao-Cong
  • 结构光照明显微成像技术(SIM)因其高分辨、宽场、快速成像的优势,在生物医学成像领域发挥了不可估量的作用.结构光照明显微成像技术与动态可控的亚波长表面等离激元条纹相结合,可以在不借助非线性效应的情况下,将传统SIM的分辨率从2倍于衍射极限频率提升到3-4倍,此外还有抑制背景噪声、提升信噪比的能力,在近表面的生物医学成像应用中有重要价值.本文介绍了表面等离激元结构光照明显微成像技术的原理,并总结了近几年国内外的相关研究进展.
    Structure illumination microscopy (SIM) is a novel imaging technique with advantages of high spatial resolution, wide imaging field and fast imaging speed. By illuminating the sample with patterned light and analyzing the information about Moir fringes outside the normal range of observation, SIM can achieve about 2-fold higher in resolution than the diffraction limit, thus it has played an important role in the field of biomedical imaging. In recent years, to further improve the resolution of SIM, people have proposed a new technique called plasmonic SIM (PSIM), in which the dynamically tunable sub-wavelength surface plasmon fringes are used as the structured illuminating light and thus the resolution reaches to 3-4 times higher than the diffraction limit. The PSIM technique can also suppress the background noise and improve the signal-to-noise ratio, showing great potential applications in near-surface biomedical imaging. In this review paper, we introduce the principle and research progress of PSIM. In Section 1, we first review the development of optical microscope, including several important near-field and far-field microscopy techniques, and then introduce the history and recent development of SIM and PSIM techniques. In Section 2, we present the basic theory of PSIM, including the dispersion relation and excitation methods of surface plasmon, the principle and imaging process of SIM, and the principle of increasing resolution by PSIM. In Section 3, we review the recent research progress of two types of PSIMs in detail. The first type is the nanostructure-assisted PSIM, in which the periodic metallic nanostructures such as grating or antenna array are used to excite the surface plasmon fringes, and then the shift of fringes is modulated by changing the angle of incident light. The resolution of such a type of PSIM is mainly dependent on the period of nanostructure, thus can be improved to a few tens of nanometers with deep-subwavelength structure period. The other type is the all-optically controlled PSIM, in which the structured light with designed distribution of phase or polarization (e.g. optical vortex) is used as the incident light to excite the surface plasmon fringes on a flat metal film, and then the fringes are dynamically controlled by modulating the phase or polarization of incident light. Without the help of nanostructure, such a type of PSIM usually has a resolution of about 100 nm, but benefits from the structureless excitation of plasmonic fringes in an all-optical configuration, thereby showing more dynamic regulation and reducing the need to fabricate nanometer-sized complex structures. In the final Section, we summarize the features of PSIM and discuss the outlook for this technique. Further studies are needed to improve the performance of PSIM and to expand the scope of practical applications in biomedical imaging.
      通信作者: 闵长俊, cjmin@szu.edu.cn;xcyuan@szu.edu.cn ; 袁小聪, cjmin@szu.edu.cn;xcyuan@szu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61427819,61422506,61605118)、国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2015CB352004)和国家重点研发计划(批准号:2016YFC0102401)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Min Chang-Jun, cjmin@szu.edu.cn;xcyuan@szu.edu.cn ; Yuan Xiao-Cong, cjmin@szu.edu.cn;xcyuan@szu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61427819, 61422506, 61605118), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2015CB352004), and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFC0102401).

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    Zhang C, Min C, Du L, Yuan X C 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 201601


    Ertsgaard C T, McKoskey R M, Rich I S, Lindquist N C 2014 ACS Nano 8 10941


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    Cao S, Wang T, Sun Q, Hu B, Yu W 2017 Opt. Express 25 3863


    Zhang J, See C W, Somekh M G, Pitter M C, Liu S G 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 5451


    Chen H, Du L, Wu X, Zhu S, Yang Y, Fang H, Yuan X 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 261904

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    Liu Z, Durant S, Lee H, Pikus Y, Fang N, Xiong Y, Sun C, Zhang X 2007 Nano Lett. 7 403


    Xiong Y, Liu Z, Sun C, Zhang X 2007 Nano Lett. 7 3360


    Lee H, Liu Z, Xiong Y, Sun C, Zhang X 2007 Opt. Express 15 15886


    Liu Z, Lee H, Xiong Y, Sun C, Zhang X 2007 Science 315 1686


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    Betzig E, Patterson G H, Sougrat R, Lindwasser O W, Olenych S, Bonifacino J S, Davidson M W, Hess H F 2006 Science 313 1642


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    Kner P, Chhun B B, Griffis E R, Winoto L, Gustafsson M G 2009 Nature Methods 6 339


    Shao L, Kner P, Rego E H, Gustafsson M G 2011 Nature Methods 8 1044


    Schermelleh L, Carlton P M, Haase S, Shao L, Winoto L, Kner P, Burke B, Cardoso M C, Agand D A, Gustafsson M G, Leonhardt H, Sedat J W 2008 Science 320 1332


    Chung E, Kim D, Cui Y, Kim Y H, So P T 2007 Biophys. J. 93 1747


    Fiolka R, Beck M, Stemmer A 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 1629


    Gliko O, Brownell W E, Saggau P 2009 Opt. Lett. 34 836


    Planchon T A, Gao L, Milkie D E, Davidson M W, Galbraith J A, Galbraith C G, Betzig E 2011 Nature Methods 8 417


    Li D, Shao L, Chen B C, Zhang X, Zhang M, Moses B, Milkie D E, Beach J R, Hammer J A, Pasham M, Kirchhausen T, Baird M A, Davidson M W, Xu P, Betzig E Science 349 aab3500


    Wei F, Liu Z 2010 Nano Lett. 10 2531


    Wei F, Lu D, Shen H, Wan W, Ponsetto J L, Huang E, Liu Z 2014 Nano Lett. 14 4634


    Fernndez-Domnguez A I, Liu Z, Pendry J B 2015 ACS Photon. 2 341


    Ponsetto J L, Wei F, Liu Z 2014 Nanoscale 6 5807


    Tan P S, Yuan X C, Yuan G H, Wang Q 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 241109


    Wei S, Lei T, Du L, Zhang C, Chen H, Yang Y, Zhu S W, Yuan X C 2015 Opt. Express 23 30143


    Zhang C, Min C, Du L, Yuan X C 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 201601


    Ertsgaard C T, McKoskey R M, Rich I S, Lindquist N C 2014 ACS Nano 8 10941


    Barnes W L, Dereux A, Ebbesen T W 2003 Nature 424 824


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    Bozhevolnyi S I, Volkov V S, Devaux E, Laluet J Y, Ebbesen T W 2006 Nature 440 508


    Liu Z W, Wei Q H, Zhang X 2005 Nano Lett. 5 957


    Yao J, Liu Z, Liu Y, Wang Y, Sun C, Bartal G, Stacy A M, Zhang X 2008 Science 321 930


    Raether H 1988 Surface Plasmons (Berlin: Springer)


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    Hornauer D, Kapitza H, Raether H 1974 J. Physics D: Appl. Phys. 7 L100


    Nash D J, Cotter N P K, Wood E L, Bradberry G W, Sambles J R 1995 J. Modern Opt. 42 243


    Kano H, Mizuguchi S, Kawata S 1998 JOSA B 15 1381


    https://wwwzeisscom/microscopy/int/products/imaging-systems/apotome-2-for-biology.html [2017-03-01]


    Dan D, Lei M, Yao B, Wang W, Winterhalder M, Zumbusch A, Qi Y, Xia L, Yan S, Yang Y, Gao P, Zhao W 2013 Sci. Reports 3 1116


    Chakrova N, Rieger B 2016 JOSA A 33 B12


    Gjonaj B 2012 Digital Plasmonics: from Concept to Microscopy (Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam)


    Wang Q, Bu J, Tan P S, Yuan G H, Teng J H, Wang H, Yuan X C 2012 Plasmonics 7 427


    Yuan G, Wang Q, Yuan X 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 2715


    Cao S, Wang T, Xu W, Liu H, Zhang H, Hu B, Yu W 2016 Sci. Reports 6 23460


    Cao S, Wang T, Sun Q, Hu B, Yu W 2017 Opt. Express 25 3863


    Zhang J, See C W, Somekh M G, Pitter M C, Liu S G 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 5451


    Chen H, Du L, Wu X, Zhu S, Yang Y, Fang H, Yuan X 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 261904

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-03-29
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