As the version of Majorana fermions in condensed matter physics, the research of Majorana zero modes is one of the most interesting topics in physics currently. Majorana zero modes obey the non-Abelian statistics and can be used for constructing the topologically protected qubits. This kind of qubit constructed from spatially separated Majorana zero modes is immune to local noise, and has a long decoherence time, which makes it show important application prospects in fault-tolerant quantum computation. The semiconductor/superconductor nanowires are one of the most ideal experimental platforms for studying Majorana zero modes and topological quantum computation. This work reviews the research progress of the epitaxial growth of high-quality semiconductor nanowires, the fabrication of semiconductor/superconductor heterostructure nanowires, and Majorana zero modes in semiconductor/superconductor nanowires. The application prospects of semiconductor/ superconductor nanowires in quantum computation is also prospected finally.
- semiconductor/superconductor nanowire /
- Majorana zero mode /
- non-Abelian statistics /
- quantum computation
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图 1 (a) 纳米线的气-液-固生长过程示意图; (b), (c) Si衬底上Ag辅助生长的纯纤锌矿InAs纳米线[28]; (d), (e) Si衬底上Ag辅助生长的InAs/InSb轴向异质结纳米线[36]; (f) 利用电子束曝光技术, 对InP衬底进行图形化处理, 定义纳米线的生长位置[45]; (g) InP衬底上Au辅助生长的InAs纳米线阵列[45]
Figure 1. (a) The schematic diagram of the nanowires grown with a vapor-liquid-solid manner; (b), (c) Ag-assisted growth of pure wurzite InAs nanowires on Si substrates[28]; (d), (e) Ag-assisted growth of InAs/InSb axial heterojunction nanowires on Si substrates[36]; (f) nanowire growth position is defined by electron beam lithography on InP substrates[45]; (g) Au-assisted growth of InAs nanowire arrays on InP substrates[45].
图 2 (a) InP (111)B衬底上InAs纳米线网络的选区生长[55]; (b)基于金属播种方法制备的InSb纳米线网络[53]; (c)立式InAs/Al纳米线的高分辨透射电子显微图像[58]; (d)面内InAs/Al纳米线网络的截面高分辨透射电子显微图像[55]
Figure 2. (a) The selective area growth of InAs nanowire networks on InP (111)B substates[55]; (b) the fabrication of InSb nanowire networks via a metal-sown selective area growth technique[53]; (c) the high-resolution transmission electron microscope image of the free-standing InAs/Al nanowire[58]; (d) the cross-sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscope image of the in-plane InAs/Al nanowire network[55].
图 3 (a)半导体/超导体纳米线隧穿电导测量的器件示意图, 其中底栅控制整个半导体纳米线的化学势, 超导栅调控半导体/超导体异质结区域的化学势, 隧穿栅控制异质结与电极之间的耦合; (b)半导体/超导体纳米线器件的微分电导G随塞曼能EZ和偏压V变化的示意图[78]; (c)约瑟夫森电流I(φ)随超导相位差φ变化的示意图[12]; (d)仅考虑Rashba自旋轨道耦合时, 半导体/超导体纳米线中x方向上的自旋极化分布[81]
Figure 3. (a) The schematic diagram of semiconductor/superconductor nanowire device for detecting zero-energy conductance peaks: The super-gate and global back-gate are respectively used for controlling the chemical potential of the semiconductor/superconductor heterojunction and the semiconductor nanowire, and the tunnel-gate is used for tuning the coupling between the semiconductor/superconductor heterojunction nanowire and the lead; (b) the schematic diagram of the differential conductance G varing with Zeeman energy EZ and bias voltage V[78]; (c) the schematic plot of Josephoson current I(φ) as a function of the superconducting phase difference φ[12]; (d) the spin polarization distribution along the x direction in semiconductor/superconductor nanowire with Rashba spin-orbit coupling[81].
图 4 (a)−(d) T型结中马约拉纳零能模的编织过程[39]; (e)马约拉纳干涉仪[82]; (f)基于投影测量的马约拉纳零能模编织过程[82]; (g)马约拉纳零能模网络, 其中紫色区域R(t)代表Kekule涡旋[83]
Figure 4. (a)−(d) The braiding of Majorana zero modes in a T-junction[39]; (e) Majorana interferometer[82]; (f) the measurement-based braiding of Majorana zero modes[82]; (g) the network of Majorana zero modes: the Kekule vortex represented by R(t)[83].
图 5 (a)−(c) InSb纳米片的扫描电子显微图[36]; (d) InSb纳米片的高分辨透射电子显微图[36]; (e) InAs纳米片的扫描电子显微图[88]; (f) InAs纳米片的高分辨透射电子显微图[88]
Figure 5. (a)−(c) Scanning electron microscope images of InSb nanosheets[36]; (d) the high-resolution transmission electron microscope image of the InSb nanosheet[36]; (e) the scanning electron microscope image of InAs nanosheets[88]; (f) the high-resolution transmission electron microscope image of the InAs nanosheet[88].
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