Non-hydrogenated W-doped amorphous diamond-like carbon films with different tungsten content are prepared by pulsed laser deposition through using the W-doped graphite targets. The variation of the tungsten content in the doped diamond-like carbon films has a stable linear relation with tungsten content in the doped targets, which shows the importance of pulsed laser deposition in the field of the refractory metal doping technology. The doped tungsten has no effect on the crystal structure of the diamond-like carbon film according to X-ray diffraction test. In the W-doped diamond-like carbon film, most of the tungsten atoms form the tungsten carbides with the carbon atoms when the tungsten content is relatively low, and inlay in the network of the amorphous carbon, reducing the carbon coordination atoms and local density. In addition, the tungsten oxides formed from the tungsten atoms and oxygen atoms help to reduce the friction coefficient. Therefore, the friction coefficient of the films decreases with the tungsten content increasing, and the lowest friction coefficient is 0.091 at the doping content of 9.67 at.%. However, more and more tungsten clusters form with the tungsten content further increasing according to the results of atomic force microscope, thus increasing the surface roughness of the diamond-like carbon films and resulting dominantly in the increase of the friction coefficient. On the other hand, the increasing of tungsten content reduces the nano-hardness and Yang’s modulus of the doped diamond-like carbon film due to the reduction of the local atomic binding energy in the per unit volume. However, the best wear-resistance is shown in the W-doped diamond-like carbon film with relatively low tungsten content of 6.28 at.%, instead of the pure diamond-like carbon film with the highest hardness of 52.2 GPa. This research offers an experimental base for practical applications of the non-hydrogenated W-doped diamond-like carbon film with low friction coefficient and high hardness grown by pulsed laser deposition. An optimized W-doped diamond-like carbon film has low friction coefficient and high hardness, along with the high heat conduction and resistance, and can be used as protective tribological coatings for the micro- and nano- electron devices to improve their working stability and reduce the sizes.
- pulsed laser deposition /
- tungsten-doped diamond-like carbon film /
- tribological property /
- nano-indentation
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[1] 李建, 童洪辉, 王坤, 但敏, 金凡亚 2020 功能材料 51 08204
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Li J, Tong H H, Dan M, Jin F Y 2020 Funct. Mater. 51 08204
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Xue Q J, Wang L P 2012 Thin Film Materials of Carbon-base Diamond-like Carbon (Beijing: Science Press) p32
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[9] Wang S Y, Liu X, Liu Y, Zhang W X, Li Z L, Guo Y L 2019 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 371 042014
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Cheng Y 2017 Technology of Diamond-like Carbon Film Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition (Beijing: Science Press) p26
[12] Jelinek M, Zemek J, Kocourek T, Remsa J, Miksovsky J, Pisarik P, Jurek K, Tolde Z, Travnickova M, Vandrovcov M, Filova E 2016 Laser Phys. 26 105605
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[13] Gayathri S, Kumar N, Krishnan R, Ravindran T R, Dash S, Tyagi A K, Sridharan M 2015 Mater. Chem. Phys. 167 194
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[18] Panda M, Krishnan R, N Krishna G, Amirthapandian S, Magudapathy P, Kamruddin M 2019 Ceram. Int. 45 8847
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[19] Kiryukhantsev-Korneeva F V, Bondarev A V 2019 Phys. Metals Metallogr. 120 702
[20] Saikat P, Maity R, Kumar S 2020 Ceram. Int. 46 22805
[21] 徐丽萍, 林松盛 2019 电镀与涂饰 38 663
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Xu L P, Lin S S 2019 Electroplat. Finish. 38 663
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[22] 何帅, 孙德恩, 曾宪光, 王建川 2019 化工新型材料 47 162
He S, Sun D E, Zeng X G, Wang J C 2019 New Chem. Mater. 47 162
[23] Chen J L, Ji P Y, Jin C G, Zhuge L J, Wu X M 2019 Plasma Sci. Technol. 21 025502
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[24] Zhou S, Liu L, Ma L 2017 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 455 35
[25] Vengudusamy B, Green J H, Lamb G D, Spikes H A 2013 Wear 298-299 109
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[26] Hatada R, Flege S, Ashraf M N, Timmermann A, Schmid C, Ensinger W 2020 Coatings 10 360
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[27] Neuville S 2011 Surf. Coat. Technol. 206 703
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[28] Luo J, Ou Y X, Zhang Z Q, Pang P, Chen L, Liao B, Shang H Z, Zhang X, Wu X Y 2019 Mater. Res. Express 6 096418
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