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Circular dichroism of honeycomb-shaped elliptical hole absorber

Yu Peng Wang Bao-Qing Wu Xiao-Hu Wang Wen-Hao Xu Hong-Xing Wang Zhi-Ming


Circular dichroism of honeycomb-shaped elliptical hole absorber

Yu Peng, Wang Bao-Qing, Wu Xiao-Hu, Wang Wen-Hao, Xu Hong-Xing, Wang Zhi-Ming
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The circular dichroism of chiral structure has been widely used in analytical chemistry, industrial pharmacy, biological monitoring, etc. However, the light-matter interaction between natural chiral structures is extremely weak. Plasmonic nanostructures can significantly enhance light-matter interaction. During the fabrication of the visible-to-near-infrared chiral plasmonic metamaterial absorbers, there exists usually a trade-off between the absorption and the sample area, that is, the circular dichroism signal of the large-area structure is small. Besides, the preparation of chiral absorbers working in the visible and near-infrared region usually requires expensive etching or lithography equipment, such as reactive ion etching or electron beam lithography. Therefore, preparing cost-effective chiral absorbers with large circular dichroism is attractive for practical applications. In order to improve the circular dichroism of large-scale chiral absorbers, a honeycomb-shaped elliptical hole absorber is proposed in this paper, and its absorption, circular dichroism, and optical g-factor are studied. By reasonable design, the numerical calculation results show that the circular dichroism can reach about 0.8 under the excitation of chiral polarized light, and the corresponding optical g-factor can reach about 1.7 at 920 nm. Compared with the reported absorber, our chiral absorber has a maximum g-factor value. The giant circular dichroism originates from the symmetry breaking of the structure by tilting ellipse structures, and the tilt angle has a significant influence on circular dichroism. To further explain the absorption difference, the electric profile, surface current distribution, and absorption loss of the chiral absorption at resonant wavelength are analyzed. Finally, we point out that the structure can be prepared by existing technologies, such as nanosphere photolithography: first, a layer of polystyrene (PS) balls is formed by self-organization, which can control the period of the structure; then the size of the PS balls is reduced to a suitable size and spacing by the reactive ion etching; finally, a metallic layer is deposited by oblique angle evaporation. This work provides useful guidance for fabricating the large-scale chiral plasmonic absorbers.
      Corresponding author: Yu Peng, ; Wang Zhi-Ming,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2019YFB2203400), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2019M663467), and the Free Exploration Project of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province, China (Grant No. 20YYJC3609)

    Kuzyk A, Schreiber R, Fan Z, Pardatscher G, Roller E, Hogele A, Simmel F C, Govorov A O, Liedl T 2012 Nature 483 7389


    Hentschel M, Schäferling M, Duan X, Giessen H, Liu N 2017 Sci. Adv. 3 5


    Yu P, BesteiroL V, HuangY, Wu J, Fu L, Tan H H, Jagadish C, Wiederrecht G P, Govorov A O, Wang Z 2019 Adv. Opt. Mater. 7 3


    Yu P, Besteiro L V, W Jiang, Huang Y, Wang Y, Govorov A O, Wang Z 2018 Opt. Express 26 16


    Zou J, Yu P, Wang W, Tong X, Chang L, Wu C, Du W, Ji H, Huang Y, Niu X, Govorov A O, Wu J, Wang Z 2019 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53 105106


    Li W, Coppens J, Besteiro L V, Wang W, Govorov A O, Valentine J 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 8379Google Scholar


    Kong X T, Khorashad K, Wang Z, Govorov A O 2018 Nano Lett. 18 3


    Liu T, Besteiro V, Liedl T, Correa-Duarte M A, Wang Z, Govorov A O 2019 Nano Lett. 19 2


    Wang W, Besteiro L V, Liu T, Wu C, Sun J, Yu P, Chang L, Wang Z, Govorov A O 2019 ACS Photonics 6 12Google Scholar


    Wu X, Xu L, Liu L, Ma W, Yin H, Kuang H, Wang L, Xu C, Kotov N A 2013 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135 49


    Ouyang L, Rosenmann D, Czaplewski D A, Gao J, Yang X 2020 Nanotechnology 31 29


    He G, Shang X, Yue J, Zhai X, Xia S, Li H, Wang L 2020 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 37 4Google Scholar


    Khorashad K L, Besteiro L V, Correa-Duarte M A, Burger S, Wang Z M, Govorov A O 2020 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142 9


    Frank B, Yin X, Schäferling M, Zhao J, Hein S M, Braun P V, Giessen H 2013 ACS Nano 7 7


    Dietrich K, Lehr D, Helgert C, Tünnermann A, Kley E B 2012 Adv. Mater. 24 OP321Google Scholar


    Decker M, Ruther M, Kriegler C E, Zhou J, Soukoulis C M, Linden S, Wegener M 2009 Opt. Lett. 34 16Google Scholar


    陈珊珊, 刘幸, 刘之光, 李家方 2019 68 248101Google Scholar

    Chen S S, Liu X, Liu Z G, Li J F 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 248101Google Scholar


    Huang Y, Yao Z, Hu F, Liu C, Yu L, Jin Y, Xu X 2017 Carbon 119 305Google Scholar


    Hendry E, Carpy T, Johnston J, Popland M, Mikhaylovskiy R V, Lapthorn A J, Kelly S M, Barron L D, Gadegaard N, Kadodwala M 2010 Nat. Nanotechnol. 5 11Google Scholar


    Petronijević E, Leahu G, Voti R L, Belardini A, Scian C, Michieli N, Cesca T, Matte G, Sibilia C 2019 Appl. Phys. Lett. 114 053101Google Scholar


    Johnson P B, Christy R W 1972 Phys. Rev. B 6 4370Google Scholar


    Tang B, Li Z, Palacios E, Liu Z, Butun S, Aydin K 2017 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29 3Google Scholar


    Ouyang L, Wang W, Rosenmann D, Czaplewski D A, Gao J, Yang X 2018 Opt. Express 26 24


    Xiao W, Shi X, Zhang Y, Peng W, Zeng Y 2019 Phys. Scr. 94 8


    Rongkuo Z, Thomas K, Costas S 2010 Opt. Express 18 14

  • 图 1  手性等离激元吸收器的结构示意图 (a) 三维立体结构图; (b) x-y平面图; (c) x-z平面图

    Figure 1.  Schematic of the proposed chiral plasmonic absorber: (a) Three dimensional schematic of the absorber; (b) schematic of the absorber in x-y plane; (c) schematic of the absorber in x-z plane.

    图 2  椭圆孔洞长轴a变化时的吸收谱, CD谱和g-factor (a), (b) 吸收谱; (c) CD谱; (d) g-factor

    Figure 2.  Simulated absorption spectra, CD spectra and g-factor with the long axis of the ellipse a changes: (a), (b) Absorption spectra; (c) CD spectra; (d) g-factor

    图 3  椭圆孔洞短轴b变化时的吸收谱、CD谱和g-factor (a), (b) 吸收谱; (c) CD谱; (d) g-factor

    Figure 3.  Simulated absorption spectra, CD spectra and g-factor with the short axis of the ellipse b changes: (a), (b) Absorption spectra; (c) CD spectra; (d) g-factor.

    图 4  椭圆倾斜角θ变化时的 (a) (b) 吸收谱, (c) CD谱, (d) g-factor

    Figure 4.  Simulated absorption spectra, CD spectra and g-factor with the angle of the ellipse θ changes: (a), (b) Absorption spectra; (c) CD spectra; (d) g-factor.

    图 5  顶层结构厚度h1变化时的 (a), (b) 吸收谱, (c) CD谱, (d) g-factor

    Figure 5.  Simulated absorption spectra, CD spectra and g-factor with the thickness of the top layer h1 changes: (a), (b) Absorption spectra; (c) CD spectra; (d) g-factor.

    图 6  电介质SiO2层厚度h2变化时的 (a), (b) 吸收谱, (c) CD谱, (d) g-factor

    Figure 6.  Simulated absorption spectra, CD spectra, and g-factor with the thickness of the SiO2 layer h2 changes: (a), (b) Absorption spectra; (c) CD spectra; (d) g-factor.

    图 7  不同偏振的入射光照射下, 共振波长在920 nm附近的 (a)和 (b) 归一化电场E/E0分布图, 未归一化前, LCP和RCP光照射下E/E0最大值分别为11和36; (c) 和 (d) 表面电流分布图; (e) 和 (f) 吸收损耗(吸收密度)图. 图(a), (c)和 (e) 为LCP入射; 图(b), (d) 和 (f) 为RCP入射

    Figure 7.  (a), (b) Normalized electric field E/E0; (c), (d) Surface current distribution; (e), (f) Absorption loss (absorption density) at the wavelength of 920 nm with different circularly polarized illuminations. (a), (c) and (e) For LCP; (b), (d) and (f) for RCP; the non-normalized maximum values of E/E0 under LCP and RCP light irradiation are 11 and 36, respectively.

    图 8  LCP和RCP光入射结构时反射波中两种圆偏振光的分量

    Figure 8.  The components of LCP and RCP light in the reflected wave.

    表 1  可见和近红外波段的手性超材料吸收器与本文吸收器的对比

    Table 1.  Selected publications on chiral metamaterial absorbers at the visible and near-infrared region.

    手性结构工作波长 /nmCDmax (ABS)g-factormax理论(T)或者实验(E)文献
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  • [1]

    Kuzyk A, Schreiber R, Fan Z, Pardatscher G, Roller E, Hogele A, Simmel F C, Govorov A O, Liedl T 2012 Nature 483 7389


    Hentschel M, Schäferling M, Duan X, Giessen H, Liu N 2017 Sci. Adv. 3 5


    Yu P, BesteiroL V, HuangY, Wu J, Fu L, Tan H H, Jagadish C, Wiederrecht G P, Govorov A O, Wang Z 2019 Adv. Opt. Mater. 7 3


    Yu P, Besteiro L V, W Jiang, Huang Y, Wang Y, Govorov A O, Wang Z 2018 Opt. Express 26 16


    Zou J, Yu P, Wang W, Tong X, Chang L, Wu C, Du W, Ji H, Huang Y, Niu X, Govorov A O, Wu J, Wang Z 2019 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53 105106


    Li W, Coppens J, Besteiro L V, Wang W, Govorov A O, Valentine J 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 8379Google Scholar


    Kong X T, Khorashad K, Wang Z, Govorov A O 2018 Nano Lett. 18 3


    Liu T, Besteiro V, Liedl T, Correa-Duarte M A, Wang Z, Govorov A O 2019 Nano Lett. 19 2


    Wang W, Besteiro L V, Liu T, Wu C, Sun J, Yu P, Chang L, Wang Z, Govorov A O 2019 ACS Photonics 6 12Google Scholar


    Wu X, Xu L, Liu L, Ma W, Yin H, Kuang H, Wang L, Xu C, Kotov N A 2013 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135 49


    Ouyang L, Rosenmann D, Czaplewski D A, Gao J, Yang X 2020 Nanotechnology 31 29


    He G, Shang X, Yue J, Zhai X, Xia S, Li H, Wang L 2020 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 37 4Google Scholar


    Khorashad K L, Besteiro L V, Correa-Duarte M A, Burger S, Wang Z M, Govorov A O 2020 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142 9


    Frank B, Yin X, Schäferling M, Zhao J, Hein S M, Braun P V, Giessen H 2013 ACS Nano 7 7


    Dietrich K, Lehr D, Helgert C, Tünnermann A, Kley E B 2012 Adv. Mater. 24 OP321Google Scholar


    Decker M, Ruther M, Kriegler C E, Zhou J, Soukoulis C M, Linden S, Wegener M 2009 Opt. Lett. 34 16Google Scholar


    陈珊珊, 刘幸, 刘之光, 李家方 2019 68 248101Google Scholar

    Chen S S, Liu X, Liu Z G, Li J F 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 248101Google Scholar


    Huang Y, Yao Z, Hu F, Liu C, Yu L, Jin Y, Xu X 2017 Carbon 119 305Google Scholar


    Hendry E, Carpy T, Johnston J, Popland M, Mikhaylovskiy R V, Lapthorn A J, Kelly S M, Barron L D, Gadegaard N, Kadodwala M 2010 Nat. Nanotechnol. 5 11Google Scholar


    Petronijević E, Leahu G, Voti R L, Belardini A, Scian C, Michieli N, Cesca T, Matte G, Sibilia C 2019 Appl. Phys. Lett. 114 053101Google Scholar


    Johnson P B, Christy R W 1972 Phys. Rev. B 6 4370Google Scholar


    Tang B, Li Z, Palacios E, Liu Z, Butun S, Aydin K 2017 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29 3Google Scholar


    Ouyang L, Wang W, Rosenmann D, Czaplewski D A, Gao J, Yang X 2018 Opt. Express 26 24


    Xiao W, Shi X, Zhang Y, Peng W, Zeng Y 2019 Phys. Scr. 94 8


    Rongkuo Z, Thomas K, Costas S 2010 Opt. Express 18 14

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  • Received Date:  03 June 2020
  • Accepted Date:  30 June 2020
  • Available Online:  14 October 2020
  • Published Online:  20 October 2020

