In the simulation of complex multi-scale flows covering various flow regimes, the computational efficiency of gas kinetic method by which the evolution equation of velocity distribution function is solved directly is the key to engineering applications. In order to accelerate simulation for steady flows, a gas kinetic algorithm accelerated by utilizing the macroscopic conservative equations with a digital constitutive relation is developed. In this algorithm, the contribution of the high-order terms of stress and heat flux in macroscopic conservative equations is determined by the gas kinetic solution. Meanwhile, the solution of the macroscopic conservative equations provides the macroscopic quantities for the equilibrium distribution function in the Boltzmann model equation, where a fully implicit scheme to solve the Boltzmann model equation is developed. Extensive validations are performed for the cavity flow, the supersonic flow around the cylinder, and the interactive rarefied flow around two side-by-side cylinders. The results from the above method are in good agreement with the results from the conventional gas kinetic unified algorithm and the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. It can be concluded that the nonlinear constitutive relation of rarefied flow can be well captured by the present method. And the ability of this method to simulate complex flows such as shock wave, strong wall shear and flow separation is demonstrated. Furthermore, the present method has shown to be much faster than the conventional gas kinetic unified algorithm, especially for the low-Kn flows. As the value of Kn increases, the acceleration rate decreases, because the effect of flow convection becomes weak. Meanwhile, more effort is needed to reduce inner loop iterations to improve its efficiency. -
- gas kinetic unified algorithm /
- constitutive relation /
- convergence accelerated method /
- coupled method
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表 1 耦合加速收敛方法与常规GKUA的收敛情况对比
Table 1. Convergence comparison between the conventional GKUA and the coupled acceleration method.
Kn 迭代步数(收敛标准: 10–7) 加速比 GKUA Coupled 0.010 8000 170 47.00 0.075 2300 300 7.60 1.000 1200 1100 1.09 -
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Li Z H 2001 Ph. D. Dissertation (Mianyang: China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center) (in Chinese)
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Peng A P 2017 Ph. D. Dissertation (Mianyang: China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center) (in Chinese)
[20] 李志辉, 梁杰, 李中华, 李海燕, 吴俊林, 戴金雯, 唐志共 2018 空气动力学学报 36 826
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Wu J L 2018 Ph. D. Dissertation (Mianyang: China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center) (in Chinese)
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Jiang D W 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Mianyang: China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center) (in Chinese)
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Chen W F, Zhao W W 2017 Moment Method and Numerical Simulation on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (Beijing: Science Press) pp1–16 (in Chinese)
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Shen Q 2003 Rarefied Gas Dynamics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp105−110 (in Chinese)
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