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Sensing and slow light applications of graphene plasmonic terahertz structure

Yang Xiao-Jie Xu Hui Xu Hai-Ye Li Ming Yu Hong-Fei Cheng Yu-Xuan Hou Hai-Liang Chen Zhi-Quan


Sensing and slow light applications of graphene plasmonic terahertz structure

Yang Xiao-Jie, Xu Hui, Xu Hai-Ye, Li Ming, Yu Hong-Fei, Cheng Yu-Xuan, Hou Hai-Liang, Chen Zhi-Quan
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In this work, Ansys FDTD is used to design and simulate a terahertz metamaterial structure based on periodic continuous pattern graphene monolayer, and the high-quality PIT phenomena are obtained by continuously adjusting structural parameters. To validate the designed structure, the simulated transmission curve (reflection curve) obtained is compared with the theoretical transmission curve (reflection curve) derived from coupled-mode theory. It is observed that these two results exhibit a remarkably high degree of overlap. The resonant frequency and Fermi energy reveals a perfect linear correlation between them with the resonant frequency increasing proportionally with Fermi energy increasing. Dynamic tuning of PIT can be realized by adjusting the Fermi energy of graphene. For a more in-depth study of its sensing characteristics, the structure is placed in different environments. As the refractive index of the detection medium increases, the resonant frequency gradually decreases, demonstrating a redshift phenomenon. By manipulating the resonant frequency of the PIT sensor, the selective detection of specific target can berealized. After analyzing the sensitivity and FOM values of the structure, it is found that the maximum sensitivity is 1.457 THz/RIU. At a resonant frequency of 6.8174 THz, FOM reaches 30.5652. In summary, the sensor structure designed in this work has dual frequency sensing characteristics and can be used for dual frequency detection. Moreover, compared with other sensor structures, it demonstrates superior sensing performance. Additionally, in studying the slow light effect of the structure, it is found that as the Fermi energy increases, the group index and phase shift at the transparency window continue to increase. At the Fermi energy of 1.2 eV, the group index reaches a high value of 584. This is because in the PIT phenomenon, transparent peaks are formed due to multimodal coupling. This coupling will significantly improve the dispersion characteristics near the transparent peak, resulting in a large group index near the transparent peak. Furthermore, with the increase of carrier mobility, the group index and phase shift of the structure also gradually increase. At a carrier mobility of 0.75 m²/(V·s), the group refractive index is 456, and reaches 1010 at 2.0 m²/(V·s). In this study, the slow-light performance of graphene structure can be optimized through jointly adjusting the Fermi energy and carrier mobility. This research provides theoretical support and methods for designing advanced graphene-based sensors and devices for slow-light applications.
      Corresponding author: Xu Hui, ; Chen Zhi-Quan,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Project of Xiangjiang Laboratory, China (Grant No. 23XJ02001), the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 2023JJ40218, 2022JJ30201), the Changsha Municipal Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant No. kq2202298), and the Scientific Research Foundation of Hunan Provincial Education Department, China (Grant No. 21B0574, 21B0556).

    Gosciniak J, Rasras M, Khurgin J B 2020 Acs Photonics 7 488Google Scholar


    He Z H, Li L Q, Ma H Q, Pu L H, Xu H, Yi Z, Cao X L, Cui W 2021 Results Phys. 21 103795Google Scholar


    Moon K, Park S 2019 Phys. Rev. Appl. 11 034074Google Scholar


    Yang H, Ou K, Wan H Y, Hu Y Q, Wei Z Y, Jia H H, Cheng X B, Liu N, Duan H G 2023 Mater. Today 67 424Google Scholar


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    Yang X J, Xu H, Xu H Y, Li M, Yu H F, Cheng Y X, Chen Z Q 2024 Phys. Scr. 99 055518Google Scholar


    Wang Y X, Chang B S, Xue J J, Cao X L, Xu H, He H, Cui W, He Z H 2022 Diam. Relat. Mater. 123 108881Google Scholar


    Li M, Xu H, Yang X J, Xu H Y, Liu P C, He L H, Nie G Z, Dong Y L, Chen Z Q 2023 Results Phys. 52 106798Google Scholar


    Sarker D, Nakti P P, Tahmid M I, Mamun M A Z, Zubair A 2021 Opt. Express 29 42713Google Scholar


    Xu H, Li M, Chen Z Q, He L H, Dong Y, Li X L, Wang X J, Nie G Z, He Z H, Zeng B 2023 Phys. Scr. 98 045511Google Scholar


    Yan H G, Low T, Zhu W J, Wu Y Q, Freitag M, Li X S, Guinea F, Avouris P, Xia F N 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 394Google Scholar


    Kim T T, Kim H D, Zhao R K, Oh S S, Ha T, Chung D S, Lee Y H, Min B, Zhang S 2018 Acs Photonics 5 1800Google Scholar


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    Song H F, Hu X Y 2019 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis 55 871Google Scholar


    Xia S X, Zhai X, Huang Y, Liu J Q, Wang L L, Wen S C 2017 J. Lightwave Technol. 35 4553Google Scholar


    Zhang S, Genov D A, Wang Y, Liu M, Zhang X 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 047401Google Scholar


    He X Y, Liu F, Lin F T, Shi W Z 2021 Opt. Lett. 46 472Google Scholar


    He Z H, Li Z X, Li C J, Xue W W, Cui W 2020 Opt. Express 28 17595Google Scholar


    沈常宇, 隋文博, 周俊, 韩伟, 董洁, 方彬, 王兆坤 2023 激光与光电子学进展 60 1106004Google Scholar

    Sheng C N, Sui W B, Zhou J, Han W, Dong J, Fang B, Wang Z K 2023 Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 60 1106004Google Scholar


    鲁志琪, 董锐敏, 刘昌宁 2023 中国激光 50 0113020Google Scholar

    Lu Z Q, Dong R M, Liu C N 2023 Chin. J. Lasers 50 0113020Google Scholar


    向星诚, 马海贝, 王磊, 田达, 张伟, 张彩虹, 吴敬波, 范克彬, 金飚兵, 陈健 吴培亨 2023 72 128701Google Scholar

    Xiang X C, Ma H B, Wang L, Tian D, Zhang W, Zhang C H, Wu J B, Fan K B, Jin B B, Chen J, Wu P H 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 128701Google Scholar


    Gao E D, Liu Z M, Li H J, Xu H, Zhang Z B, Luo X, Xiong C X, Liu C, Zhang B H, Zhou F Q 2019 Opt. Express 27 13884Google Scholar


    许辉, 李铭, 杨肖杰, 徐海烨 陈智全 2024 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 54 234211Google Scholar

    Xu H, Li M, Yang X J, Xu H Y, Chen Z Q 2024 Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 54 234211Google Scholar


    Safavi-Naeini A H, Alegre T P M, Chan J, Eichenfield M, Winger M, Lin Q, Hill J T, Chang D E, Painter O 2011 Nature 472 69Google Scholar


    Zhao X Q, Huang R X, Du X, Zhang Z R, Li G Y 2024 Nano Lett. 24 1238Google Scholar


    Yang H, He P, Ou K, Hu Y Q, Jiang Y T, Ou X N, Jia H H, Xie Z W, Yuan X C, Duan H G 2023 Light Sci. Appl. 12 79Google Scholar


    Ji C, Liu Z M, Zhou F Q, Luo X, Yang G X, Xie Y D, Yang R H 2023 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 56 405102Google Scholar


    Zhuo S S, Liu Z M, Zhou F Q, Qin Y P, Luo X, Ji C, Yang G X, Yang R H, Xie Y 2022 Opt. Express 30 47647Google Scholar


    Jiang L Y, Yuan C, Li Z Y, Su J, Yi Z, Yao W T, Wu P H, Liu Z M, Cheng S B, Pan M 2021 Diam. Relat. Mater. 111 108227Google Scholar


    Gao E D, Jin R, Fu Z C, Cao G T, Deng Y, Chen J, Li G H, Chen X S, Li H J 2023 Photonics Res. 11 456Google Scholar


    Xu H, Chen Z Q, He Z H, Nie G Z, Li D Q 2020 New J. Phys. 22 123009Google Scholar


    Yang H, Jiang Y T, Hu Y Q, Ou K, Duan H G 2022 Laser Photonics Rev. 16 2200351Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Liu Z M, Zhang Z B, Gao E D, Luo X, Zhou F Q, Li H J, Yi Z 2020 Opt. Express 28 36771Google Scholar


    Tang P R, Li J, Du L H, Liu Q, Peng Q X, Zhao J H, Zhu B, Li Z R, Zhu L G 2018 Opt. Express 26 30655Google Scholar


    Xu H, Wang X J, Chen Z Q, Li X L, He L H, Dong Y L, Nie G Z, He Z H 2021 New J. Phys. 23 123025Google Scholar


    Ren Y, Cui W, Yang Z M, Xiong B W, Zhang L, Li Z X, Lu S J, Huo Y S, Wu X X, Li G, Bai L, He Z H 2024 Opt. Mater. 149 115073Google Scholar


    Yang X J, Xu H, Xu H Y, Li M, He L H, Nie G Z, Chen Z Q 2024 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 57 115101Google Scholar


    Cui W, Wang Y X, Ma H Q, Xu H, Yi Z, Li L Q, Cao X L, Ren X C, He Z H 2021 Phys. Status Solidi 15 2100036Google Scholar


    Xu H, He Z H, Chen Z Q, Nie G Z, Li H 2020 Opt. Express 28 25767Google Scholar


    Geim A K, Novoselov K S 2007 Nat. Mater. 6 183Google Scholar


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    Efetov D K, Kim P 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 256805Google Scholar


    Balci S, Balci O, Kakenov N, Atar F B, Kocabas C 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 1241Google Scholar


    Li M, Xu H, Xu H Y, Yang X J, Dong Y L, He L H, Nie G Z, Wang X J, Chen Z Q 2024 Opt. Commun. 554 130175Google Scholar


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    Peng B, Ozdemir Ş K, Chen W J, Nori F, Yang L 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 5082Google Scholar


    Li Z X, Yang N X, Liu Y T, Li L, Zhong Z Y, Song C, He Z H, Cui W, Xue W W, Li L Q, Li C J, Xu H, Chen Z Q, He H 2022 Diam. Relat. Mater. 126 109071Google Scholar


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    Askari M, Bahadoran M 2022 Optik 253 168589Google Scholar


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    Liu Y, Zhong R B, Lian Z, Bu C, Liu S G 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 2828Google Scholar


    Xiao B G, Tong S J, Fyffe A, Shi Z M 2020 Opt. Express 28 4048Google Scholar


    Gao E D, Cao G T, Deng Y, Li H J, Chen X S, Li G H 2024 Opt. Laser Technol. 168 109840Google Scholar

  • 图 1  石墨烯结构图 (a)石墨烯结构侧视图; (b)周期单元俯视图, 其中a1 = 0.8 μm, a2 = 1.6 μm, h2 = 0.8 μm, h3 = 0.9 μm, h4 = 2.3 μm

    Figure 1.  Graphene structure diagram: (a) Side view of graphene structure; (b) unit structure top view, where a1 = 0.8 μm, a2 = 1.6 μm, h2 = 0.8 μm, h3 = 0.9 μm, h4 = 2.3 μm.

    图 2  耦合模理论模型.

    Figure 2.  Coupled mode theoretical model.

    图 3  石墨烯等离激元诱导透明效应 (a)石墨烯外加电压与费米能级的关系图; (b)石墨烯等离激元透射谱; (c)—(e) G1, G2和G3电场分布图, 频率是5.13 THz; (f) dip1电场分布图, 共振频率是2.81 THz; (g) dip2电场分布图, 共振频率是6.47 THz

    Figure 3.  Graphene plasmon induced transparency effect: (a) Relationship between the applied voltage and Fermi energy of graphene; (b) graphene plasmon transmission spectrum; (c)–(e) electric field distribution map of G1, G2 and G3, where the frequency is 5.13 THz; (f) electric field distribution map of dip1, where the resonant frequency is 2.81 THz; (g) electric field distribution map of dip2, where the resonant frequency is 6.47 THz.

    图 4  不同入射光方向下G1, G2, G3的光谱响应 (a)—(d) G1偏振角分别为0°, 30°, 60°, 90°的场图分布; (e)—(h) G2偏振角分别为0°, 30°, 60°, 90°的场图分布; (i)—(l)是G3偏振角分别为0°, 30°, 60°, 90°的场图分布

    Figure 4.  Spectral responses of G1, G2, and G3 under different incident light directions: (a)–(d) Field plot distribution of G1 polarization angles of 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, respectively; (e)–(h) field plot distribution of G2 polarization angles of 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, respectively; (i)–(l) field plot distribution of G2 polarization angles of 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, respectively.

    图 5  石墨烯太赫兹结构的FDTD和CMT透射曲线和反射曲线 (a)透射率; (b)反射率

    Figure 5.  Comparison of transmission curve and reflection curve fitting between FDTD and CMT of graphene terahertz structure: (a) Transmission curve; (b) reflection curve.

    图 6  共振频率与费米能级关系图 (a)费米能级和共振频率的线性拟合图; (b)随费米能级连续变化的透射谱图

    Figure 6.  Relationship diagram between resonant frequency and Fermi energy: (a) Linear fitting graph of Fermi energy and resonance frequency; (b) transmission spectrum with continuous variation of Fermi energy.

    图 7  不同检测介质下结构的透射谱

    Figure 7.  Transmission spectra of structure under different detection media.

    图 8  石墨烯结构的FOM值 (a) n = 1.2; (b) n = 1.3; (c) n = 1.4; (d) n = 1.5; (e) n = 1.6; (f) n = 1.7

    Figure 8.  FOM of graphene structure: (a) n = 1.2; (b) n = 1.3; (c) n = 1.4; (d) n = 1.5; (e) n = 1.6; (f) n = 1.7.

    图 9  不同费米能级下石墨烯结构的群折射率与相移 (a) Ef = 0.9 eV; (b) Ef = 1.0 eV; (c) Ef = 1.1 eV; (d) Ef = 1.2 eV

    Figure 9.  Group index and phase shift of graphene structure under different Fermi energy: (a) Ef = 0.9 eV; (b) Ef = 1.0 eV; (c) Ef = 1.1 eV; (d) Ef = 1.2 eV.

    图 10  当载流子迁移率从0.75 m2/(V·s)增至2.0 m2/(V·s)时, 群折射率与相移的演变(Ef = 1.2 eV) (a) κ = 0.75 m2/(V·s); (b) κ = 1.0 m2/(V·s); (c) κ = 1.25 m2/(V·s); (d) κ = 1.5 m2/(V·s); (e) κ = 1.75 m2/(V·s); (f) κ = 2.0 m2/(V·s)

    Figure 10.  Evolution of group index and phase shift when carrier mobility increases from 0.75 m2/(V·s) to 2.0 m2/(V·s) when Ef = 1.2 eV: (a) κ = 0.75 m2/(V·s); (b) κ = 1.0 m2/(V·s); (c) κ = 1.25 m2/(V·s); (d) κ = 1.5 m2/(V·s); (e) κ = 1.75 m2/(V·s); (f) κ = 2.0 m2/(V·s).

    表 1  不同费米能级下的耦合强度与本征损耗

    Table 1.  Coupling strength and intrinsic loss at different Fermi energy.

    Ef/eV γ1/(1012 rad·s–1) γ2/(1012 rad·s–1) $\frac{\gamma_1- \gamma_2}{2}$/(1011 rad·s–1) μ/(1011 rad·s–1)
    0.8 2.0899 1.2955 3.972 2.6
    0.9 2.1826 1.2772 4.527 2.6
    1.0 2.2656 1.2670 4.993 2.6
    1.1 2.3394 1.26 5.397 2.6
    1.2 2.4304 1.2496 5.904 2.6
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  两个透射谷的频率差与灵敏度

    Table 2.  Frequency difference and sensitivity of two transmission dips.

    Δf1/THz Δf2/THz S1/(THz·RIU–1) S2/(THz·RIU–1)
    0.0689 0.1444 0.689 1.444
    0.0689 0.1456 0.689 1.456
    0.0663 0.1456 0.663 1.456
    0.0663 0.1457 0.663 1.457
    0.0677 0.1430 0.677 1.430
    0.0637 0.1404 0.637 1.404
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  与其他文献报道传感器的FOM比较

    Table 3.  Comparison of FOM with other sensors.

    Our workRef. [48]Ref. [49]Ref. [50]Ref. [2]
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Gosciniak J, Rasras M, Khurgin J B 2020 Acs Photonics 7 488Google Scholar


    He Z H, Li L Q, Ma H Q, Pu L H, Xu H, Yi Z, Cao X L, Cui W 2021 Results Phys. 21 103795Google Scholar


    Moon K, Park S 2019 Phys. Rev. Appl. 11 034074Google Scholar


    Yang H, Ou K, Wan H Y, Hu Y Q, Wei Z Y, Jia H H, Cheng X B, Liu N, Duan H G 2023 Mater. Today 67 424Google Scholar


    Yao B C, Liu Y, Huang S W, Choi C, Xie Z D, Flor Flores J, Wu Y, Yu M B, Kwong D L, Huang Y, Rao Y J, Duan X F, Wong C W 2018 Nat. Photonics 12 22Google Scholar


    Yang X J, Xu H, Xu H Y, Li M, Yu H F, Cheng Y X, Chen Z Q 2024 Phys. Scr. 99 055518Google Scholar


    Wang Y X, Chang B S, Xue J J, Cao X L, Xu H, He H, Cui W, He Z H 2022 Diam. Relat. Mater. 123 108881Google Scholar


    Li M, Xu H, Yang X J, Xu H Y, Liu P C, He L H, Nie G Z, Dong Y L, Chen Z Q 2023 Results Phys. 52 106798Google Scholar


    Sarker D, Nakti P P, Tahmid M I, Mamun M A Z, Zubair A 2021 Opt. Express 29 42713Google Scholar


    Xu H, Li M, Chen Z Q, He L H, Dong Y, Li X L, Wang X J, Nie G Z, He Z H, Zeng B 2023 Phys. Scr. 98 045511Google Scholar


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    宋瀚法, 胡小永 2019 北京大学学报(自然科学版) 55 871Google Scholar

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    Xia S X, Zhai X, Huang Y, Liu J Q, Wang L L, Wen S C 2017 J. Lightwave Technol. 35 4553Google Scholar


    Zhang S, Genov D A, Wang Y, Liu M, Zhang X 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 047401Google Scholar


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    向星诚, 马海贝, 王磊, 田达, 张伟, 张彩虹, 吴敬波, 范克彬, 金飚兵, 陈健 吴培亨 2023 72 128701Google Scholar

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    Gao E D, Liu Z M, Li H J, Xu H, Zhang Z B, Luo X, Xiong C X, Liu C, Zhang B H, Zhou F Q 2019 Opt. Express 27 13884Google Scholar


    许辉, 李铭, 杨肖杰, 徐海烨 陈智全 2024 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 54 234211Google Scholar

    Xu H, Li M, Yang X J, Xu H Y, Chen Z Q 2024 Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 54 234211Google Scholar


    Safavi-Naeini A H, Alegre T P M, Chan J, Eichenfield M, Winger M, Lin Q, Hill J T, Chang D E, Painter O 2011 Nature 472 69Google Scholar


    Zhao X Q, Huang R X, Du X, Zhang Z R, Li G Y 2024 Nano Lett. 24 1238Google Scholar


    Yang H, He P, Ou K, Hu Y Q, Jiang Y T, Ou X N, Jia H H, Xie Z W, Yuan X C, Duan H G 2023 Light Sci. Appl. 12 79Google Scholar


    Ji C, Liu Z M, Zhou F Q, Luo X, Yang G X, Xie Y D, Yang R H 2023 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 56 405102Google Scholar


    Zhuo S S, Liu Z M, Zhou F Q, Qin Y P, Luo X, Ji C, Yang G X, Yang R H, Xie Y 2022 Opt. Express 30 47647Google Scholar


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    Gao E D, Jin R, Fu Z C, Cao G T, Deng Y, Chen J, Li G H, Chen X S, Li H J 2023 Photonics Res. 11 456Google Scholar


    Xu H, Chen Z Q, He Z H, Nie G Z, Li D Q 2020 New J. Phys. 22 123009Google Scholar


    Yang H, Jiang Y T, Hu Y Q, Ou K, Duan H G 2022 Laser Photonics Rev. 16 2200351Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Liu Z M, Zhang Z B, Gao E D, Luo X, Zhou F Q, Li H J, Yi Z 2020 Opt. Express 28 36771Google Scholar


    Tang P R, Li J, Du L H, Liu Q, Peng Q X, Zhao J H, Zhu B, Li Z R, Zhu L G 2018 Opt. Express 26 30655Google Scholar


    Xu H, Wang X J, Chen Z Q, Li X L, He L H, Dong Y L, Nie G Z, He Z H 2021 New J. Phys. 23 123025Google Scholar


    Ren Y, Cui W, Yang Z M, Xiong B W, Zhang L, Li Z X, Lu S J, Huo Y S, Wu X X, Li G, Bai L, He Z H 2024 Opt. Mater. 149 115073Google Scholar


    Yang X J, Xu H, Xu H Y, Li M, He L H, Nie G Z, Chen Z Q 2024 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 57 115101Google Scholar


    Cui W, Wang Y X, Ma H Q, Xu H, Yi Z, Li L Q, Cao X L, Ren X C, He Z H 2021 Phys. Status Solidi 15 2100036Google Scholar


    Xu H, He Z H, Chen Z Q, Nie G Z, Li H 2020 Opt. Express 28 25767Google Scholar


    Geim A K, Novoselov K S 2007 Nat. Mater. 6 183Google Scholar


    Grigorenko A N, Polini M, Novoselov K S 2012 Nat. Photonics 6 749Google Scholar


    Gao E D, Liu Z M, Li H J, Xu H, Zhang Z B, Zhang X, Luo X, Zhou F Q 2019 Appl. Phys. Express 12 126001Google Scholar


    Efetov D K, Kim P 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 256805Google Scholar


    Balci S, Balci O, Kakenov N, Atar F B, Kocabas C 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 1241Google Scholar


    Li M, Xu H, Xu H Y, Yang X J, Dong Y L, He L H, Nie G Z, Wang X J, Chen Z Q 2024 Opt. Commun. 554 130175Google Scholar


    Wang Y X, Cui W, Ma H Q, Xu H, Yi Z, Cao X L, Ren X C, He Z H 2021 Results Phys. 23 104002Google Scholar


    Peng B, Ozdemir Ş K, Chen W J, Nori F, Yang L 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 5082Google Scholar


    Li Z X, Yang N X, Liu Y T, Li L, Zhong Z Y, Song C, He Z H, Cui W, Xue W W, Li L Q, Li C J, Xu H, Chen Z Q, He H 2022 Diam. Relat. Mater. 126 109071Google Scholar


    Jie X, Zhao T, Ran W Y, Feng Z H 2023 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 524 128775Google Scholar


    Askari M, Bahadoran M 2022 Optik 253 168589Google Scholar


    Zhang T, Zhou J Z, Dai J, Dai Y T, Han X, Li J Q, Yin F F, Zhou Y, Xu K 2018 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 51 055103Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Zhong R B, Lian Z, Bu C, Liu S G 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 2828Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  10 May 2024
  • Accepted Date:  09 June 2024
  • Available Online:  01 July 2024
  • Published Online:  05 August 2024

