Based on the characteristics of superposition, entanglement, non-locality and non-clonality of quantum mechanics, quantum information science can break through the physical limits of classical information and open up a new information processing function different from classical electromagnetic application methods. Due to the advantages of high-energy single photon in practical applications, the research and application of optical quantum information technology dominates the development of current quantum information technology. However, the free-space transmission of light waves is greatly affected by weather conditions and atmospheric particles. Comparing with other wave bands, classical microwave signal shows good penetration ability when transmitting in free space. By introducing quantum mechanics, microwave signal also exhibits non-classical merits. As quantum microwave signal inherits both classical transmission performance and quantum non-classical features, it can be utilized as a significant signal source for diverse applications in microwave domain, such as quantum communication, quantum navigation and quantum radar, which are based on quantum technologies in large scale and dynamic free space transmission. There are three main experimental platforms on which quantum microwave is studied and produced. They are cavity quantum electrodynamics(C-QED) system, circuit quantum electrodynamics(c-QED) system, and cavity electro-opto-mechanical(EOM) system, involving with several nonlinear effects such as Kerr effect, Casimir effect, three-wave mixing, etc. In this paper, the setups of these platforms and the preparation principles are introduced. Meanwhile, the preparation principles and methods of microwave single photon, entangled microwave photons, squeezed microwave fields and entangled microwave fields are summarized and analyzed in detail from three aspects. The present status of experimental progress in the relevant fields are summarized and listed as well. Besides, key problems in the application of quantum navigation in free space utilizing quantum microwave are probed. Among them, the most pressing ones are preparation ability, decoherence in transmission and detection of entangled quantum microwave signals, which are also discussed and analyzed in this paper. Finally, we look forward to the future development of quantum microwave technology. It mainly consists of manufacturing microwave detectors with high efficiency, designing thermal photon filters, and developing suitable antennas. We hope that this study can provide useful reference for scholars who are engaged in or interested in research related to quantum microwave technologies.
- nonclassical microwave /
- single microwave photon /
- entangled microwave photons /
- squeezed microwave field /
- entangled microwave field
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图 3 微波单光子产生设备[35], 左侧内插图为超导量子比特 a: 超导传输线谐振腔; c: 输出电容; d: 热噪声端口; e/f: 相干测量端口; Z0和Z1为匹配阻抗
Figure 3. The experimental set-up of generating microwave single-photon, where the left inset denotes qubit. a: superconducting transmission line resonator; c: output capacitance; d: thermal noise port; e/f: coherent measurement port; Z0 and Z1 are matching impedance.
图 4 频率可调微波单光子源原理与结构[37]
Figure 4. Principle and structure of frequency-adjustable microwave single-photon source.
图 5 利用量子点产生纠缠微波光子对的原理[45]
Figure 5. Principle of generating entangled microwave photon pair using quantum dots.
图 7 约瑟夫森–光子装置等效电路原理图[51]
Figure 7. Sketch of an equivalent circuit principle of Josephson-photonics device.
图 9 微波量子照射雷达示意图[61]
Figure 9. Schematic of microwave quantum illumination.
图 10 利用量子库产生双模压缩态方案[66]
Figure 10. Scheme of generating two-mode squeezed state using quantum reservoir.
图 11 基于超冷原子与超导传输线腔耦合产生双模压缩态方案[67]
Figure 11. Scheme of generating two-mode squeezed state based on the coupling of ultracold atoms and superconducting transmission line resonator.
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Figure 13. Schematic of generating squeezed microwave field using four-wave mixing.
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Figure 14. Schematic of generating entangled microwave field using the squeezed field and vacuum field.
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Figure 15. Schematic of generating two-mode squeezed microwave field using Josephson mixer.
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Figure 16. The microwave parametric amplifier device based on cavity electromechanics system.
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Figure 17. Device of generating two-mode squeezed microwave field based on cavity electromechanics system.
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Figure 18. The jointed system of circuit quantum electrodynamics and cavity electromechanics system that generating squeezed microwave field.
图 19 连续变量纠缠微波场的电–光–力学产生方案[88]
Figure 19. Scheme of electro-opto-mechanical system to generate continuous variable entangled microwave field.
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