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史佳佳 刘晓敏 张冲 徐明慧 梁芸芸 张静



史佳佳, 刘晓敏, 张冲, 徐明慧, 梁芸芸, 张静

Enhancement of optomicrowave and optomagnonic entanglements in a optomagnomechanical system with coherent feedback

SHI Jiajia, LIU Xiaomin, ZHANG Chong, XU Minghui, LIANG Yunyun, ZHANG Jing
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 光-微波纠缠和光磁纠缠在混合量子网络构建和光学控制等方面有着重要的应用前景。本文提出了一种在光磁力系统中利用相干反馈机制来增强光-微波纠缠和光磁纠缠的理论方案,考虑在输入输出腔镜和镀反射膜的YIG桥中间插入薄膜的光磁力系统,该系统包含了光、微波、机械振子和磁振子四种模式,其中,光和微波以机械振子为中介发生相互作用,磁振子则通过磁偶极相互作用与微波耦合。我们详细研究了光-微波纠缠和光磁纠缠随各失谐量、各耦合强度、各衰减率的变化关系,分析了最优的相干反馈条件、纠缠产生和纠缠转移的物理机制和条件,讨论了加入反馈回路后的光-微波纠缠和光磁纠缠的增强。研究结果表明,加入相干反馈后,光-微波纠缠和光磁纠缠在较宽的参数范围内均可获得显著且稳定的增强。研究结果对构建混合量子网络时连接不同物理系统构成的节点、灵活操控磁振子的量子特性以及制备宏观量子态等方面提供了理论依据。我们的研究结果不仅为实现混合量子网络提供了有力的理论支持,还为光学控制、设计、检测和传输磁振子状态提供了更多的可能性,便于未来能够更加灵活地操控和利用磁振子的量子特性。
    Optomicrowave entanglement and optomagnonic entanglement have significant applications in constructing hybrid quantum network and optical controlling magnons. In this paper, a theoretical scheme of enhancing optomicrowave and optomagnonic entanglements is proposed, based on a coherent-feedback-assisted optomagnomechanical (OMM) system. By inserting a thin membrane between the input-output mirror and the high-reflective-mirror-attached YIG bridge, the system consists of four kinds of modes: optical mode, microwave mode, mechanical mode, and magnon mode. In this system, optical and microwave modes interact with each other through the mechanical mode, while the magnon mode couples with the microwave mode through magnetic-dipole interaction. The entanglement is originally generated between optical and phonon modes under the two-mode squeezing mechanism (blue-detuned driven), then the generated entanglement is transferred to the optical and microwave modes through the state transfer mechanism (red-detuned driven) between the microwave and phonon modes and is further transferred to the optical and magnon modes by the magnetic-dipole interaction between the microwave and magnon modes. Adopting the negative logarithm criterion, the variations of the optomicrowave and optomagnonic entanglements with different detunings, coupling strengths, and decay rates are thoroughly investigated. Furthermore, the optimal coherent feedback parameters and the physical mechanisms of generating and transferring entanglement are analyzed, and the entanglement enhancements by adding the feedback loop are discussed. The results show that after adding coherent feedback, optomicrowave and optomagnonic entanglements can be enhanced effectively within a wide range of parameters and the enhancement can also be well maintained. Our findings provide a theoretical basis for connecting different nodes (different physical systems) to construct hybrid quantum networks, flexibly controlling the quantum properties of magnons, and preparing macroscopic quantum states.
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