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徐明慧 刘晓敏 史佳佳 张冲 张静 杨荣国 郜江瑞



徐明慧, 刘晓敏, 史佳佳, 张冲, 张静, 杨荣国, 郜江瑞

Generation of microwave-mechanics and magnon-optics entangled states

Xu Ming-Hui, Liu Xiao-Min, Shi Jia-Jia, Zhang chong, Zhang Jing, Yang Rong-Guo, Gao Jiang-Rui
  • 量子纠缠是量子计算和量子通信网络的核心资源。本文提出了一种在腔光磁力系统中同时获得微波-声子和光-磁纠缠的理论模型。该模型基于磁振子的混合量子系统,注入由超导电光装置产生的光-微波纠缠光束作为内腔场,并且用蓝失谐微波场激发磁振子模式产生磁振子-声子纠缠。通过光力分束器及微波-磁子状态交换相互作用转移纠缠,最终可以获得微波-声子和光-磁纠缠。理论上从系统哈密顿量和量子郎之万方程出发,得到漂移矩阵A,由漂移矩阵的负本征值保证文章计算的纠缠处于稳定状态。再利用对数负性分析研究了系统中量子纠缠的特性与相关参数的依赖关系。研究表明该系统可同时获得微波-声子以及光-磁之间稳态纠缠,并且在系统中直接注入纠缠的微波与光可以显著提升纠缠对温度的鲁棒性。该研究将在量子网络和混合量子系统的量子信息处理方面奠定基础。
    Quantum entanglement is a key resource for performing quantum computing and building quantum communication networks. By injecting a microwave-optical dual-mode entanglement field into the system, as well as pumping the optical and microwave cavities, and by appropriately choosing the detuning relation between the pumping field and the modes, the paper shows that microwave-mechanics entanglement Eaband magnon-optics entanglement Ecmcan be generated simultaneously in the cavity opto-magnomechanics system, and the entanglement can be in a steady state. Specifically, the model is based on a hybrid quantum system of magnons, where a microwave-light entanglement generated by an optically pulsed superconducting electro-optical device through spontaneous parametric down-conversion process is injected as the intracavity field, and a blue-detuned microwave field is used to excite the magnon modes to produce magnon-phonon entanglement. By interacting with an optomechanical beam splitter and microwave-magnon state-swap interaction, steady microwave-mechanics entanglement Eab and magnon-optics entanglement Ecm are successfully realized. The entanglement Eaband Ecm in the system is analyzed using the logarithmic negativity. This paper mainly investigates the effect of several parameters of the system, such as environment temperature, coupling strength and dissipation rate, on the degree of entanglement. In particular, the entanglement Eab and Ecm generated in this system can exist both simultaneously and individually. Especially when gam=0, the entanglement Eab and Ecm still exist. Moreover, directly injecting entangled microwave-light into the system can significantly enhance the robustness of the entanglement against temperature, which will have broad application prospects in quantum information processing in quantum networks and hybrid quantum systems. Notably, the entanglement Eab and Ecm exist even at a temperature of 1.3K. The implications of our research has potential value for applications in the field of quantum information processing and quantum networks.
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