A novel acoustic metamaterial is proposed by making micro-perforations on both the top facesheet and the corrugate plates of sandwich plate with honeycomb-corrugation hybrid core. The hybrid-cored metamaterial is ultra-lightweight, occupies a small volume, and exhibits excellent mechanical properties and good low-frequency sound absorption property. Based on the classical Maa theory of thin plates with micro-perforations, a theoretical model of sound absorption is established for the proposed metamaterial. The method of finite elements is subsequently used to validate the model, showing that their good agreement is achieved. Physical mechanism behind the energy dissipation in each sub-structure of the metamaterial is explored. It is found that the main route of energy dissipation is via viscous effect at the micro-perforation, and thermal dissipation is negligible. The influence of key geometrical parameters, such as upper facesheet thickness, perforation diameter and corrugated plate thickness, on sound absorption is systematically investigated. The present results are helpful for designing multifunctional lightweight materials/structures for simultaneous load-bearing, energy absorption and noise control.
- metamaterial /
- honeycomb-corrugation /
- micro-perforation /
- sound absorption
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[1] Liu Z Y, Chan C T, Sheng P 2005 Phys. Rev. B 71 014103
[2] Fang N, Xi D J, Xu J Y, Ambati M, Srituravanich W, Sun C, Zhang X 2006 Nat. Mater. 5 452
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[6] Duan Y, Luo J, Wang G, Hang Z H, Hou B, Li J, Sheng P, Lai Y 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 12139
[7] Christensen J, Romero-Garcia V, Pico R, Cebrecos A, Garcia de Abajo F J, Mortensen N A, Willatzen M, Sanchez-Morcillo V J 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 4674
[8] Christensen J, Willatzen M 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 043508
[9] D'Aguanno G, Le K Q, Trimm R, Alu A, Mattiucci N, Mathias A D, Akoezbek N, Bloemer M J 2012 Sci. Rep. 2 340
[10] Fan L, Chen Z, Zhang S Y, Ding J, Li X J, Zhang H 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 151908
[11] Song K, Lee S H, Kim K, Hur S, Kim J 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 4165
[12] Li Y, Liang B, Zou X Y, Cheng J C 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 063509
[13] Mei J, Ma G C, Yang M, Yang Z Y, Wen W J, Sheng P 2012 Nat. Commun. 3 756
[14] Wang W B, Zhang Z J, Zhang Q C, Jin F, Lu T J 2016 Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 6 54
[15] Han B, Qin K, Yu B, Wang B, Zhang Q, Lu T J 2016 Mater. Des. 93 271
[16] Sakagami K, Nakamori T, Morimoto M, Yairi M 2009 Appl. Acoust. 70 703
[17] Guo W, Min H 2015 Energy Procedia 78 1617
[18] Wang C, Huang L 2011 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130 208
[19] Wang Y, Zhao H, Yang H, Zhong J, Zhao D, Lu Z, Wen J 2018 J. Appl. Phys. 123 185109
[20] Tang Y F, Li F H, Xin F X, Lu T J 2017 Mater. Des. 134 502
[21] Maa D Y 1998 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104 2861
[22] Zhou H A, Wang X M, Mei Y L 2014 Acta Mech. Sin. 30 714
[23] Ruiz H, Cobo P, Jacobsen F 2011 Appl. Acoust. 72 772
[24] Brekhovskikh L M 1980 Waves in Layered Media, 2nd Edition (New York: Academic Press) pp76-81
[25] Tang Y F, Ren S W, Meng H, Xin F X, Huang L, Chen T, Zhang C, Lu T J 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 43340
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