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Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy study of CoFeB/Ni multilayers by anomalous Hall effect

Ju Hai-Lang Wang Hong-Xin Cheng Peng Li Bao-He Chen Xiao-Bai Liu Shuai Yu Guang-Hua


Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy study of CoFeB/Ni multilayers by anomalous Hall effect

Ju Hai-Lang, Wang Hong-Xin, Cheng Peng, Li Bao-He, Chen Xiao-Bai, Liu Shuai, Yu Guang-Hua
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  • The CoFeB/Ni multilayers with Pt underlayer are prepared by magnetron sputtering technique and the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) of each of the samples is studied by anomalous Hall effect (AHE) method. The PMA of CoFeB/Ni multilayer is dependent on the thickness of Pt, Co, CoFeB and the number of CoFeB/Ni bilayers strongly. It is found that the sample structured as Pt(4)/[CoFeB(tCoFeB)/Ni(0.3)]2/Pt(1.0) has a good PMA when the CoFeB thickness is 0.4 nm for the interface anisotropy dominated in the multilayer. So the CoFeB thickness is fixed at 0.4 nm. The effect of Ni thickness on multilayer PMA is also studied. The PMA of the sample is kept relatively well and the Hall resistance (RHall) decreases as the Ni thickness increases. Meanwhile the coercivity (HC) fluctuates in a small range. When the Ni thickness is 0.3 nm, the remanence squareness of the sample is very good and the Hall effect is strongest. The influence of period number n on the sample PMA is significant for it changes the interface of the sample. When n is 3, the sample has a very good remanence squareness, for the interface effect is obvious and the magnetization reversal process is consistent. The Pt underlayer shows a great effect on the PMA performance of the sample, for it can change the (111) texture of the multilayer. The results show that when the Pt thickness is 4 nm, the remanence squareness is good and the sample has a suitable HC. So the optimum CoFeB/Ni multilayer with an excellent performance of PMA is structured as Pt(4)/[CoFeB(0.4)/Ni(0.3)]3/Pt(1.0). Its anisotropy constant Keff is 2.2106 erg/cm3 (1 erg/cm3=10-1 J/m3) which indicates that the sample has an excellent PMA and its interface anisotropy is the main reason for making the Keff have a larger value. The magnetic layer thickness of the optimum sample is 2.1 nm and the total thickness of it is less than 8 nm. The integration with device can be studied further. Furthermore, HC of the CoFeB/Ni multilayer is relatively small and can be increased by inserting the oxidation layer or other ways.
      Corresponding author: Li Bao-He,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11174020) and the Young teachers' Scientific Research Fund of Beijing Technology and Business University, China (Grant No. QNJJ2016-18).

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    Chen Y, Wang X, Li H, Xi H, Yan Y, Zhu W 2010 IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 18 1724


    Ikeda S, Miura K, Yamamoto H, Mizunuma K, Gan H D, Endo M, Kanai S, Hayakawa J, Matsukura F, Ohno H 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 721


    Sbiaa R, Meng H, Piramanayagam S N 2011 Physica Status Solidi 5 413


    Yu T, Liu Y, Zhu Z Y, Zhong H C, Zhu K G, Gou C L 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 247504 (in Chinese)[于涛, 刘毅, 朱正勇, 钟汇才, 朱开贵, 苟成玲2015 64 247504]


    Nishimura N, Hirai T, Koganei A, Ikeda T, Okano K, Sekiguchi Y, Osada Y 2002 J. Appl. Phys. 91 5246


    Yakushiyi K, Saruya T, Kubota H, Fukushima A, Na-gahama T, Yuasa S, Ando K 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 232508


    Ikeda S, Hayakawa J, Ashizawa Y, Lee Y M, Miura K, Hasegawa H, Tsunoda M, Matsukura F, Ohno H 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 082508


    Wang W G, Hageman S, Li M 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 102502


    Worledge D C, Hu G, Abraham D W, Sun J Z, Trouil-loud P L, Nowak J, Brown S, Gaidis M C, O'Sullivan EJ, Robertazzi R P 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 022501


    Wu S B, Chen S, Yang X F, Zhu T 2012 Sci. China:Phys. Mech. Astron. 42 70 (in Chinese)[吴少兵, 陈实, 杨晓非, 朱涛2012中国科学:物理学力学天文学 42 70]


    Jung J H, Lim S H, Lee S R 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 042503


    Fowley C, Decorde N, Oguz K, Rode K, Kurt H, Coey J M D 2010 IEEE Trans. Magn. 46 2116


    Liu N, Wang H, Zhu T 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 167504 (in Chinese)[刘娜, 王海, 朱涛2012 61 167504]


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  • Received Date:  06 June 2016
  • Accepted Date:  13 September 2016
  • Published Online:  05 December 2016

