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DC and AC electrical properties of ZnSe under high pressure

Wang Yue Zhang Feng-Xia Wang Chun-Jie Gao Chun-Xiao


DC and AC electrical properties of ZnSe under high pressure

Wang Yue, Zhang Feng-Xia, Wang Chun-Jie, Gao Chun-Xiao
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  • The pressure dependence of electrical properties of ZnSe was observed by means of in situ high pressure DC electrical resistivity measurement and AC impedance spectrum methods in a range of 0–35 GPa. Two structure phase transitions have been observed corresponding to the wurtzite-cinnabar-rocksalt transitions. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of ZnSe is measured under different pressures. Results show that ZnSe undergoes a semiconductor to metal transition at 12 GPa. AC data also proves the above results. The pressure dependence of grain and grain boundary resistances indicates that the cinnabar is close to an isotropic material.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11247284), and the BoHai University Doctoral Project (Grant No. bsqd201309).

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    Manuel C, Ruprecht H 1970 Phys. Rev. B 1 2605


    Bevilacqua G, Martinell L, Vogel E 2002 Phys. Rev. B 66 155338


    Sunil Kumar, Yousaf K P, Verma N K, Chakarvartia S K 2008 Chalcogenide. Lett. 5 143


    Hu C E, Sun L L, Zeng Z Y, Chen X R 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 54


    Gangadharana R, Jayalakshmia V, Kalaiselvia J, Mohanb S, Murugana R, Palanivel B 2003 J. Alloys. Compd. 359 22


    Fazzio M, Caldas J, Zunger A 1984 Phys. Rev. B 30 3430


    Karazhanov S Z, Ravindran P, Kjekshus A, Fjellv H, Svensson B G 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 155104


    Ji Z H, Zeng X H, Hu Y J, Tan M Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5104 (in Chinese) [季正华, 曾祥华, 胡永金, 谭明秋 2008 57 5104]


    Jiang Y, Yang S Y, Zhang X L, Teng F, Xu Z, Hou Y B 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3753 (in Chinese) [姜燕, 杨盛谊, 张秀龙, 滕枫, 徐征, 侯延冰 2008 57 3753]


    Smith P L, Martin J E 1965 Phys. Lett. 19 541


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    Lin C M, Chuu D S, Yang T, Chou W C, Xu J A, Huang E 1997 Phys. Rev. B 55 13641


    McMahon M I, Nelmes R J 1996 Phys. Status Solidi B 198 389


    Smelyansky V I, Tse J S 1995 Phys. Rev. B 52 4658


    Côté, M, Zakharov O, Rubio A, Cohen M L 1997 Phys. Rev. B 55 13025


    Pellicer-Porres J, Segura A, Muñoz V, Zúñiga J, Itié J P A 2002 Phys. Rev. B 65 092101


    Itkin G, Hearne G R, Sterer E, Pasternak M P 1995 Phys. Rev. B 51 3195


    Ovsyannikov S V, Shchennikov V V, Misiuk A, Komarovsky I A 2009 Phys. Status. Solidi. B 246 604


    Li M, Gao C X, Zhang D M, He C Y, Hao A M, Huang X W, Yu C L, Li Y C, Li X D, Zou G T 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett 24 54


    He C Y, Gao C X, Li M, Hao A M, Huang X W, Zhang D M, Yu C L, Wang Y 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 1070


    Li M, Gao C X, Peng G, He C Y, Hao A M, Huang X W, Zhang D M, Yu C L, Ma Y Z, Zou G T 2007 Rev. Sci. Instrum 78 075106


    Wang Y, Han Y H, Gao C X, Ma Y Z, Liu C L, Peng G, Wu B J, Liu B, Hu T J, Cui X Y, Ren W B, Li Y, Su N N, Liu H W, Zou G T 2010 Rev. Sci. Instrum 81 013904


    Smelyansky V I, Tse J S 1995 Phys. Rev. B 52 4658


    Cui S X, Hu H Q, Feng W X, Chen X S, Feng Z B 2009 J. Alloys Compd 472 294


    Ji Z H, Zeng X H, Cen J P, Tan M Q 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 1219 (in Chinese) [季正华, 曾祥华, 岑洁萍, 谭明秋 2010 59 1219]


    Zhou W F 1985 Electrochemistry measuremem (Shanghai:Shanghai cience and Technical Press) p160 in Chinese [周伟舫 1985 电化学测量方法 (上海: 上海科学技术出版社)第160页]


    Tuller H L 2000 Solid State Ionics 131 143


    Durandurdu M 2009 J. Phys.: Condens. Matte 21 125403


    Ves S, Strossner K, Christensen N E, Kim C K, Cardona M 1985 Solid State Commun 56 479


    Fleig J 2002 Solid State Ionics 150 181

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  • Received Date:  09 December 2013
  • Accepted Date:  24 June 2014
  • Published Online:  05 November 2014

