The Raman spectra of the SiC layers in TRISO particles of fuel elements of HTGRs are studied. Through the analysis of the Raman shifts, the FWHM and intensities, the crystal phases, the residual stress and densities of SiC layers and corresponding spectroscopic features are clarified. The study of the 2D correlation spectrum of first order Raman scattering of SiC layer shows that the LO mode is much more sensitive than the TO mode to the change of density of SiC layer. All these conclusions are significant for synthesising TRISO particles and fuel elements of HTGRs and estimating their qualities.
- HTGR /
- TRISO particle /
- SiC /
- Raman spectrum
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[1] Zhang Z, Yu S 2002 Nucl.Eng. Des. 218 249
[2] Ball S J, Morris R N 2008 ORNL/NRC/LTR-07
[3] IAEA-TECDOC-978 1997 International Atomic Energy Agency
[4] Wu Z X, Zhang Z Y 2004 Advanced Nuclear Power System and High-temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (First Edition) (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) (in Chinese) [吴宗鑫, 张作义 2004 先进核能系统和高温气冷堆 (第1版) (北京: 清华大学出版社)]
[5] Kissane M P 2009 Nucl.Eng. Des. 239 3076
[6] Fang C, Wu G Z 2009 Acta. Phys. Sin. 58 2345 (in Chinese) [房超, 吴国祯 2009 58 2345]
[7] Fang C, Sun L F 2011 Chin.Phys. B 20 043301
[8] Liu M, Liu B, Shao Y L, Fang C 2011 At.Energ.Sci. Technol, accepted (in Chinese) [刘马林, 刘兵, 邵友林, 房超 2011 原子能科学技术, 已接受]
[9] Feng Z C 2004 SiC Power Materials: Devices and Applications (Berlin: Springer)
[10] Rohmfeld S, Hundhansen M, Ley L 1998 Phys. Rev. B 58 9858
[11] Nakashima S, Harima H 1997 Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 162 5
[12] Lysenko V, Barbier D, Champagnon B 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 2366
[13] Hélary D, Bourrat X, Dugne O, Maveyraud G, Pérez M 2004 Proceedings of 2nd International Topical Meeting on HTR Technology
[14] Windl W, Karch K, Pavone P 1994 Phys. Rev. B 49 8764
[15] Yan Y, Huang F M, Zhang S L, Zhu B F, Shang E Y, Fan S S 2011 Chinese Journal of Semiconductors 22 726 (in Chinese) [阎研, 黄福敏, 张树霖, 朱邦芬, 尚尔轶, 范守善 2001 半导体学报 22 726]
[16] Noda I, Dowrey A E, Marcott C 1988 Appl. Spectrosc. 42 203
[17] Noda I 1989 J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 111 8116
[18] Noda I 1990 Appl. Spectrosc. 44 550
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