The physical properties of three different kinds of water under the action of an electromagnetic field and stirring are studied. The result shows that the surface tension coefficient, the viscosity and the density of water significantly change with magnetic induction intensity and magnetization time. This experimental law has also been reported in many other papers, but has not yet been explained. In the present paper, according to the molecular structure of water and characteristics of hydrogen bond, we further study the mechanism of magnetized water with the theories of thermology, electromagnetism and structural chemistry, and also investigate more extreme phenomena about surface tension coefficient, viscosity and density of magnetized water. It is found that the breaking of a large number of hydrogen bonds is due to the fact ther electrons states are affected by magnetic field or perturbation, and thus the interaction between electrons is influenced when the water solution is magnetized in a field of 200 mT above. As the formation conditions of hydrogen bond are easily satisfied, the breaking and the forming of the hydrogen bond of the liquid water coexiste at a certain temperature, and their occurence probabilities are alternated in magnitude in the magnetization process, resulting in more extreme phenomena. The change extent of physical quantity with random fluctuation depends on the strong or weak extent of the breaking and the forming of hydrogen bond.
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[1] Cho Y I, Lee S H 2005 Int. Commun. Heat. Mass. 32 1
[2] Shimokawa S, Yokono T, Mizuno T, Tamura H, Erata T, Araiso T 2004 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 545
[3] Pang X F, Deng B 2008 Sci. China. Ser. G Phys. Mech. Astron. 38 1205(in Chinese)[庞晓峰、邓 波 2008中国科学G辑物理学 力学 天文学 38 1205]
[4] Chen J Z, Zhou Y L, Guo Q L, Huai S F, Wei Y H 2008 Spectroscop. Spectr. Anal. 28 1923(in Chinese) [陈金忠、周永利、郭庆林、怀素芳、魏艳红 2008 光谱学与光谱分析 28 1923]
[5] Zhu Y B, Yan L S, Cao Z X, Wen L F, Chen Z Z 1999 J. Hunan Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.) 26 21(in Chinese)[朱元保、颜流水、曹祉祥、文陵飞、陈宗璋 1999 湖南大学学报 (自然科学版) 26 21]
[6] Kochmarsky V 1996 Magn. Electric. Separ. 77 77
[7] Duncan A B F, Pople J A 1953 Trans. Faraday. Soc. 49 217
[8] Zhou G D, Duan L Y 2002 Structural Chemistry (Beijing: Beijing University Press) p223(in Chinese)[周公度、段连运 2002 结构化学基础(北京:北京大学出版社)第223页]
[9] Atkins P W 1978 Physical Chemistry (Oxford University press) p773
[10] Busch K W, Busch M A, Darling R E, Maffard S, Kubala S W 1997 Ichen. E 75 105
[11] Grigorieva O V, Kovalchuk N M, Grigoriev D O 2004 Colloid. Surf. A 250 141
[12] Shevkunov S V, Vegiri A 2002 J. Mol. Struct. Theochem. 593 19
[13] Pan Y F, Liang J S, Ou X Q, Meng J P, Liang G C, Ming X 2006 J. Chin. Ceram. Soc. 34 580(in Chinese)[潘艳芬、梁金生、欧秀芹、孟军平、梁广川、明 星 2006 硅酸盐学报 34 580]
[14] Zhao K H, Chen X M 2006 Project Physics Electromagnetism of New Concept (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p256(in Chinese)[赵凯华、陈熙谋 2006 新概念物理教程电磁学(北京:高等教育出版社)第256页]
[15] Klassen V I, Mao J F, Liu M Q, Wang H Y 1982 Translated by Magnetized Water (Beijing: China Metrology Publishing House) p12(in Chinese)[克拉辛著毛钜凡、刘曼琼、王 恒译 1982磁化水(in Chinese)(北京:中国计量出版社)第12页]
[16] Wang X L, Xu G Y 1992 Physics 21 113(in Chinese)[王信良、徐国勇 1992物理 21 113]
[17] Liu F L, Jiang F L 1997 J. Sichuan Normal Univ. ( Nat. Sci. Ed. ) 20 127(in Chinese)[刘芳玲、蒋佩琳1997 四川师范大学学报(自然科学版) 20 127]
[18] Zhang J, Liu B 2002 J. Qingdao Univ. 15 46(in Chinese)[张 军、刘 冰2002青岛大学学报 15 46]
[19] Yang M, Liu W, Xu G L 2007 Chem. Industr. Times 21 14(in Chinese)[杨 明、刘 伟、徐革联 2007化工时刊 21 14]
[20] Zhao Z B 2008 J. Liaoning Technical Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.) 27 192(in Chinese)[赵振保 2008 辽宁工程技术大学学报 (自然科学版) 27 192]
[21] Qin Y H 2004 Thermology (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p284(in Chinese)[秦允豪 2004热学(北京:高等教育出版社) 第284页]
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