Aiming at 1μm high resolution in imaging an inertial confinement fusion (ICF) target, a method is developed for analyzing the direct imaging by a Fresnel zone plate (FZP), and numerical calculations are carried out to study the FZP imaging characteristics in thekeV X-ray range. For the Ti K α line (photon energy 4.51keV, wavelength 0.275nm), the FZP parameters are suggested, for which the technical requirement of fabricating the outmost zone is relatively low. The influence of the target size on the imaging is studied for the first time. It is shown that the FZP has a large effective field of view and the image quality can be guaranteed even for a target of several millimeters. The influence of the spectral bandwidth of a polychromatic incident light on the imaging is also studied. Monochromatic imaging can be obtained due to the achromatic property of the FZP. However, if the bandwidth is larger than a certain limit, the image contrast will be degraded. These results indicate the feasibility of applying an FZP in high-resolution X-ray imaging of an ICF ignition target and put forward the requirements as well.
- X-ray imaging /
- inertial confinement fusion /
- Fresnel zone plate
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[1] Lindl J D, Amendt P, Berger R L, Glendinning S G, Glenzer S H, Haan S W, Kauffman R L, Landen O L, Sute L J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 339
[2] Xiang Z L, Yu C X 1982 High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (vol.2) (Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Press) pp206—207 (in Chinese) [项志遴、 俞昌旋 1982 高温等离子体诊断技术(下册) (上海:上海科学技术出版社) 第206—207页]
[3] Marshall F J, Bennett G R 1999 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70 617
[4] Aglitskiy Y, Lehecka T, Obenschein S, Bodner S, Pawley C, Gerber K, Sethian J, Brown C M, Seely J, Feldman U, Holland G 1998 Appl. Opt. 37 5253
[5] Koch J A, Aglitskiy Y, Brown C, Cowan T, Freeman R, Hatchett S, Holland G, Key M, MacKinnon A, Seely J, Snavely R, Stephens R 2003 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 2130
[6] Chao W, Harteneck B D, Liddle J A, Anderson E H, Attwood D T 2005 Nature 435 1210
[7] Tian Y C, Li W, Chen J, Liu L, Liu G, Tkachuk A, Tian J, Xiong Y, Gelb J, Hsu G, Yun W 2008 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 103708
[8] Azechi H, Tamari Y, Shiraga H 2003 Institute of Laser Engineering Annual Reports (Osaka: Osaka University) p100
[9] Dong J J, Cao L F, Chen M, Xie C Q, Du H B 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3044 (in Chinese) [董建军、 曹磊峰、 陈 铭、 谢常青、 杜华冰 2008 57 3044]
[10] Stigliani D J, Mittra R, Semonin R G 1967 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 57 610
[11] Kirz J 1974 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 64 301
[12] DaSilva L B, Trebes J E, Mrowka S, Barbee T W, Brase J, Koch J A, London R A, MacGowan B J, Matthews D L, Minyard D, Stone G, Yorkey T, Anderson E, Attwood D T, Kern D 1992 Opt. Lett. 17 754
[13] Born M, Wolf E 2001 Principles of Optics (7th edition) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp421—491
[14] Henke B L, Gullikson E M, Davis J C 1993 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 54 181
[15] Chen J, Liu L H, Liu G, Tian Y C 2007 Opt. Prec. Engin. 15 1894 (in Chinese) [陈 洁、 柳龙华、 刘 刚、 田扬超 2007 光学精密工程 15 1894]
[16] Attwood D (Translated by Zhang J) 2003 Soft X-Rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation: Principles and Applications (Beijing: Science Press) p352 (in Chinese) [阿特伍德D. 著 张 杰译 2003软X射线与极紫外辐射的原理和应用 (北京:科学出版社)第352页]
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