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Theoretical calculation study on enhancing the sensitivity and optical properties of graphene adsorption of nitrogen dioxide via doping

Zhu Hong-Qiang Luo Lei Wu Ze-Bang Yin Kai-Hui Yue Yuan-Xia Yang Ying Feng Qing Jia Wei-Yao


Theoretical calculation study on enhancing the sensitivity and optical properties of graphene adsorption of nitrogen dioxide via doping

Zhu Hong-Qiang, Luo Lei, Wu Ze-Bang, Yin Kai-Hui, Yue Yuan-Xia, Yang Ying, Feng Qing, Jia Wei-Yao
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20240992
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In order to study the adsorption of NO2 on pristine graphene and doped graphene (N-doped, Zn-doped, and N-Zn co-doped), we simulate the adsorption process by applying the first-principles plane-wave ultrasoft pseudopotentials of the density-functional theory in this work. The adsorption energy, Mulliken distribution, differential charge density, density of states, and optical properties of NO2 molecules adsorbed on the graphene surface are calculated. The results show that the doped graphene surface exhibits higher sensitivity to the adsorption of NO2 compared with the pristine graphene surface, and the order of adsorption energy is as follows: N-Zn co-doped surface > Zn-doped surface > N-doped surface > pristine surface. Pristine graphene surface and N-doped graphene surface have weak interactions with and physical adsorption of NO2. Zn-doped graphene surfac and N-Zn co-doped graphene surface form chemical bonds with NO2 and are chemisorbed. In the visible range, among the three doping modes, the N-Zn co-doped surface is the most effective for improving the optical properties of graphene, with the peak absorption and reflection coefficients improved by about 1.12 and 3.42 times, respectively, compared with pristine graphene. The N-Zn co-doped graphene not only enhances the interaction between the surface and NO2, but also improves the optical properties of the material, which provides theoretical support and experimental guidance for NO2 gas detection and sensing based on graphene substrate.
      Corresponding author: Zhu Hong-Qiang, ; Jia Wei-Yao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing, China (Grant Nos. CSTB2023SCQ-MSX0207, CSTB2023SCQ-MSX0425), the Science and Technology Research Program of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, China (Grant Nos. KJQN202200569, KJQN202200507, KJQN202300513, KJZD-K202300516), the Higher Education Teaching Reform Research Project of Chongqing, China (Grant No. 223145), and the “Curriculum Ideological and Political” Demonstration Project of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, China (Grant No. YKCSZ23102).

    Cooper M J, Martin R V, Hammer M S, Levelt P F, Veefkind P, Lamsal L N, Krotkov N A, Brook J R, McLinden C A 2022 Nature 601 380Google Scholar


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    Gao Z Y, Li L L, Huang H Y, Xu S P, Yan G, Zhao M L, Ding Z 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 527 146939Google Scholar


    Geng X, Li S W, Mawella-Vithanage L, Ma T, Kilani M, Wang B W, Ma L, Hewa-Rahinduwage C C, Shafikova A, Nikolla E, Mao G Z, Brock S L, Zhang L, Luo L 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 4895Google Scholar


    熊枫, 彭志敏, 丁艳军, 杜艳君 2022 71 203302Google Scholar

    Xiong F, Peng Z M, Ding Y J, Du Y J 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 203302Google Scholar


    Zhao S K, Shen Y B, Zhou P F, Zhong X X, Han C, Zhao Q, Wei D Z 2019 Sens. Actuat. B-Chem. 282 917Google Scholar


    Choi M S, Kim M Y, Mirzaei A, Kim S I, Baek S H, Chun D W, Jin C H, Lee K H 2021 Appl. Surf. Sci. 568 150910Google Scholar


    Brophy R E, Junker B, Fakhri E A, Arnason H Ö, Svavarsson H G, Weimar U, Bârsan N, Manolescu A 2024 Sens. Actuat. B-Chem. 410 135648Google Scholar


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    Yu W, Sisi L, Haiyan Y, Luo J 2020 Rsc Adv. 10 15328Google Scholar


    Dong Q C, Xiao M, Chu Z Y, Li G C, Zhang Y 2021 Sensors 21 3386Google Scholar


    Gui Y G, Peng X, Liu K Ding Z Y 2020 Physicas E 119 113959Google Scholar


    Zhu P C, Tang F, Wang S F, Cao W, Wang Q 2022 Mater. Today Commun. 33 104280Google Scholar


    Li Q F, Chen W L, Liu W H, Sun M L, Xu M H, Peng H L, Wu H Y, Song S X, Li T H, Tang X H 2022 Appl. Surf. Sci. 586 152689Google Scholar


    Hong H S, Ha N H, Thinh, D D, Nam N H, Huong N T, Hue N T, Hoang T V 2021 Nano Energy 87 106165Google Scholar


    Zhang T, Sun H, Wang F D, Zhang W D, Tang S W, Ma J M, Gong H W, Zhang J P 2017 Appl. Surf. Sci. 425 340Google Scholar


    Choudhuri I, Patra N, Mahata A, Ahuja R, Pathak B 2015 J. Phys. Chem. C 119 24827Google Scholar


    Shukri M S M, Saimin M N S, Yaakob M K, Yahya M Z A, Taib M F M 2019 Appl. Surf. Sci. 494 817Google Scholar


    Shamim S U D, Roy D, Alam S, Piya A A, Rahman M S, Hossain M K, Ahmed F 2022 Appl. Surf. Sci. 596 153603Google Scholar


    Zhang X X, Yu L, Gui Y G, Hu W H 2016 Appl. Surf. Sci. 367 259Google Scholar


    Jia X, An L 2019 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 33 1950044Google Scholar


    Segall M D, Lindan P J D, Probert M J, Pickard C J, Hasnip P J, Clark S J, Payne M C 2002 J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 14 2717Google Scholar


    Yang Z H, Wang Z Y, Su X P 2012 J. Cent. South Univ. 19 1796Google Scholar


    Basiuk V A, Henao-Holguin L V 2014 J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 11 1609Google Scholar


    朱洪强, 冯庆 2014 63 133101Google Scholar

    Zhu H Q, Feng Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 133101Google Scholar


    Gao X, Zhou Q, Wang J X, Xu L N, Zeng W 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 517 146180Google Scholar


    Zheng T, Traian D, Thomas F 2021 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23 19627Google Scholar


    Ping L K, Mohamed M A, Mondal A K, Taib M F M, Samat M H, Berhanuddin D D, Menon P S, Bahru R 2021 Micromachines 12 348Google Scholar

  • 图 1  石墨烯表面吸附NO2分子结构的俯视图和侧视图 (a) 未掺杂石墨烯; (b) N掺杂石墨烯; (c) Zn掺杂石墨烯; (d) N-Zn双掺杂石墨烯

    Figure 1.  Structure of NO2 adsorbed on graphene surface: (a) Pristine graphene; (b) N-doped graphene; (c) Zn-doped graphene; (d) N-Zn co-doped graphene.

    图 2  优化后石墨烯表面吸附NO2分子结构的俯视图和侧视图 (a) 未掺杂石墨烯; (b) N掺杂石墨烯; (c) Zn掺杂石墨烯; (d) N-Zn双掺杂石墨烯

    Figure 2.  Top and side views of the molecular structure of NO2 adsorbed on the optimized graphene surface: (a) Pristine graphene; (b) N-doped graphene; (c) Zn-doped graphene; (d) N-Zn co-doped graphene.

    图 3  石墨烯表面吸附NO2分子 (a) 总电子密度等面图(TCD)、(b) 电荷密度差图(CDD)和(c)电子密度差图(ECD). TCD图等面设为0.02 e3; CDD图等面设为0.01 e3, 蓝色代表电子积累, 黄色代表电子耗尽; ECD图红色代表电荷聚集, 蓝色代表电荷耗尽

    Figure 3.  (a) Charge density difference (CDD), (b) total charge density (TCD), and (c) electron density difference (EDD) plots of NO2 molecules adsorbed on different graphene surfaces. The isosurfaces of TCD plots are set to 0.02 e3; the isosurfaces of CDD plots are set to 0.01 e3, blue represents electron accumulation and yellow represents electron depletion; in EDD plots, red represents charge accumulation and blue represents charge depletion.

    图 4  石墨烯表面吸附NO2分子的分态密度 (a) 未掺杂石墨烯; (b) N掺杂石墨烯; (c) Zn掺杂石墨烯; (d) N-Zn双掺杂石墨烯

    Figure 4.  Fractional density of adsorbed NO2 molecules on graphene surfaces: (a) Pristine graphene; (b) N-doped graphene; (c) Zn-doped graphene; (d) N-Zn co-doped graphene.

    图 5  石墨烯的介电函数虚部

    Figure 5.  The imaginary parts of the dielectric function of graphene.

    图 6  石墨烯的(a)吸收谱和(b)反射谱

    Figure 6.  (a) Absorption spectrum and (b) reflection spectrum of graphene.

    表 1  石墨烯表面吸附NO2的距离和吸附能

    Table 1.  The distance and adsorption energy of NO2 adsorption on graphene surface.

    模型 初始距离/Å 优化后距离/Å 吸附能/eV
    未掺杂石墨烯 3.00 2.96 –0.22
    N掺杂 3.00 2.73 –0.69
    Zn掺杂 3.00 1.94 –4.80
    N-Zn双掺杂 3.00 1.93 –4.97
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    表 2  NO2分子的Mulliken的电荷分布

    Table 2.  Mulliken charge distribution of NO2.

    模型 种类 s电子 p电子 总电子 电荷/e 分子带电荷/e 布居数 键长/Å
    NO2 N 1.39 3.18 4.57 0.44 0 0.68 1.23
    O 1.85 4.36 6.22 –0.22
    O 1.85 4.36 6.22 –0.22
    未掺杂石墨烯 N 1.46 3.21 4.67 0.33 –0.25 0.63 1.24
    O 1.86 4.44 6.29 –0.29
    O 1.86 4.44 6.29 –0.29
    N掺杂 N 1.51 3.23 4.74 0.26 –0.48 0.60 1.25
    O 1.86 4.53 6.39 –0.38
    O 1.86 4.51 6.36 –0.36
    Zn掺杂 N 1.48 3.40 4.88 0.12 –0.59 0.67 1.26
    O 1.86 4.50 6.36 –0.36
    O 1.86 4.49 6.35 –0.35
    N 1.49 3.40 4.88 0.11 –0.60 0.67 1.27
    O 1.86 4.51 6.37 –0.37
    O 1.86 4.48 6.34 –0.34
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    Cooper M J, Martin R V, Hammer M S, Levelt P F, Veefkind P, Lamsal L N, Krotkov N A, Brook J R, McLinden C A 2022 Nature 601 380Google Scholar


    Gholami F, Tomas M, Gholami Z, Vakili M 2020 Sci. Total. Environ. 714 136712Google Scholar


    Wang S, Liu J, Yi H, Tang X L, Yu Q J, Zhao S Z, Gao F Y, Zhou Y S, Zhong T T, Wang Y X 2022 Chemosphere 291 132917Google Scholar


    Lim H, Kwon H, Kang H, Jang J E, Kwon H J 2023 Nat. Commun. 14 3114Google Scholar


    Gao Z Y, Li L L, Huang H Y, Xu S P, Yan G, Zhao M L, Ding Z 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 527 146939Google Scholar


    Geng X, Li S W, Mawella-Vithanage L, Ma T, Kilani M, Wang B W, Ma L, Hewa-Rahinduwage C C, Shafikova A, Nikolla E, Mao G Z, Brock S L, Zhang L, Luo L 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 4895Google Scholar


    熊枫, 彭志敏, 丁艳军, 杜艳君 2022 71 203302Google Scholar

    Xiong F, Peng Z M, Ding Y J, Du Y J 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 203302Google Scholar


    Zhao S K, Shen Y B, Zhou P F, Zhong X X, Han C, Zhao Q, Wei D Z 2019 Sens. Actuat. B-Chem. 282 917Google Scholar


    Choi M S, Kim M Y, Mirzaei A, Kim S I, Baek S H, Chun D W, Jin C H, Lee K H 2021 Appl. Surf. Sci. 568 150910Google Scholar


    Brophy R E, Junker B, Fakhri E A, Arnason H Ö, Svavarsson H G, Weimar U, Bârsan N, Manolescu A 2024 Sens. Actuat. B-Chem. 410 135648Google Scholar


    Rani S, Kumar M, Garg P, Rani S, Kumar M, Garg P, Parmar R, Kumar A, Singh Y, Baloria V, Deshpande U, Singh V N 2022 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14 15381Google Scholar


    Yu W, Sisi L, Haiyan Y, Luo J 2020 Rsc Adv. 10 15328Google Scholar


    Dong Q C, Xiao M, Chu Z Y, Li G C, Zhang Y 2021 Sensors 21 3386Google Scholar


    Gui Y G, Peng X, Liu K Ding Z Y 2020 Physicas E 119 113959Google Scholar


    Zhu P C, Tang F, Wang S F, Cao W, Wang Q 2022 Mater. Today Commun. 33 104280Google Scholar


    Li Q F, Chen W L, Liu W H, Sun M L, Xu M H, Peng H L, Wu H Y, Song S X, Li T H, Tang X H 2022 Appl. Surf. Sci. 586 152689Google Scholar


    Hong H S, Ha N H, Thinh, D D, Nam N H, Huong N T, Hue N T, Hoang T V 2021 Nano Energy 87 106165Google Scholar


    Zhang T, Sun H, Wang F D, Zhang W D, Tang S W, Ma J M, Gong H W, Zhang J P 2017 Appl. Surf. Sci. 425 340Google Scholar


    Choudhuri I, Patra N, Mahata A, Ahuja R, Pathak B 2015 J. Phys. Chem. C 119 24827Google Scholar


    Shukri M S M, Saimin M N S, Yaakob M K, Yahya M Z A, Taib M F M 2019 Appl. Surf. Sci. 494 817Google Scholar


    Shamim S U D, Roy D, Alam S, Piya A A, Rahman M S, Hossain M K, Ahmed F 2022 Appl. Surf. Sci. 596 153603Google Scholar


    Zhang X X, Yu L, Gui Y G, Hu W H 2016 Appl. Surf. Sci. 367 259Google Scholar


    Jia X, An L 2019 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 33 1950044Google Scholar


    Segall M D, Lindan P J D, Probert M J, Pickard C J, Hasnip P J, Clark S J, Payne M C 2002 J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 14 2717Google Scholar


    Yang Z H, Wang Z Y, Su X P 2012 J. Cent. South Univ. 19 1796Google Scholar


    Basiuk V A, Henao-Holguin L V 2014 J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 11 1609Google Scholar


    朱洪强, 冯庆 2014 63 133101Google Scholar

    Zhu H Q, Feng Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 133101Google Scholar


    Gao X, Zhou Q, Wang J X, Xu L N, Zeng W 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 517 146180Google Scholar


    Zheng T, Traian D, Thomas F 2021 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23 19627Google Scholar


    Ping L K, Mohamed M A, Mondal A K, Taib M F M, Samat M H, Berhanuddin D D, Menon P S, Bahru R 2021 Micromachines 12 348Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  16 July 2024
  • Accepted Date:  06 September 2024
  • Available Online:  18 September 2024
  • Published Online:  20 October 2024

